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363 G ray R ev. A rth ur T heoÂ
U niversity C ollege (R ead  52 Venner Mrs. M . (A x b rid g e)
in g) (W illiam M. Childs 34 Venner R d. Ja s.(W estga te)
B artholom ewâs)
M. A. p rin cip a l; Fras. H. 56 Messer John Barnard J .P .
365 Burt Ernest
W right M .A. registrar)
367 Rowland Thom as
Dairy Institute 58 A dam son Mrs. (W a rren
369 Preston James
(M iles Benson B .D .F . A.
G ore)
' st1 L eg g Benjamin
m a n a g e r; Miss E m ily 58 Adamson Miss A. M . nurse
373 D unton Albert
(W arren G ore)
K. L ittle B .D .F .A . inÂ
377 Rainbow H enry G eorge
structress ) ( U niversi tv 60 G ilford Sidney M .B .,C h.B .
379 Masked W illiam T hom as
Edin. physcn. & surgeon
381 Russell Henry
University College Library 62 Jacobs Charles Mark (T h e
383 Pocock G eorge
here is Redlands r d .......
C roft)
385 Phippen Mrs
Hospital 64 T im b erg R d. T ., M .R .C .S .,
387 Burgess Capt. James
(J. H. W alters F .R .M .S .,
L. R. C. P. L ond. ( Forshem )
389 A dam s Edward Cyril
M .R .C .S .E n g .,
L .M .,
here is Denmark r d ........
391 Ellis James
L S .A . consulting surgeon ;
Unitarian Free C hurch
393 Davey R obert Edward
M. D.
395 Burrett Mrs
E d in ., M .R .C .P .Lond. & 70 Clacy Ernest H enry
397 N eighbour W alter
W illiam T hom as Freeman 7 2 W alker M rs
here is L iverpool r d .......
M .D .,
F .R . C .S .E n g ., 74 C lacy M rs. H. (S tradbroke)
399 Jones Griffith
L .R .C .P .L o n d . p h y sicia n s; ... here is Alexandra rd ...
403 Glass Mrs. D
W. J. M aurice M .A ., M .B ., 76 Venner W illiam John Day
( Lism orei
405 Sm ith Fred
B.Ch. O xon.,
L .R .C .P .
407 W ilson Ernest
L on d ., M .R .C .S .E n g ., J. 32 P ountney H arold W illiam
(C lifton lod ge)
409 R obson Mrs.
A. P. Price M .D . & L. M.
413 Ford Mrs
G uilding M .B., M .R .C .S . 82 P ountney W illiam H enry
(C lifton lod ge)
415 Rogers Joseph Edward
su rg e o n s; G eorge Stewart
417 Brant Jam es Elbro
A bram B. A ., M .B ., B C. 84 C legg A. D eig h ton (Ivy lo )
419 M osdell E dm und
C antab.,
M .R .C .S .E n g ., 86 B uckeridge W m . (R ose lo)
... here South W estern R ailÂ
L .R .C .P .L o n d . & G eorge ... here is Donnington rd ...
way line crosses..........
Frederick M urrell
M.B. 92 W alford H ugh E lw ard
(P attin gham )
M cDonald F rancis W iliiam
L o n d .,
M .R . C .S .E n g.,
(In veru rie)
L .R . C .P .L on d .
assistant 92 R eading Blind A id S ociety
(H ugh E. W alford, hon.
Sutton & Sons, seed grow ers
p h y sicia n s; W . J. Foster
sec. & treasurer) (P atÂ
& m erchants (seed trial
F .R .C .S .E n g .,
L .R .C .P .
tingham )
grou n d s).
See advertiseÂ
Lond. assistant su rgeon ;
m ent outside Back Cover
R .P. Brooks F .R .C .S . Edin. 94 Hill Hedley S .(B ran ksom e)
South side.
ophthalm ic s u rg e o n ; Arth.
St. Gilesâ Church School
R oberts
F .R . C.S. E d in ., 98 M orley Mrs
(fo r boys & girls)
M .R .C .S . Eng. aural su r 100 R ivers W alter V ernon
6 & 8 T A R G E T T âS
geon ; A. L . G o a d b y , con Â
... here is Blenheim rd ..... .
jo b
& post masters.
su lting dental su rg eon ; R. 104 M urrell G eorge F rederick
Telephone No. 55
Donaldson M .B ., F .R .C .S .
M .B .L on d .,
M .R .C .S .
10 M arks W illiam Edward
E din. p a th o lo g is t; Col. J.
E n g .,
L .R .C .P .L o n d .
here is Kendrick r d .......
E. B roadbent C. B. treas. ;
W all Letter Box
R ev. Martin Thom as Friend
(B len heim lod ge)
14 M ilsom W illiam G riffith
M .A . c h a p la in ;
Herm an 106 A bram G eorge Stewart
here is Crown pi ........
B urney B.A.Cantab., sec. ;
B .A .,
M .B .,
B .C .
16 Poulton Ronald W illiam
W . G .M u n dy , assist, see. ;
Cantab., M .R .C .S .E n g .,
18 Colyer John
Miss W ynne, m atron)
L .R .C .P .L o n d .
ao Brewer Miss
Pillar Letter Box
cian & surgeon
22 G illett Mrs
St. A ndrew âs Presbyterian
here is De B eauvoir rd ...
24 Harrison-Jones Hughes
Church o f England
26 W oodgate W illiam
A nn ie,
here is Craven r d ........ 108 R obinson Mrs.
28 A rm itage Miss M. Florenos
costu m ier
M .D .B ru x .,L .R .C .P . &S. 46 G oad by
Allan Lindsay 110 H arrisJoh nA lfd .insur.agt
Edin. physician & surgn
L .D .S .R .C .S .E n g . d en Â
H older J. & Son, florists
30 Freem an W illiam Thom as
tal surgeon
& nur.ârym en (C row n
M .D .D u rh am , F .R .C .S . 48 Norris Miss G
nu rsery)
E n g .,
L .R C .P .L ond. 50 Brown M rs. G eorge W m . 120 T he M arquis of G ranby
(S om erley)
P .H . T o m H arvey