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55 Horrett M aj.-G en . H erÂ
bert Charles C. 11. (L a n Â
caster lo d ge )
59 W oolls Mr9. A. (R u sth all)
61 H awkins H ugh (R other
field g ran g e)
63 H anbury M rs. (Oakland
65 Denton G eorge, contractor
67 W edlock W in. X enophen
here is C ircuit la ....
N orth side.
2 Boulderson M rs. (Southville)
4 W illiam s M rs. L ydia
6 Norris A rth ur H erbert
M .lt:C .S .E n g .,L .R .C .P .
Lond., D. P. H. Viet
8 Dym ond Mrs
10 Vigo Miss (D evonshire lo )
12 Green W alter (L im a ho)
14 Floyd Mrs. (C astle HI. lo)
16 C arter & W ärter Misses,
nursing home
18 Pym Mrs
20 W oodm an Henry Deacon
22 Cook W alter Rich (U reycou rt)
Pillar Letter Box
... here is Downshire sq ...
26 M aberly Astley Charles
... here is Downshire sq ...
78 Law rence
H erbert
(P ark h n rst)
... here is L iebenrood rd .
80 Rlatch Mrs. (In glew ood )
P rospect Park Pleasure
G roun d
R O A D , Tilehurst,
continuation o f Bath oad,
R eading to B orough bou n Â
d ary.
(L etters should be addressed
Calcot, R eading.)
42 Carter John
44 Salt Edwin
44 Fennell John
South side.
23 Wicks Walter E
25 Brooker Lewis Thomas
27 Vickers Mrs
29 Head William
31 Nobbs William George
33 Sherwood Frederick Jas
35 Reeves Henry Stephen
37 Hall Walt, assurance agt
South side.
Beaconsfield buildings.
Bazeley G . & A . nurserym en
Bazeley Arthur
â See Forbury road.
Reeves Henry Chas. Sinclair
(B ona Vista)
B E A R S Q U A R E , from 20
Ruse Miss (C herw ell)
Bridge street. is road to B urchfield.
J o h n A â L a r d e r âs b l d g s . :
Stam ford Charles Edward,
stew ard to H. E. Blagrave 1 Snarey Frederick
2 Rawlings Harry
esq. (W o r ld âs end)
3 Trended Henry
G over T hom as (Castle villa)
4 Seabrook Sidney
North side.
T urner T hom as, bricklayer 6 Franklin Arthur
7 A bdy W illiam
(C larem ont)
8 Sherwood Alfred
Janes Mrs. (Southview )
Borough Police Station(Chas. 9 Wiggins Alfred Jolm
S u rch , constable in charge) 10 Appleby James
(T h e Elm s)
11 Taylor William Edward
M ettem H arry (U len -U k )
12 Wilkins Robert
Langford H arry (Q uantovk)
Knight Charles James
Nightingale A lbt.E .blacksm th
28 Heale Fras. R. (W a lm e r)
T ull Mrs. Matilda, beer retlr
Bedford court.
here is Brunswick s t ......
P.H .
G eorge
See Chatham street.
42 Reading Blue C oat School
Jam es Lewis
(S. Illingworth But.lei
here is New la ....
lln iv .A .C .P .
B E D F O R D R O A D , from
head m aster) (B run s B A T T L E S T R E E T , from
120 O xford road to G reat
wick house)
KnoTlys street.
33 Bedford rd. to G eorge st.
48 C orporation W ater W orks
North side,
East side.
Pum ping
2 & 4B r0w n C has.H ret
(Leslie Charles W alker 6 Angell Henry John
6 C arrod T hom as
A .W .E .,
A .M .l.M .E . 10 Collins Mark
16 M itchell W illiam
8 Brack ley R euben T hom as
m anager & engineer)
t o W aterhouse H erbert
54 Boyle E dw ard 0 . (T he
Jones M rs
Gate house)
14 G reen W illiam , tailor the R ailw ay crosses... 20 Townsend Henry Nelson
here is S outhcote r d ....... 20 CKallis G eorge J. b ook  16 C handler W illiam
binder ; workshop
18 Elsley G eorg e, w atch rna
60 Callas A lfred (L ex d en )
Head Mrs
20 W icks M rs
62 Ferguson W illiam J.P.
24 Harris Joseph
22 G reen Mrs
26 Cham bers Alfred
24 M arlow A lfred E dw ard
here is Parkside r d ....... 28 W ilson W illiam
26 & 28 B edford A rm s P. H.
Pillar Letter Box
30 K elly M aurice
T hom as Sharpe
72 F ry F'rancis R. (P ark lo) 32 R iden E dwin
... here is T rin ity pi ........
74 Ash Ernest M .A , B .C .L 34 Benning A lbert E dw ard
Pillar L etter Box
(T h e L aw n )
36 Jones W illiam
here is C hatham s t ........
76 G off W illiam , garden er to 38 T hom as Frederick
32 Jarm an W illia m John
Herbert J. L awrence esq 40 Riley Albert G ran ge
34 G a m b rel I T hom as