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;------------------------------------BEADING DIBECTOBY— 1 9 1 4 .

Electoral D ivision.
A bingdon B oro’ :—
East .......................
W est ..............
A bingdon Rural
Aldermaston ....
Boxford ..............

Brad field
B ray ..................................
B u rg h fie ld .........................
C h a llo w ..............................
Clewer ..............................
C om pton ..............................
Cookham ..........................
Cum nor ..............................
D id cot..................................
D r a y t o n ..............................
Earley ..............................
F a rin g d o n ..................... ..
H en d red ..............................

¡I! ■'


H ungerford
H urley ..............................

Names & Addresses.
W illiam Brewer, H yde E n d lodge, Shinfield, Reading
Thomas Skurray, Summerfield, Abingdon
R obert Pike, L y ford
Charles Edw ard K eyser, Aldermaston court,
C ol. George Bramston A rcher-H oublon,
Easton, Newbury & 30 Cranley gardens,
London s w
Francis Bate, Beenham Hatch, Bucklebury
Charles W illiam Cox, The Orchards, B oyu
hill, Bray
Job Lousley, Green farm, Burghfleld
Aaron F rogley, Sparsholt, W antage
Edw ard Cecil Durant, Ciewer cou rt,W ind sor
George Lewis Baker, Com pton, Newbury
Sir George Y oun g bart. Formosa place,
H erbert Tuer Shawcross, Yatscombe, F o x com be hill, near Oxford
Francis John Kynaston Cross, Manor house,
Aston T in-old, W a llin gford
Frederick Adolphus Smith, H om e farm, East
Heudred, Steventon
M artin John Sutton, W argrave manor, Berks
Charles Barker W ilson , Lindum , Bracknell
John Parker Lockw ood, Faringdon
Col. James Colebrooke Carter, A ldington,
W antage
Geo. Edmund P latt, The P riory, H un gerford
Basil Guy Oswald Sm ith, Shottesbrooke
house. Maidenhead

H sley ....................................

J o h n J o s e p h K y sto n , H e n d red h ou se,S teven ton

K in
in tbu
tb u ry
ry ............... .........

Edm und Augustine Hanley, Forbu ry grove,.
K intbury
Rev. Reginald Bagnali,The Vicarage,Lam bourn

Lam bourn
Maidenhead B o ro ’ : —
B oyn H ill .....................


B elm on t.........................
O ld fie ld .............. ...........
St. M a ry’s


Edward Norkett, Irw ell cottage, G A ll
Saints’ avenue, Maidenhead
Jn.W esley W alker,22 Craufurd rise, Maidenhd
Francis W illiam Porter, Persim mon lawn,
Belmont, M aidenhead
R ichard H ope, T he Firs, Maidenhead


N ew bury B oro’ : —
East ..............................
N orth . . . . ........................
W est ..............................
Pangbourne .....................
Sa»dhurst ..........................

John Rankin, Dalriada, Newbury
Col. Gerald Craven R icardo, T he E lm s,
D onnington, N ew bury
Edm und Parfitt, The M ount, Newbury
Am brose P etrocokin o, F low er’s hill, P an gbourne, R eading
W illiam Joseph Toye, R yefield, Sandhurst