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H EADING STREET D IR E C T O R Y — 1 9 1 4 .

P a l m e r P a r k a v e n .— c o n .

11 W isem an Sam uel
12 W illiam s G eorge
13 P arfett M rs. M
14 L indsay G eorge Edward
-15 W hitlock Ernest
16 Bunch Percy
17 P entney T om
18 H a m m ett Ralph
19 C rook A rth ur
20 Caister T hom as H olm es
21 Stew art T hom as R
22 L ocke T hom as Stephen
23 E d gin gton T hom as Win
24 C ollier Miss
26 C ollm ann Mrs
27 H ollow ay E. C
a 3 Y\ harton Mrs. H
28 C rockett Miss, cert, nurse
29 Baugh David
30 Maskell Reginald Christie
31 T egg H arry Albert
32 M organ W illiam , plasterer
33 Parkin Charles Henry
3 4 Allen Charles
35 Wheeler Francis W illiam
36 Hill Bernard
37 T ay lor W illiam H enry
38 Pusey Ernest A rthur
39 Hughes A lbert
40 S prin gbett Stanley W m
41 M orley T hom as Leonard
42 P ursey A rth u r Sykes
43 L angley Charles L
44 W ebster A lfred Ernest
45 Pennington Jam es Douglas
46 T ay lor T h om as W illiam
47 Salm on R obert Samuel
48 L ock e R obert John
49 Fisher Henry W illiam
49 Newson E dw ard Robert,
com m ercia l traveller
50 Stedm an H erbert John
51 Cham p A rth ur
52 Francis A lbert R ichard
53 H en dy A rth ur Cecil
54 Boxwell W illiam G eorge
here is W ykeh am r d .......
55 Lines Albert W illiam
56 Burt Shadrach
57 Dean Ernest
58 Carter Frederick G eorge
here S. E. Railw ay crosses


L angley W m . coal m er
B adcock Mrs
M ahoney Charles
T om pkins Mrs
D ibley Edward
L eonard W illiam
Johnson Thom as
W oodland H enry J
A bbots Jack
T e g g G eorge A lbert
House W illiam
Prior Charles
Raven W illiam
H am pshire R obert
Barefield Charles Reuben
G am m on James
Dancey T hom as
Drewett A r'h u r
Stockw ell Henry

Park cottages.
See Shinfield road.

P A R K S ID E R O A D , from
Bath road to T ilehurst rd.
East side.
B artholom ew Arth. (Park ho)
..h ere is Southcote rd. w e st..
W hite Miss, school for girls
(W ilton house)
W est side. '
Baker Col. W alter W a y (A shleigh)




Bright street.
East side.
2 Coggins Ben
4 Bazeley T hom as
6 A m b rose John
W est side.
1 Chapm an AValter James
3 Sm ith G eorge
5 F reem an Ernest
7 M erryw eather W illiam
9 P ryor John
11 S m ith Samuel
13 E y n ott Frederick
15 M artin Mrs
17 W hiting Sidney

P A T R IC K R O A D , Caversham , from G osbrook rd.

P A N G B O U R N E S T . from
752 O xford rd. to Stone St.

H ayter W illiam
W est W illiam
H att R o y Ernest
North G eorge


South side.
H obbs E rnest John
W ya tt W illia m T hom as
Howes A lexander
R im es Frank It
H arris David

11 H ollow ay M rs
13 Hayes H enry
15 Blissett Sydney Oliver
17 F ry T hom as Henry
19 Tossell John
21 R ow e R obert W ellin gton
North side.
18 W alker W illiam
20 C oppen John Jam es
24 Bailey W illiam


fro m 33

Castle street.


C O U R T,


Grape passage.

P E L L S T R E E T , from 121
Katesgrove lane.
South side.
2 K ennet A rm s l ’ .H . Elijah
4 Stone Reuben
6 Palm er M rs. E. J
8 Marshall Charles A rthur
10 Sim m onds Ernest
12 W ise G eorge
14 Sm ith Joseph Henry
16 Palm er A rth ur
18 T anner A lfred
20 M orphey L aw rence
22 P ainter Arthur G eorge
24 H utchins Alec Douglas
26 H u nt David
28 K ingston R ichard
30 H unt Frederick Henry
32 Easter H enry John
34 Baylis G eorge Edward
36 L aw rence Jonathan
38 R unyard Frederick John
40 Sherw ood H enry T hom as
42 Bolton Sydney V ictor
44 Bolton Mrs
46 W eller H en ry Jam es
48 Palm er T hom as
50 G ran t James
52 H oldstock F redk. Ralph
54 T aylor T hom as
56 H yde Charles W illiam
58 Sm ith G eorge Bernard
60 Oliver Albert Henry
60 Bullock Miss, tchr. of m us
68 Powell T hom as
70 G od den Charles
72 W heeler F rank G eorge
74 L ov ejoy A lbert James
76 Pilgrim E dw ard Jam es
78 H u rn T hom as
80 Clarke T hom as
82 Ballard M rs