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“ E xcelsior,' J. R. M ullin, sec. 19 Denmark r o a d ; meet at the W . I.
P.Jiner M em orial hall. West street, alternate mondays 8 p.m.
“ Princess Alexandra,” G. .1. Please, 86 Cumberland road, sec. ; meet at.
the Royal Oak, 14 Proud street, alternate mondays
"C r o w n o f E n gland,” F. G. Bernard, 17 H atherley road, sec.; meet at
the Low er Ship, Duke street, alternate S a t u r d a y s
“ St. P eter’s,” George Thomas Walker, sec. 51 W aylen street; meet
alterm Pc tuesdays at the Low er Ship, Duke street
“ Stephen B ristow ,” H. Bristow, 70 Prospect street, Caversham, s e c .;
meet at Caversham Coffee house, Caversham, on every fourth W e d n e s d a y
“ Robert At.ter,” J. Matthews, 3 Kingsgat.e street, sec. ; meet at the St.
Luke’s hall, Erleigh road, on alternate thursdays
“ Henry W rig h t,” F. A. Muyell, 145 Beecham road, sec. ; m eet at G rovelands institute, W ilson road, on alternate tuesdays
“ Reading Benefit.” G. Tubb, Ruvensden View avenue, s e c .; meet at the
W . 1. Palm er M em orial hall, West street, every fourth monday
“ Reading A bbey ” (Females), Miss C. delley, 57 P ell street, sec. ; m eet at
W . I. T V m er Memori d hull, every fourth tuesday
“ R oya l C o u n t y ” (Fem ales), Mrs. N. Bristow, 70 Prospect street,
Caversham, see. ; meet at the W. 1. Palm er Memorial hall, W est street,
every fourth tuesday
Reading Branch “ Juvenile,” A. J. Rourke, sec. 21 Field road ; m eet at
the W . I. Palm er M em orial hall, W est street, at 7 p.m. alternate
Royal Berks Division ; Charles Thomas W ooldridge, School house, 156
Cumberland road, sec. ; meet 2nd & 4th tuesdays in each m onth at the W .
Palm er Memorial hall, W est street, at 8 p.m. ; cadets m eet at same
place & on same nights at 7 p.m
Press Forward Division (No. 635) ; S. Shackleford, F airlight, 15 W averley
road, corresponding sec. ; meet 1st <fc 3rd tuesdays in each month at
St. John ’s schools, Queen’ s road, at 8 p.m. ; cadets m eet at same place
one hour earlier
W est Reading D ivision ; II. Ridgus, 5 Norton road, Reading, sec. ; meet
on 2nd & 4th W e d n e s d a y s in e a c h month at Grovelands h a l l ; cadets,
7 p.m . ; a d u l t s , 8 p m
R E C H A B IT E S .
Livesey Tent (1280), E. W indsor, 129 W antage road, sec. ; meets every
fourth thursday at the Palm er Memorial building, W est street, at 8 p.m
“ Southern Star o f Temperance ” Tent (N o. 4 4 6 6 ), A . W eb b . 221 South­
am pton street, s e c .; meets every fourth friday at the W h itley H all,
W h itley street, at 8 p.m
Carpenters’ & Joiners’ ; F. Eyres, s e c .; meet at the Low er Ship, Duke
street, alternate Saturdays
Engineers’ ; Charles W itham , 36 Sherman road, sec. ; meet at the R oyal
Oak, 14 Broad street, alternate mondays
Ironfounders o f England, Ireland & Wales ; C. J. Ilenagulph, sec. ; meet
at the R oyal Oak, 14 Broad street, alternate Saturdays
Liverpool V ictoria Legal Friendly Society ; J. G azeley, district manager,
The Poplars, 45 Queen’s road