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V I L L A G E S P I K E C T O R V ~ l S ) l I.
O sborn B rew er, O rchard house.
Palm er E ric, Shinfield grange
P ettie M iss, Lane End villas
Ports m outh M iss, W a rb rook , Sp en Â
cer's wood
Portsm outh M iss C. M erton villa,
S p en cerâs w ood
Price W a lter, Lyndhurst. grange
P rior Geo. H igh field ,S p en cerâ s wd
P rior D a vid, H ope view , S p encer's
w ood
P y k e G eorge F ran cis, Elm side,
H yd e end
Rap Jam es W . E lm hurst, T h ree
M ile h ill, Spencer's w ood
R ice Rev. H erbert L lew ely n M .A .
(vicar), V icarage
R ick ard s Charles, T he F irs, S pen Â
cerâ s w ood
R ogers E llis. T id ew ell,S p en cer's wd
Salm on H enry W illia m , H ill B row ,
Spencerâ s w ood
Salmon M rs. East R o p , Spencer's
w ood
Simmnnds C h as.F rancis,T h e Crofts
Sm ith -B atten W illia m , Oak lodge,
Spencer's w ood
S p y cr Samuel T h om a s, Lyndhurst
Spyer John Jason, T he Oaks
Stokes W ilfre d V ic t o r , O akside
Sturgeis E rnest, H arrogate
Thorn H erb ert H y. Cutbush lane
T op p G eorge A . F aw ley
T orâ s fid . W illia m , H illside, T h ree
M ile Hill, S p en cerâs w ood
W elch Ged. E d w d . Shinfield villa
W h ite Mrs.-; T h e N e st, S p encerâ s
w ood ,
Wilkin's M rs. Sussex lod g e
W o o d fo rd e M iss, O akbank, S p en Â
ce râs w ood
A ld rid g e Charles, bu ilder, M ountfield, S p encerâ s w ood
A ld rid g e
E dw a rd ,
forem an
U n iversity C ollege farm , W e s tÂ
b rook , Cutbush lane
A lln a tt P . H. bu ilder, F ox gla d e
A tia w e ll W illia m T . builder,parish
clerk & sexton ,
P ost
..â School green
B acon H erb ert, grocer, Sch ool grn
Beckenham A lb e rt,m a rk e t gardener,
H yd e end
B eesley K ezia (M rs.), grocer, SpenÂ
cerâ s w ood
s n rN F IK T D .
Brow n Frank H en ry, cou n ty ion
stable, O atlands road
Cherrill Thom as R o b e rt, farm er,
W ild ers G rove farm , Spencer's
w ood
Churchill W illiam Lew is, boot ma.
School green
O olebrook & Co. farm er: , < rockers
Coston F rederick A i m. gard ener Li
U n iversity C ollege farm , Clem s
fo rd , Cutbush lane
Curtis R o b e rt, builder. R id gm on t,
Cutbush lane
D ay Jas. beer ret. S p encerâs w ood
D earlove E. & Son s, florists &
landscape gardeners, Sp encer's
W ood nurseries, S p encerâ s wood
D ouble C h as.fa rrier,S p en cerâ s wood
Erablen W illia m , insurance a g en t,
S p encerâ s w ood
F ish er J oh n , grocer & beer r e Â
tailer, S ch ool green
F ord M . (M rs.), d ra p e r,S ch ool grn
G oddard H en ry, assistant overseer
.A clerk to th e P a rish Council,
T he W ood land s
G rantham & L u tm an, grocers
G reen w ood
W illia m ,
M a gp ie
P a rrot P .H
G rover F redk . R o b e r t, d ecora tor,
H illside, T h ree M ile h ill, S pen Â
cerâ s w ood
G rover W illia m ,ca rp en ter & wheelÂ
w righ t, Spencerâ s wood
H itch in g s Frank, beer retailer,
Sch ool green
H obbs H y .butcher, S p en cerâs wood
H ussey Joseph , Six B ells P .H
Idenden V in cen t M ortim er, carpenÂ
ter & jo in e r, School green
Jew ell B.
& Co.
M .In st,
M .E ., M .S .E . engineers, S p en Â
cerâ s w ood
John son R ich a rd , farm bailiff to
A lexa n d er B ly th C ob h a m esq.
C hurch farm
Keene 0 . R ufus, farm er, W y v e rn e
Laver A lb ert, dairy, S ch ool green
L ew en ton
H a rry ,
h air dresser,
W e s tv ie w , S p en cerâ s w ood
L ew ton W illia m George, a rch itect,
T rem a yn e
Liddiard. & Evans, m a rk et garÂ
deners, Church lane
Lucas Bernard, fa rrier, Cutbush la