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r e a d in g
E d o e h il l s t r e e t â co n .
89 Potter Albert
91 Brooker M atthew
93 W illoughby Albert John
95 H am lett W illiam
97 Everied Mrs. nurse
97 Everied A lbert John
99 M itchell Henry John
101 Upton H arry
103 E yre Jam es Edward
105 G oodship W alter Henry
107 W histler Charles
109 Allen W illiam John
h i Stew art A rthur
113 W heeler W alter
115 Mills Thom as
117 Brooks Charles
119 G ood John
121 M ickle Charles
N orth side.
2 Clarke Mrs. Fanny,shpkpr
4 H um phriesR ichd.shopkpr
6 Ford W illiam John
8 W hittaker W illiam
10 Oates Miss
12 W igm ore Charles
14 Panting John
16 K n ott W illiam
18 Jeffries Charles
20 Dell Joseph Reuben
22 Lew er Harry
24 Beckett Benjam in
26 Sm ith David
28 W ellstead W illiam Charles
32 W asley A rth.paperhanger
34 Holder R obert, sen
36 M oody Edw ard,shopkeepr
38 D ifford Daniel
40 A rlott R obert
42 Povey H enry G eorge
44 G oddard H enry Thom as
46 Kirby W illiam
48 Bradley W illiam Henry
50 A llen R obert
52 W ood Frederick
54 Potts Thom as
56 Purdue Edward T hom as
58 Cloke George
60 Tull Alfred
62 Leppard E dw ard Samuel
64 A rlott H enry
66 Pullen W illiam George
68 G oswell W alter
70 Mead Edward
72 Berrim an Frank A rthur
74 Dunston Frederick Arthur
76 E lsbn ry Frank Arthur
78 Nash Frank Wells
80 Morse Ernest R obert
82 Osborne W alter
84 S cott Mrs
s t r e e t d i r e c t o r y â 1914.
R O A D , E LD O N P L A C E , from 28
from 333 O xford road to
Prince of Wales avenue.
E ast side,
D urham Louis
Sm ith Henry
Claridge Charles
Brooks H erbert
W illiam s Harry
Parsons Mrs
W illis G eorge
V irtu e H enry John
W heeler Edwin
â W heel â Collecting So
ciety (E. W heeler, sec)
G ibbins Edward John
Partlo Mrs
H u nt Henry Janies
B orton Edward Thomas
Stokes Charles
Nickless George
Ricketts Albert
W ise H arry, horse dealer
W est side.
2 Cross Edward M iddleton
4 E dm onds John
6 Draper Harry
8 E ggleton E dm und
10 Bosher H enry
12 Brooks James
14 E lliott T hom as
16 Corber G eorge John
18 Strong Thom as
20 W ebb R ichard W illiam
22 Rolfe David
24 Norris H enry
26 T rum an Sydney George
28 Tom s W illiam
30 Hill James G ilbert
32 Keel Joseph Samuel
34 C ooper Thom as
36 Evans Ernest
38 Allen Thom as
40 M un day Mrs. M
42 House Frederick A rthur
44 R ice Thom as
46 Hawker M rs. Jessie
Hughes Fred
50 Beale Frank
52 M iller Frederick
S4 C ottrell Mrs
56 K ing G eorge
58 Beasley Mrs
60 Robinson Thom as
62 P rickett R ichard
64 Culpin Miss
66 Price Ernest A lbert
68 Rivers Frederick Charles
70 Barrett G eorge
72 G oodey W illiam Jam es
St. Johnâs road.
2 Padley W illiam
4 Davies Ernest
6 B urton Frederick W illiam
8 R um ble H
10 Sm ith W illiam
12 Lam ers Mrs
12a, Cheadle John Henry,
mineral water m anufr
14 W atts Thom as A lfred
16 Pem broke Thom as
18 Tuson Mrs
20 Bedell W illiam
ELD O N R O A D , from 200
Kingâs road to E ldon square.
W est side.
2 Rous J. G oodw in
6 Franklin Nelson
8 Oakes W illoughby
... here is St. Johnâs rd ...
12 A rcher Mrs. W illiam
14 Bath W illiam
16 M urley W m . Jas. M organ
18 Dowling R obert
20 Keeb'.e A rthur B.A
22 Snell J. George
24 McQueen W . & Sons,
travelling drapers
26 G oodey W illiam Charles
30 R eed R ichm ond L ockley
32 Pither Philip
34 M unday W'illiam G eorge
36 B ody Rev. Bernard R ic h d .'
M .A . (E ld on house)
East side.
1 S m ith G eorge C. artificial
teeth m aker
3 M orris Henry S
here is E ldon ter ...
5 R obotham O liver (In gleside)
7 L ovegrove Mrs
9 H ackett Francis
E L D O N S Q U A R E , from
L ondon road.
here is E ldon rd ......
Bradley Frederick John
Reading School of D ancing
C ulture!
(Miss L. M. C o ttr e ll).!!â
T N 68 6.
L am bert G ordon Orm sbjM B.
A. ,M .D ., B. C. Cantab.
physician ¿ s u r g e o n
F ullbrook-L eggatt Mrs