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R elieving & Vaccination Officer, No. 1 district, Registrar o f Births &
Deaths, Tilehurst sub-district & Registrar o f Marriages, Bradfield
U nion, Edw ard Bunce, Highclere, W estw ood road, Tilehurst
Superintendent o f Reading Division of County Police, Oliver Robotbam ,
A b b e y street
Superintendent Assistant Overseer, Henry Lund f.s.a .a . (B orough AccounÂ
ta n t); assistant overseers, Lawrence Janies Payne, H. J. H obb 6, Frank
Gooch, E. J. W oodland, P . E . Smart, H eber P. Slatter & C. B. T.
Barrett, B orough Accountantâs office, Municipal bldgs. V alpy st.Reading
Surveyor o f Customs & E xcise, J. D. Matchett, 45 M inster street
Surveyor o f Taxes (R eading No. 1 district), Dinx Dunham, K in g Edward
buildings, Station road
'Surveyor o f Taxes (Reading No. 2 district), F. R. Evason, K in g E dw ard
buildings, Station road
Thames Conservancy Inspector (Purification department), Isaac Bonnett, 4
W averley road
Under Sheriff o f Berks, W illiam Charles Blandy ai . a . 1 F ria r street
One o f the depots form in g the No. 7 Grouped Regim ental D istricts,
the head quarters o f which are at W arw ick.
Princess Charlotte o f W alesâ (R oyal Berkshire Regim ent) 1st Battalion
49th fo o t & 2nd battalion 66 th foot <fc head quarters o f 3rd Battalion
(Special Reserve).
D epot, Barracks, Reading.
Commanding Depot, M a jor Frank W igram Foley n .s.o
Adjutant, 3rd Batt. (Special Reserve) Royal Berkshire Regim ent, Capt.
M. H oldsw orth
Lieut. & Quartermaster, F. S. Boshell
O f f ic e r s d o in g d u t y a t D e p o t .
Capt. 0 . Steele
Capt, G. W . H opton
Capt. L. W . Bird
Lieut. A. G . F . Isaac
Lieut. E . M . A llfrey
Berks Territorial Association, Capt. M. L. P orter, sec. ; Joseph J.
Byrne, chief clerk, Yeom anry house, Castle hill, Reading
R oya l Horse A rtillery, Berks Battery, Yeom anry house, Castle hill ;
M a jor C. G. M ayall, com m anding; Capt. Leslie O. W ilson d . s . o . ;
Lieut. G . M ayall ; Lieut. B. W . D. Brooke ; 2ud Lieut. J. H artnoll ;
Lieut. G. E . M . Thornycroft r.h .a. adjutant ; Sèrgt.-M ajors J. Bradley &
F . M . Y ates ; Am m unition Column, Capt. S. J. Duliourg, commandÂ
ing ; Lieut. C. 0 . G oodchild ; Capt, A . Roberts r . a . m.c . (attd.) & Capt.
D . R . C. Tennant a . v . d . (attd)
Princess Charlotte o f W alesâ (R oya l Berkshiro R egim ent) (4th B a tta lior,
com prising A , B, C, D, E , F, G & H com panies; hea.t quarters o f
battalion & A & B com panies), St. M aryâs butts ; Hon. Colonel, General
IT .R .H . Prince Christian o f Schleswig-Holstein k . g ., v.n., a.d.c. ; Brevet
Col. 0 . Peareè-Serocold v.d. com manding ; M ajor J. H. Cooper t.d .
2nd in command ; Capt. G. M. Sharpe (R oyal Berkshire R egt.),
adju ta n t; Capt. I). E gginton, quartermaster; C'apt. C. Bartram, com Â
manding A co. ; Capt, R. Truslove, commanding B co