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19 H olliday John W arner
H u nt H enry (B eck ington) 21 K ibblew hite Jesse W m
H elps Miss, nurse (Beek- 23 Sm ithers John W illiam
25 C ornish Alfred
27 U tley John
South side.
29 Prestland Albert
D avis E dwin (S t. Ives)
31 C orry Sidney H erbert
T u ck er F rank(C oronation ho) 35 Drew Stephen
Johnson Chas. H y. (G le n vil) 37 W icks Jam es W illiam
39 Griffin A rth ur
N E W P O R T R O A D , from 41 Kelson Frederick
Y o rk road.
43 W ithers Charles Jam es
45 W atkins Charles Turner
N orth side.
47 Allaway Charles
2 Booth John, shopkeeper
49 Reeves W illiam
4 M organ W illiam
6 Robinson W illiam T hom as N O O N C O U R T , from
8 Chamberlin H enry
T horn street.
io Jones Mrs
es W illiam
12 E lliott Sidney
2 F uller Mrs
14 E lliott James
3 G ardiner E dw ard
16 T urner Thom as
18 Saunders Frederick Ernest
N o r co t cotta g es.
2o Palm er Albert Francis
See N orcot lane, Tilehurst.
22 L am bert G eorge Henry
H ardy Mrs
M elbourne Charles
W righ t Ernest
M eaby James
Fevre Sam uel E dw ard
Ferris Miss
Pocock E dm u nd
Cox W illiam G eorge
Tilehurst, Pangbourne &
D istrict W ater Co. L td .
CThos. A itken, forem a n )
33 S av ory Charles, lau ndry
(Su nnyside)
45 Fisher Mrs
47 M alham Mrs
49 IlsleyA lfd.carrier& busprpr
57 L ainsbury Mrs
59 Pontin Stephen
83 Jones Thom as
87 T hom pson Mrs
89 Groves Mrs
91 Sands Mrs
93 Nicholls Miss
95 W hite Am brose
99 W a tson H erb t.A .(G len L u i)
24 Dennis G eorge
N o r c o t F a r m co tta g e s.
101 B evitt O ctavius W illiam
25 Snell Mrs
See N orcot lane, T ilehurst.
H enry (H igh cliffe)
28 E yre A rth ur James
103 Wise
Jam es
30 W all Edgar
N O R C O T L A N E , Tilehurst,
(G lendene)
32 Clark Ernest Joseph
from O xford rd. to N orcot rd. 105 Marshall S am i.(O akridge)
34 M urray Jam es
107 R unham Harry (C holderEast side.
36 T itcom b A lbert Edward
ton lodge)
M inchin
W illiam L eopold,
38 T itco m b Mrs
109 H unt E dw in Stanley
farm er (N orcot fa rm )
40 Jacobs Jehu
h i W hyte M rs. (O akbrow )
N o r c o t r is e :
42 Barnes Harry R obert
113 Parsons W alter
1 Burgess W illiam Jam es
44 Yeates R obert
117 Saxby Shelton C
2 G roves G eorge Frederick
46 Beaton George
3 H orn H enry
48 R oyce Edwin
South side.
4 G ardiner F rederick Chas
50 K erry W illiam
2 Taylor Charles, decorator
5 Osborne Obed James
52 Blackwell G eorge
4 W oodeson E dw in, builder
6 Cham berlain Henry
54 N arroway G eorge
6 W arner R obert
N o r c o t cottages :
56 L ittlew ood John
8 Benthall Mrs
Barlow Sam uel
58 Ivey G eorge
10 Hatherall T hom as Joseph
Nation A rth ur
60 W atson Vlrs
Pilgrim & M ay. brick makers 12 Sm ith B rothers, grocers
64 Neville John
here is C hurch E nd la.. . 14 Sew ard Charles H y. baker
66 Coghlan R ichard
3 6 Post & T elegraph Office
W est side.
68 Green Jam es
(J oh n Drew, su b-p ostÂ
N orcot F arm cottages :
70 Beard A lfred
m aster)
W inkw orth Jesse
72 Law es W ilson, carm an
E rnest Septim us,
Drinkwater W illiam
here is G ipsy la . j ....... .
here is Randolph r d .......
Sm ith Chas. farm er (I v y ho) 20 Seym ou r W illiam W hiting,
South side.
boot m aker
N o r c o t r is e .
1 Palm er Alfred H en ry
22 T I L E H U R S T O U T Â
3 Pilgrim Thom as G eorge
See N orcot lane, T ilehurst.
5 Kirk John H oward
S T O R E S (A llen T hom as
T ile Â
7 Allen W illiam
C olyer, p rop rietor)
hurst, from W hite House 24 R yan Mrs
9 M olland John Henry
corner to N orcot lane.
11 H a m m on d W illiam Joseph
26 G oodenough Job
13 F ord John
N orth side.
28 L aley G eorge H enry
15 Pople W illiam James
1 C rocker
beer 30 Parr Jam es
17 Hill H enry
retailer (W hite house)
32 Lainsbury Frederick
N e w c a st l e r o a d â son .