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Palm er Ernest G eorge, butcher, 66
G osb rook roa d, C
Palm er Joh n H enry, con fection er,
1 P rin ce o f W a les avenue
P alm er M iss, costum ier, 245 L o n Â
don road
P alm er M iss, m illiner, 96 W o k in g Â
ham road
Palmer Club (The) (Charles M oss,
lion, sec.), W . I. Palm er M em orial
b uildin g, 42 W e s t street
Palm er W . I. M em orial Hall (Clins.
M oss, sec.), 42 W e s t street
Parfitt A rthur James, shopkeeper,
34 W olselev street
Parfitt J o h n 'B ., L .D .S ., M .R .C .S .
L .R .C .P .
dental surgeon, 179
K in g âs r o a d ; T . N. 386
Parish o f R ea din g (W . H. Oliver,
clerk to guardians & to Union
assessment com m ittee & supt.
re g is tra r; J. R . B ed fo rd , assist
ant c le r k ; M iss L. Freem an, in Â
A ct,
officer) ; offices, 32 T h orn street ;
T. N . 67
R ea din g
D ispensary
(E dw ard L y ce tt C ropp M .R .C S.
E n g., L .R .C .P .L o n d . & F redk.
W ilson Stansfield M . B . , B .S ..
M .D .V ic t ., D .P .H .C a m b . m ed iÂ
cal o ffice r s ; John Jones, d isÂ
penser), F riar street
Park H ospital (A lfred A sh b y M B..
F .R .C .S .E n g .,
F .I .C .
m edical
supt. ; E dw ard W a lto n Spence)
R ow la n d B .A .C a n ta b .,M .R .C .S .,
L .R .C .P .
m edical
a tte n d a n t;
M iss S. D. M elv in , m atron),
P egâ s G reen lane
Park Institute (Congregational) (J.
J . R id le y , hon. sec. ; E. 0 . R id Â
ley, hon. treas. ; E. C. Jordan ,
caretaker), P alm er P a rk avenue
P arker M iss, con fr.2 C overed mrkt
M rs.
con fection er,
Caversham road
P arker W illie S yd n ey,b eer retailer,
31 Prince of W ales avenue
P ark in son G eorge, insurance agent,
26 C atherine street
P arkin son W illia m , b o o t m aker, 50
K a tesgrov e lane
P arkinson W illia m J. b oot reÂ
pairer, 123a, W ok in gh a m road
Parnell G eorge B en tley, p rin ter,34
L on don s t r e e t ; T . N . 6 Y 2
Parsons W a lter & Sons, corn m erÂ
chants, F orb u ry rd. ; T . N . 134
Parsons A lice (M iss), dress maker,
45 South street
P arsons G eorge, insurance agen t,
100 C a rdiga n road
Parsons G eo. A .b u ild r.2 1 7 0 x fo rd rd
Parsons Jam es, plasterer, 14 C a rÂ
narvon road
Parsons M rs. shopkpr.29 G arnet st
P arsons M p kpr.36 Spring gdns
Parsons M rs. shop keeper, 103a,
W olseley street
Parsons W illiam , upholsterer, 46
George street
Partridge H enry, luggage porter,
41 K ensington road
Passm ore John , hair dresser, 77
C h olm eley road
P atent A ir Gun T a rg et Co. (F . W .
A llw rig h t, m anager), Station rd
P atey J o b , beer retailer, 50 & 52
M ou n t street
P a tey M a th ew , shop keeper, 29
C oley place
Paul F red , coach pa in ter, 79 C h atÂ
ham street
Paul James G eorge,carriage builder,
18 B attle street
Paxm an Jason, fa rm er,G rove farm ,
T he G rov e, C
P ayn e H en ry, grocer, 57 C u m berÂ
land road
Pa.vne Jam es, antique dealer, 179a,
O xford rd. See a dvertisem en t
Payne L aw ren ce Jam es, ch ief asÂ
sistant to the borou gh a cco u n tÂ
ant & assistant overseer, M u n iciÂ
pal buildings, V a lp y street
Pavne R ob ert S ., M .A .O x o n . soliÂ
citor & com m issioner for oath s,
6 coron er for B erks R ea d in g d isÂ
trict, 164a, F riar st. ; T . N . 1031
P each E rnest B.
den tist,
Queenâ s rd. & 219 C aversh am rd
Pearce Charles, w ire w ork er, 258
K in g â s road
Pearce E. (M iss), dress m aker, 15
Church street
Pearce E rnest Charles, teach er of
shorthan d, Sidm ou th villa . 30
C ollege road
Pearce J a cob W iltsh ire, shopkeeper,
7 G ranby gardens