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B e d f o r d r o a d â c o n t in u e d .
36 Clem ents Thom as
38 Quarterm aine Thom as
40 Clements W illiam
here is Charles st .......
42 Poole Thom as, grocer
44 Reed Sidney
46 Seward W illiam John
48 Earles W illiam Henry
50 Hawkins Mrs
52 Earles James
54 Patience John Alfred
56 Bilson Alfred John
58 Lindsay Torn
60 Turner Alfred Bertram
62 G oddard James, butcher
here is W illiam st .......
B righ t E. & Son, grocers
Colem an Mrs
Sm ith W illiam
G rover W illiam
Bed well Mrs
W est side.
Phippen George F .R .H .S .
florist & nurserym an
here is Battle st............
Jones A rth ur Frederick,
stone mason
33 Jackson H arry, tailor
3 5 Holton Mrs
37 F ry Fred Arnold
39 Kingshott Daniel
41 Englelield H enry
43 Cook Mrs
4 5 Noakes Henry
.idgw ay Mrs
4 ) Heed Mrs. Louisa
51 E ldridge W illiam H enry T
53 H oney Frederick
55 B right W illiam John
57 W eeks Thom as
59 H u m by Jam es Bates
61 B un dy Charles
63 Sullivan Mrs
65 Richards Fredk. shopkpr
here is Stanley st .......
Drew R ichard, builder
M anton G eorge R
Cook Mrs
Cook Miss, nurse
Stanborough W m . Tooley
Bailey Charles
Dunn H enry John, grngro
G odfree C harles, greengro
Lester Edward
M oore Ernest
Betteridge M rs.L u cy, beer
B E E C H A M R O A D , from 134 Jackson A rth ur Frank
615 O xford road to W aver- 136 Page James
ley road.
138 Hall Ernest Edwin
140 Johnson W illiam Francis
W est side.
142 Quarterm an George
Prim itive M ethodist Chapl 144 G oddard Mrs
4 S outhern Cross Casing Co. 146 Sm ith Mrs
tennis g u t m anufactrs. 148 Dew M ontague
Telephone N o. 594
152 Lake John
10 Applebee Charles
154 Lee Harry
12 Hatt H enry G eorge
156 Horseman George
14 Bowsher Ernest William
158 C am bridge F redk. James
16 W ebber John
160 V ear Mrs
18 M ay Frederick G eorge
162 Sa wyer John
20 Mills Henry
164 M cCallum W illiam
22 S m art W illiam
166 Cook H arry
24 Belcher W illiam
168 Critchfield Mrs. J
26 Slade Mrs
170 W ebb W alter Edward
28 Taylor James
172 T ufn ail Stanley
30 W ebb Mrs. Sarah, shopkpr
East side.
32 W hitlock W illiam Thom as
34 Heath A ndrew
1 Wheeler James
36 Read W ilham
3 Coleridge Mrs. Bessie
38 Rouse Edwin
5 Ford Percy
40 Stallard A rthur James
7 T aylor G eorge
42 W ebb Joseph A nthony
9 Barber Henry Clem ent
44 Kitley John
11 Evans Charles
46 Carter Mrs
15 G regory Mrs
48 Chandler H arry E lgar
17 Hearn Mrs
50 Bosley Albert Edward
19 Osborne Mrs
52 Parslow G. E
21 Fullbrook E dw ard, grngro
54 Clark Benjamin W illiam
23 Brooker Frederick James
56 Ham bleton G eorge H airy 25 Shepherd Frank
58 Riddles Alfred Richard
27 Greenhough W illiam
60 W alker G eorge, genl. shop 29 M askell Henry
64 Baker A lfred D. jun
29 A ldridge W alter
31 Shepherd Mark
66 Turner H erbert Henry
68 Reed John Style
33 Dearling A m os
86 Plance R obert
35 Holder Percy Charles
88 Sm ith E dgar Charles
37 Stream Mrs
90 Sm ith Charles
39 Bowler Mrs
92 W oodland A rthur
41 Keefe Mrs
94 Chandler Noah
13 Hutt Abel
96 W orth Albert James
45 Wells W illiam Henry
98 Foley Mrs
47 Harper A rthur John
100 Tanner William
51 Reaves W illiam
102 Holloway George
53 Allum W illiam John
104 Cox W illiam Albert
55 W hitbread Charles
106 Tozer Henry
57 Tom pkins Charles
110 Day Jam es
59 Mason Francis W alter
112 P ratt David
'n L uker James
114 Harding George
63 G ratrex Samuel R obert
118 Ragless M rs.(Glen-EU en) 65 W ood H enry
120 Tozer Mrs. (Coldstream 67 K night W illiam
69 R oberts George
122 A ttoe A m os James
71 Pinkney John N ewton
124 Hill Jam es Jolpi
73 Sirm an Frederick
126 Ford W illiam J. B
75 M anning W illiam
128 Shackleford Mrs
77 Sessions Ernest Edward
130 G aw thorne Benjam in j , 79 Cocks Sydney W illiam
132 Beville H erbert W illiam 81 S trou d Mrs