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H E A D IN G D I R E C T O R Y â
C ollier Samuel George esq. 4 Brownlow road, Reading
Fram e W illiam esq. M ilton Lockhart, M apledurham, Oxon
G ould John Harrison esq. jun. M eadow ville, M ortim er, Berks
Haviland- Charles .Tames esq. M ead house, Bradfield, Berks
Hawes G odfrey Charles Browne esq. Fernbrook, Pangbourne, R eading
Hunter' Capt. Sir Charles R oderick bart. M .r. M ortim er h ill, near R ea d in g
K eyser Charles Edward esq. m . a . , p . s.a ., u . l . Alderraaston court, A ldermaston, R eading
Liebenrood MajV George Engelberts, 35 Q ueenâs road, Tunbridge W ells
L loyd W illiam Graham esq. H ighw oods, Burghfield, Reading
M ow bray Sir R obert G ray Cornish bart. m . a ., d . l . Warronnes w ood,
M ortim er, Berks
Osmond R ichard esq. W albury, N orthcourt avenue, Reading
Palmer A lfred esq. W okefield park, M ortim er, Berks
Palm er Rt. Hon: George W illiam . Marlston house, near Newbury
Sutton Arthur W arw ick esq. Bucklebury place, W oolham pton, Reading
Thornton W alter esq. Maidenhatch, Pangbourne, Reading
Tyser George W . esq. Oakfield house, M ortim er, Berks
W addington M ajor-General Thomas, The Chestnuts, Pangbourne, Reading
AVaring Lieut.-C ol. W illiam , Beenham house, near R eadin g
W illink H enry George esq. m . a . H illhelds, Burghfield, Reading
Clerk to the Magistrates, Chas. Haffenden D odd, Assize courts, Reading
Deputy Clerk, Fred AV. Dorm er
The P etty Sessions are held at the Assize Court, Forbury, every Saturday
at 1 1 a.m
The places, in the division are Aldermaston, Ashampstead, Basildon, Beechh ill (Tything), Beenham, B'radfield, Burghfleld, Englefield, G raizeley
(Liberty,),â Padw orth, Pangbourne, Parley, Shinfield, Stratfleld M or- timer, Streatley. Sulham, Sulhampstead Abbots, Sulhampstead Bannister
(L ow er End), Sulhampstead (U pper End), Swallowfield (E ast), Sw allow field (W est), Tidmarsh, Tilehurst, Ufton, AVoketteld (T y th iu g )
R ecorder,
A rthur ITewett Spokes le .b .
H is H onor E dw ard Iiaringtou, Judge o f Reading County Court.
M ayor, Charles Gynihgham Field, Denmark house, 15 Southcote road.
D epu ty-M a yo r,
John AYessley M arlin, N ortoft house, 6 Brownlow road.
Blandy H enry Bilson, M ertonford, AVokingham
Bull A lfred H olland, 6 C ollege road
Colebrook W illiam M errill, Sunnyside, 30 Craven road
C ollier Edward Ph ilip, AA'estgrove, 117 Grovelands road
C ooper John James, 24 Redlands road
Ferguson AVilliam, K enm ore, 62 Bath road
F ield Charles Gyningham, Denmark house, 15 Southcote road
G illigan G eorge, Turret house, 5 Southcoto road
H ew ott Charles Ernest, Chasey hill, Mapledurham