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182 M A R
8 W aite Mrs
p l a c e â c o n t in u e d .
29 C O O P E R
from 25 Redlands road to 10 A llw right Isaac
wine & spirit m erchant &
Elm hurst road.
M A R T I N C O U R T , from
agen t for the Phcenix
N orth side.
20 Silver street.
Assurance Co
1 H ay M rs (Jacolines)
29 Pearse W alter, tailor
1 A dam s Mrs
3 Giles W alter F
30 & 31 H unt Thos. stationer 5 Ballard E dw ard Vipond
33 Davies J. J. & Sons L im . 7 Scarborough W . H
S T R E E T , from
china & glass warehouse 9 Deacon John (Rosapenna)
40 G eorge st. to G ow er st.
33 & 34 Salm on
Lim ited 11 Jeffs John Holland (G ren Â
South side.
wholesale & retail tea
Ellis John, engineer &
& coffee m erchants
13 W allis Miss
boiler m aker
34 Turner G eorge, grocer & 15 Pethebridge Frank
5 Bune Mrs
wine & spirit m erchant 17 Day Miss A
7 Church W illiam ,carpenter
C orn E xchange & General 19 Street Ernest Lionel
9 W ilkins H enry
M arket (G eorge Steed, 21 G lover H arry W illiam
11 D yer Sidney
toll collector)
23 H olt
G eorge
13 Andrews H arry Percy
T elephone Call Office
(N orthbou rn e)
17 Exell A lfred Joseph
E xchange 23 H ooper James Tapseott
19 Cox Mrs
hotel, Francis W . A tten- 27 Phillips Alfred
21 T erry Alfred
( Eastlees)
39 & 41
S K O W R O N E K 29 G rig sb y Arthur W illiam 23 G ou gh James
Lovell Frederick George
F R E D E R I C K , ladiesâ &
(K a trin e)
gentlem enâs
tailor, 31 Allen Alfred J.(G le n L v n ) 27 Saunders Frederick
breeches m aker, habit 33 Preece R ev. H arry John 29 Sm ith John
31 Pickett John
m aker, furrier & cos(B aptist)
33 Sm ith G eorge
tum ier
35 T hom as W illia m
33 Sm ith
H orace
41 & 42 Stransom & Sons,
South side.
teacher of m usic
hosiers & hatters
Edward 37 C udlipp W illiam
44 & 43 Sewrey Jam es R. P. 2 Phillips M ajor
(H illcro ft)
41 Exell Samuel
boot m aker. See adverÂ
4 B utcher E dw ard W illiam
43 Lam bden Sidney, shopkpr
tisem ent
43 Brow n W illiam
... here is Butter m arket
S T R E E T , 47 M erchant E dw in John
46 D Y S O N H E R B E R T (late
55 Shepherd A lfred
B radley),
pharm aceuÂ
road to Briants avenue.
57 Stacey W illiam A lbert
tical chem ist. See ad Â
Snowflake L aun dry (re Â
N orth side.
vertisem ent
ceiving office). See a d  2 S ou th Berks B rewery Co.
47 Sm ith John & Son, hair
vertisem ent
L im ited, beer retailers
2 Chandler Frank A lfred
4 Blackford Charles
47 Y ellen F. H
6 W hite Miss
48 W right W alt.P . insur.supt 4 Bennett M rs
6 H uggins H enry
8 Lane W illiam H enry
48 M osdell Joseph, tailor
10 W aters Stephen
49 W om enâs Social & Political 8 Lane Ernest
12 Spackm an Edwin John
P L A C E , 14 Randall A lbert,chair caner
51 Ocean A ccident & G uaran M A R S H A L L
16 Miles John
tee C orporation Lim ited
18 W ild Philip
(Jam es A. W ells,res.sec) 1 Paice M rs
20 Exell H enry
51 W est A rth ur G ., F .C .A . 3 Griffin G eorge
22 P ocock Thom as
chartered accountant
5 C ropp Charles
Davis Jam es, ironm onger 24 Hague Mrs
51 W est & Drake, chartered
M ayo Frederick
(w ork sh op)
28 Sm ith Henry Albert
51 R eading Investm ent C orÂ
poration Lim ited (Arth. M A R T H A P L A C E , from 30 Sm ith G eorge
C oley passage
34 Underhay Mrs. shopkeeper
G . W est F .C .A . sec)
....h e r e is L ittle s t ............
52 H I L L â S R U B B E R C O . 1 Basden W illia m
2 M ission R oom
36 H iggins John
3 Noon G eorge
38 Adam s W alter
h fre is H igh s t ............
4 A m or Frederick
40 Johnson G eorge
5 Ilsley Charles
42 W eigh tm an H arry Dudley
M arket P la ce cham bers. 6 Dow nton John
44 Joyce George Alberti
See Market place.
7 Barlow M rs
46 Elliott David
M ark et