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I n N o rth street is an iron m ission h all in con n ection w ith G rey F riarsâ
ch urch , and served b y the sam e clerg y , erected in 1876, at a cost of
£ 1 ,4 0 0 , w h ich has 650 sittings.
T h e M em oria l H a ll, Sackville street, w as erected in 1902 in m em ory
o f th e late M artin H o p e Su tton esq. (d. 1901), and is used for meetings
in con nection w ith Grey' F riarsâ parish.
H o l y T r i n i t y is an ecclesiastical parish, form ed O ctober 29 , 1875, from
St. M a ry â s : th e church, erected in 1826 b y the R ev. G eorge H ulm e
M .A . o f Shinfield, and restored in 1888 a t a co st o f £ 2 ,1 0 0 , stands
o n th e n orth side of O xford road, and is a plain rectangu lar edifice of
b rick , con sisting of nave and ch ancel, rvith a stone fron t, in w'hich are three
la n cet-h ea ded w in d ow s ; on th e w estern gable is a small tu rret con ta in Â
in g one bell : there are 700 sittin gs, all free. T h e register dates from the
year 1875. T he liv in g is a vica ra ge, net yea rly value £ 2 5 0 , w ith
residen ce, in th e g ift o f the v ica r of St. M a ry â s, and held since
1902 b y the R e v . H a rford E lton L u ry M .A . o f H ertford College, O xford,
a nd su rroga te in th e diocese o f O xford.
S t. B a r t h o l o m e w 's is an ecclesiastical parish, form ed J u ly 17th, 1877.
ou t o f the parish of St. P e te r, E a rley, and is in the Sonning rural
dea n ery ; the church, partially- erected and consecrated in 1879 at a cost
o f £ 3 ,5 2 6 , is a structure o f red and g re y brick, in th e E a rly English
s tyle, and consists o f clerestoried nave, aisles and a sm all w estern turret
con ta in in g 2 bells : the ch ancel, tw o side ch apels and vestry w ere added
in 1905, at a cost o f a bout £ 3 ,5 0 0 : th ere are 500 sittings. T he register
dates from th e ye a r 1877. T h e liv in g is a vica ra ge, net yea rly value
£ 2 3 2 , w ith residence, in the g ift o f th e B ish op of O xford , and held
since 1890 b y the R ev . E dw a rd J oh n N orris M .A . of T rin ity College,
C am bridge.
S t . J o h n t h e E v a n g e l i s t â s is an ecclesiastical parish form ed ou t of the
parish o f St. G iles, D ecem ber 18, 1874 : the church, standing on the east
side o f YVatlington street, erected in 1837 and rebuilt in 1872 and 1873, at
a co st o f £ 1 1 ,0 9 8 , from the designs o f M r. W . A . D ixon , is a structure
o f K en tish rag ston e, w ith dressings o f B ath and M ansfield stone, and
consists o f chancel, nave of five bays, aisles, transepts, north and south
porches and a w estern tow er w ith spire, 150 feet in h eigh t, containing a
clo ck and one bell : there are a b ou t 920 sittings, o f w hich 390 are free.
T h e register dates from the yea r 1873. The livin g is a vicarage, net
yea rly value £ 4 0 0 , w ith residence, in th e g ift o f trustees, and held since
1909 b y th e R e v . T . Guy- R ogers B .D . o f T rin ity C ollege, D ublin.
S t . S t e t h e n âs C h u r c h , in Orts road, erected in 1865 and enlarged
in 1886, a t a co st o f £ 1 ,5 0 0 , is a b u ildin g o f dark red b rick relieved
w ith bands o f w h ite and grey, in the E arly English sty le, and consists
o f chancel, nave o f three bays, north and south aisles, south chapel
and north porch, and a tu rret o n the western gabLe containing 2 bells : this
church is attached to th at o f St. John the E va n gelist, and affords 530
sittin gs, all being free.
S t . L u k e â s , b y an O rder in C ouncil, dated O ctober 11th, 1912, was
con stitu ted a separate parish ; the church, situated on th e Redlands
esta te, was fo rm e rly a tta ch ed to St. G ilesâ s and was bu ilt in 1885 at a
co s t o f £ 9 ,0 7 0 ; it is a stru cture o f red b rick in th e Italian style, co n Â