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St. Laurenceâs Church, Rev. R obert Perceval Newhouse m . a . 'l'he V ica rÂ
age, 1 A b b otâs walk, v ica r; Rev. H ubert H enry Cox b . a . Pandora, 26
Mansfield road, assistant curate; Arthur E m bling a .c.p ., Mus.Bac.oxon,
f.r .c .o . 5 Bulmershe road, o rg a n is t; services, Sunday, holy communion 8
а. in, also at 11 (choral) on 1st Sunday ; matins 11 a.m . except 1st S u n d a y
at 10.15 a .m .; childrenâs service & baptisms 3.15 p.m . ; C. E .M .S . menâs
service on 1st sunday 3.45 p.m. ; evensong 6.30 p.m . ; holy d a y s , holy
communion 7.30 a.m. also on w e d .; daily matins 10 a.m. ; evensong
б.3 0 p.m . (w inter) & 6.30 p.m. (sum m er)
St. Lukeâs, E rleigh road, Rev. Francis James H oward m .a . Southwold, 7
E rleigh road, vica r; Rev. Arthur David Phillips m .a . assistant curate ;
Arthur Charles Foster A i . q . c . m . 18 Eastern avenue organ ist; holy
communion every Sunday at 7.45 a.m. ; also on the 1st Sunday in
tne month at 11.45 a.m. (choral), on the 2nd at 6.45 a.m., on the 3rd
at 12.15 p.m. & on the 4th at 6.30 a.m. ; matins & sermon 11
a .m .; childrenâs service 3 p .m .; evensong & sermon 6.30 p .m .; holy
days, holy communion 7.30 a.m. ; matins 8 a.m. ; evensong 7.30 p .m .;
week days, holy communion (d a ily) 7.30 a.m. ; matins at 8 a.m
except on wed. & fri. at 11 a.m. (with lita n y); evensong at 5.30
p.m . except on fri. at 7.30 p.m . (with intercessions); h oly baptism
is adm inistered on the 1st & 3rd sun. at 4 p.m. & on sat. at evensong at
; menâs service 2nd sun. at 3.45
St. M arkâs Church, Kensington road (served by the clergy o f St. M ary the
V ir g in ); Rev. Ernest H enry Stenning m .a . St. M arkâs lodge, 198
Tilehurst road, priest in ch arge; J. W illiam s, verger; holy eucharist,
every Sunday 8 a.m. ; 1st sun. 8 & 11 a.m . (choral), with sermon ;
wed. 7.30 a~m. ; holy days 8 a.m. ; matins, sun. wed. & fri. 1 1 a.m. ;
other days 8 a .m .; evensong, sun. 6.30 p .m .; other days 6 p .m .; cateÂ
chising, sun. 2.45 p.m
St. M a ryâs, Castle street, R ev. Jarnes Constei'dine m . a . incumbent.,
Burleigh, 32 Berkeley avenue ; Rev.Cecil A rthur James Beatty, H illcroft,
Tilehurst road, cu rate; 11 a.m. & 6.30 p m .; h oly communion,
1st Sunday morniug service, 3rd & 5th Sundays evening service, 2nd &
4th Sundays 8 a.m. ; week night service thurs. 7.30 p.m. ; childrenâs
service on 3rd sun. at 2.30 p.m .; menâs service every Sunday at 3.30
p.m. except 3rd sun. when free to men & w om en ; holy communion
with address saintsâ days 11.30 a.m
St. M ary the V irg in Church, Rev. Richard W ickham Legg.M.A. St. M ary's
vicarage, Chain street, v ica r; Rev. W illiam John H ollow ay m . a . 9
Brunswick hill, Rev. Edw ard de Basset Thurston m . a . St. Saviourâs
house, 106 W olseley street, Rev. Ernest H enry Stenning m . a . St. M ark's
lodge, 198 Tilehurst road, Rev. Alexander Edward Baynes m . a . Lynton,
2 Brow nlow road & Rev. Alexander M eyrick Johnson b . a . 25 Castle
crescent, assistant clergy ; services, Sunday, holy eucharistS & 11.30a.m .
(choral w ith sermon), 1st suuday also 7 a.m. ; litany 7 .4 5 a .m . ; mattins
10.45 a.m. ; childrenâs service 3 p .m .; evensong 6.30 p .m .; holy eucharist,
daily 7.30 a.m . (thurs. 6.45 & 11 a .m .) ; mattins daily 8 a.m. ; evensong
6 p.m . daily ; holy days, holy eucharist 7.30 & 10 a.m. (choral)
St. M ichaelâs (Tilehurst Parish church), Church End, C aleot; Rev. H enry
Richard Cooper Smith d . d . The R ectory, Church End, Calcot, rector &
s u r r o g a t e ; Rev. Francis W aller Lane b . a . 79 Recreation road,T ilehurst,
assistant curate. Services, Sunday, holy communion 1st & 3rd, 8 a.m .;
matins 11 a .m .; noon h oly communion & sermon ; evensong 6.30 p.m . ;
2nd, 4th & 5 th, holy communion 8.3 0 a.m. ; matins 11 a.m. litany &
serm on; evensong 6.30 p.m .; thursdays & h oly days, h oly communion