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OCR Text
) Lake Mrs. boarding &
day school
! M asonic
(E rnest
Sopp, caretaker)
> R oberts Mrs
! Kissling Frank
LJackson Henry
i RAIN JOHN D. house &
estate agent & certified
1Ash R eginald L. decorator
i Ash Mrs
1 Critehiield W illiam Sami
. Brown Charl&s
i Child Mrs
... here is G arrard st ........
Butler Mrs. Daisy, grngro
1 Gosivell Albert
. F ox W alter
i Minns Mrs
! Goswell W alter
1W heat Philip, upholsterer
Sydenham Jn. genl. smith
. Sydenham John
>Bright Mrs. Caroline, apts
Talbot G. W. & Son, coal
m erchants
Fram e W illiam
& Co.
m anu facturing clothiers
Reid M rs. M cDonald (H ollybush)
Jones Charles (Ingledene)
Baylis R egn ld .H y.(S ilverH ill)
Boxall George, gardener to
M. Powell esq
Sm ith Jordan (B rian lcroft)
Poyndcr G eorge A. (Orchard
L ea)
Clarke Alfred B. (H eath cole)
C ooperA rthur(TU eB ungalow )
GRO 155
19 Litten John
21 Heath John E dw ard
23 H ayw ard John Jasper
W est .side.
27 T aylor Frederick
29 Lam bden Charles
31 H udson T hom as M organ
33 T ru stru m Jam es Hart
33 L aw rence E
East side.
2 Barnes E dw in
4 Usher H erbert
G R O S V E N O R R D . from 6 Perreu Reuben
Shinfield road.
8 Leech Henry
C um m in g T . T alfou rd ,arch i 10 W indsor Cornelius
te ct A .R .X .B .A . (F room GROVE
field )
K ingh am
H oward Fâ rancis C aversham, from T he G ro v e .
(M on k sbarn )
2 M ain M rs
B roadhurst
(The 4 Venn Mrs
M eadow )
6 Tow nsend H en ry
G ilford H astings F .R .C .S . 8 L ock H arry
E rgn (M arshalls h ill) 12 Adey W illiam
16 Ri lgers Charles
T H E G R O V E , Caversham, 18 W oodage Eli jah
from Surley row.
20 Lowe James
Bird Ernest (O rchard cottage 1 22 Bailey R ichard
W aters Caleb (G ro v e Hill cot) 24 T ow nsend W illiam T hos
Saunders Mrs. Fâ . G . (Carer
sham g r o re )
G R O V E H I E D , Caversham,
5R O S V E N O R
from H em dean road.
Caversham, from Feppard W atson A rth. Geo. (G rove lo)
road to Henley road.
Butler Capt. G eorge Lewis
fa rm )
(W oodleigh )
South side.
Turner James
Sanderson S irP ercv, K. C. M. G
Hollis John
Cirby Mrs. (R ed house)
Sanderson Miss L u cy
Ryder R ichard
lill John (R othesay)
Jam es
T hom as
'ownend H arold (E lm w ood) S huff G eorge
(G ro v e wood)
... here are G rove c o t s .......
'.obinson Surgeon-Col. Wm.
Alexander G.
Christie (retired A .M .S .) H utchinson
G rove p la c e .
(P arkhurst)
(D u nkery)
See E m m er green.
Jam es Stallwood John Charles St.
(E ngleth waite)
Laurence, solicitor & c o m  G R O V E L A N D S R O A D ,
)eare Col. F'rederick Arthur
m issioner for oaths (Stanfrom 689 O xford i-oad to
(G rosven or lodge)
m ore)
W ater road.
Vhite Oscar (T h e M eads)
Clacey Fredk. (Stanway ho)
E ast side.
lerry Percy (St. W oolos)
laldicott Riev. W illiam Byers G R O V E ( T H E ) , from 54 1 W igley W illiam James
3 R uddle Mrs
(Y e H utte)
W atlington St. to South st.
5 Nobes Phillip Charles
Yilkinson L t.-C ol. E dm und
South side.
7 Cox Mrs
(K em nal)
1 Em ans W illiam
9 M ace R ichard
Taylor G erard Charles M. A..
5 & 13 N ewm an Claud A rth. 11 House W illiam T hom as
M .D ., D .P .H . (Sunnyside)
sign writer
13 M orris John
iVilkin John W illiam (The
7 Hallett M rs
15 Clapp John
H om estead )
9 Burden G eorge
!7 Powell Ilc n r y Charles
here is Derby rd..
11 W lnting Thomas Francis, 19 S aw yer Charles Josiah
iey n old s
W illiam
I21 W hite Frederick G
(E astlield cottage)
13 & 5 N ewm an C laudA rthur, .23 Pope Joseph
N orth side,
sign w riter
125 Boxall G eorge Edward
enkyn R ev. Cyril W alford 15 P lum ridge G eorge
i 27 Illsley G eorg e
M>sbora M-A. (Broadlam ls) 17 Collins William
29 Head James