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e n o lr p ie ld .
P o s t & M . 0 . 0 . , S. B. & A n n u ity & Insurance Office.â Jam es H.
C layd on , sub-postm aster.
L etters from R eadin g arrive at 6.25 a.m.
& 11.30 a.m . & 6.10 p.m . ; disp a tch ed, 8.40 a.m . & 2.30 & 6.55 p . m . ;
Sundays, arrive 7 a . m . ; disp atch ed, 11.35 a.m. T he nearest telegraph
office is at Theale
P u b lic E lem entary Sch ool, built in 1865 & enlarged by the late R ich ard
B en yon esq. for 130 ch ild re n ; average attendance, 9 0 ; Charles F .
G old in g, master
Parish C o u n c il:â Jam es H erbert B enyon esq. (chairm an), H en ry H orne,
B. W a d d s, T om H arris & A ugustus H a r ris ; H. Stanley D avis,clerk
Englefield C rick et Club, Ben W e b b , sec
Englefield F o o tb a ll Club, A . T. C laydon, sec
W o rk in g M en â s Club, 0 . A . H op ley , sec. ; Jam es H. Claydon, steward
Overseers, H . Stanley D avis & W illia m Palm er
Carriers to R e a d in g.â C otterall, tues. thurs. & sat. ; P ayn e, mon. thurs.
& sat
B en yon Jam es H erbert J .P . (lord
lieutenant o f B erkshire), E n gleÂ
field house
S k ip w ith R ev. G ranville G ore M. A.
(rector), T h e R ectory
C laydon Jam es H . sub-postm aster
C royd on N urse, d is trict nurse
D avis H . Stanley, estate clerk of
w orks & clerk to the Parish
C ouncil & overseer
E nglefield
C rick et
W e b b , sec)
Englefield F ootball Club (A . T.
C layd on , sec)
G o ld in g C harles F . schoolm aster
H ayes Jn. black sm ith ,M a yridge fin
H ilton Charles, stew ard to J. II.
B en ton esq
H orne H enry, blacksm ith, Chalk
P it row
J oyce W . sexton & parish clerk
Lew ington W illia m , lodge keeper,
Common H ill lodge
O sm ond M ichael J oh n , farm er,
W ic k c r o ft farm
Page W a lter, farm b ailiff t o James
H erbert B en yon esq. M ayridge
Palm er W illia m , farm stew ard to
Janies H erbert B en yon esq. &
overseer. Chalk P it farm
P ocock Fredk. W m . baker &. grocer
T od d R ich a rd F .S .I. land agent to
J .H . B en yon esq. ; Tel. 4 Theale
V olunteer F ire B rigade (U. Stanley
D avis, ch ief officer)
W adds A. B. head gardener to
Jam es H erbert B en yon esq
W ork in g M enâ s ClubfO. A . H op ley,
see. ; Jas. H . C layd on , steward)
Q E A Z E L E Y , 4 m iles south from R eading, form erly know n as â Lambw ood H ill,â is a tith ing and an ecclesiastical parish, form ed M ay 9th.
1854, ou t o f the parishes o f Sulham pstead A b b ots and Sulhampstead
Bannister, and includes the liberty of H artley Dum m er, in Shinfield civil
parish, in the Southern division o f the cou nty, hundred and county
cou rt d istrict and
sessional division o f R eadin g,
union of
B radfield. rural dean ery o f R eading, arch deacon ry o f Berks and
diocese o f O xford. T he church o f the H o ly T rin ity , erected in 1850, is
a sm all structure o f flint, consisting of chancel, nave, south porch and a
b elfry containing one bell : the east w indow is stained, and there are
also tw o mem orial w in dow s ; there are 250 sittings. The register dates
from the year 1856.
T he livin g is a vicarage, net yea rly value £265,
w ith residence and 3 acres o f glebe, in the gift of th e B ish op o f O xford,
and held since 1903 b y the R ev. John Delahaize O uvry M .A . of
T rin ity H all, Cam bridge.
Stanbury is the residence of