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1 86
M o u n t P lea sa n t â con.
L eg g Miss
8 Neale Alfred J. baker
Freem an G eorge Thom as
Baptist Mission Hall
Owen Mrs
14 Sm ith Mrs. P. general dir
Priest John
16 Sweetzer Mrs
Kelly Christopher
18 E m m ett John
Griffin Frank, decorator
20 Sm ith Henry Bichard
Barlow T hom as
22 Sm ith W illiam
Jam es
26 N orris Abraham
R obert, greengrocer
30 Freem an James
Hobbs James
32 Stone W illiam
Spencer Alfred
34 Read W illiam
Cook Jam es
... here is W hiteâs co u rt ...
Freem an Geo. Thos. sen
36 W hite M rs. Jane, beer ret
Slark Henry
40 Brewer James T hom as
Garlick David
42 Prior Mrs
Bishop Thom as
44 Cheer Joseph
T arr Jack, boot m aker
46 King Harold
Johnson John,beer retailer
50 Diegan Mrs. laundry
& grocr
52 Cowdery Frederick Arthur
here is H ighgrove ter ...
54 T u tt Benjam in
Broughton John, sbopkpr
56 Clark Moses
L am bden Frank
58 Stevenson Henry
Sprules David
60 Butcher Mrs
K in g G eorge Thom as
62 Coleman W illiam
W hite Frederick
64 C ooper F rederick
Downham W alter James
6 6 .Cook John
63 L ear Misses
70 King George
G R O V E , from 29 Mount
72 T yler W illiam
74 Prior W illiam
1 Cook W illiam
76 W hite Charles
3 Gilkerson W illiam
78 Jones H enry, boot m aker
5 L ang A rthur
80 L aw rence G eorge
7 Adam s Charles J
9 G riffin H arry
East side.
; 11 Payne A lfred
1 Finch M rs. greengrocer
13 M iller John
3 Griffin Cornelius
15 Seearce Mrs
3 M itchell George
17 Chandler R ichard
7 W hitehouse W illiam
19 Boshier H enry
9 M ulford Charles
21 L ipscom be W illiam
11 M arshall W illiam
13 Clark H enry
M O U N T S T R E E T , from
15 Barnes W illiam
Southam pton street.
17 H ine W illiam Henry
19 Hedges Edwin
N orth side.
21 Slight A rth ur James
2 Christ C hurch Parish Hall
here is footw ay to Ken
4 M ortim er W illiam
drick rd ...............
6 Statham Sam uel W illiam
23 H onor Mrs
8 Durrant W illiam
25 S im m onds Albert
10 A lderm an A lbert
27 Sweetzer Mrs
12 J oyce Mrs
29 Harrison Mrs
14 Pettitt Mrs
31 Turner Charles
16 Barry F rederick
33 Sm ith Mrs. M. grocer
18 Haynes W alter
33 Newson W alter
22 W arw ick Edward
.here is M ount Pleasant g ro . 24 R obbin s Sam uel
35 Sm ith Mrs. A . II. baker
26 Curtis Joseph
37 K n igh t A rth ur Thom as
here is Alpha s t
39 Stanton James
28 L ud low T hom as Alfred
41 B urkett Mr*
30 Povey Jam es
32 Price John
34 Manley Mrs. R uth
36 S m ew ing W alter
44 Stevens Mrs
46 K night Frederick
43 M oore Charles
50 & 52 Patey Job, beer retlr
54 Phipps Joseph, shopkeeper
56 Taylor Alfred
58 H art Joseph
60 Clark Mrs
62 N orth H arry
64 Richardson Aaron
66 G od frey A rchibald
68 G od frey Mrs
70 C ow dery Austin
72 W ickens W illiam George
74 Cam pbell T hom as John F
76 Baker Joseph
78 C ox G eorge
80 Clift W illiam George
82 M ay A lbert, shopkeeper
84 G ardiner John
86 Powell T hom as Charles
88 Stacey G eorge
90 Bailey M rs
92 H arrington Mrs
94 Allen James
96 M ontague John Pearson
58 Lowis Mrs
100 Leach John
102 Berks E dw in
104 H olland T hom as Charles
106 Maslen John
108 K idby Henry
South side.
1 Sim pson John W illiam
3 Benger T hom as Henry
5 H opkins H enry
7 Benham Charles
9 M urrell R ichard Hy. John
11 L eg g Jam es, shopkeeper
13 Pocock David
15 L ew ington John, sen
19 Cripps Thom as
21 Beakspear Charles
23 Sam pson Philip Charles
25 Patrick Silvanus G eorge
27 B rim ley Albert
29 W est James
33 Jones Mrs. L
35 Clarke John
37 Povey E dw in
39 Belcher W illiam
41 Foster Jam es
43 Ilb u ry F rederick
45 Banger A lfred Thom as
47 R obey Alfred G eorge
49 W heeler Edwin
51 Robey William Arthur