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28 Lawrence Frederick
30 Denne Mrs
32 Cottrell Edward
34 Hearn Frederick
36 Clark Ernest
38 Dnrm an Thom as Henry
40 Johnson G eorge
42 Haslam Mrs
44 H am ilton Harry
46 Allen G eorge
1Eagles M rs. Fred
50 H am m ond G eorge
52 Brown Thom as
54 Hunt H enry
56 H iggs W alter
58 Hutton B ridger, insur. agt
60 W aight George
62 L ovejoy T hom as
64 Sm alibone Frederick
66 Froud Francis T horne
Love George
70 IC dgingtonC has.cow keepr
2 Paw lett Sam uel
4 F'arr W illiam
76 Jupp Mrs
78 Brown R icb d . (C apen or)
82 & 84 Reading G uardiansâ
Childrenâs H om e
... here is B ulm ershe rd ...
86 Bletchly Mrs. (W yndham
W alker
H erbert
(E ccles field)
go H obbs Hy. Jas. (F ern lea )
92 Sm ith Miss E dith
.here is H am ilton r d .......
South side.
Dixon Oliver,dealer in horses
D ix o n c o t t a g e s :
Steele John
North A lbert Frank
Waterer A rthur
here is Bulm ershe rd ...
83 Breedon W m . (M ilverton)
83 Breedon Miss (M ilverton )
85 M axwellChas. (N ewark vl)
87 W dkinson Mrs. M
89 Sm ith Miss (C arw in ion)
I Salmon Miss A. G. school
3 Powell Miss (S ou lh w ick )
93 Brigham M iss(S ou th w ick)
5 M cG regor
(T h e
here is H am ilton r d .......
II Cousal E dw ard Henry
13 M oule L ancelot (Stanleyhouse)
Wall L etter Box
C R E S C E N T R O A D , Tilehurst, from Victoria road
to Westwood road.
East side.
Piercy Wm. (Strathalbyn)
Barber Fredk. Jn. (Fairglen)
Truman Harry Edwin
Dawson James
Elder George (Roseleigh)
Tyler Mrs. (Homeleigh)
Moore Thomas (Estevan)
Holford Maurice P.(Oakdean)
Piercy Mrs. (Sander grove)
3 Rannaous Arthur John
5 Borton Harry
7 Abraham Timothy Robert
9 Argyle William
11 Mason George, turncock
13 Gibbs Edward Arthur
15 Payne Alfred
17 Lawrence George
19 Lovegrove William
21 Amor Henry
23 Knight Mrs. tchr.of music
23 Knight Sydney Francis
here is Hampden rd.......
25 Goldstein Lewis
27 Wiltshire Frederick
R O A D , 29 Holdstock George
Caversham, from South 31 Essex George
View avenue to Henley rd. 33 Well Arthur John
35 Taylor Harry Edm und
West side.
37 Brooker William
2 Blissett John George
39 Bailey Arthur George
4 Phipps William
41 Telling Joseph
6 Hurst John
43 F'oster William
8 Blackall William
45 Styles Walter John
10 Prince Charles
47 Dentry Ernest Edward
12 Wood Arthur George
49 George Thomas
14 Burke Michael
51 Seward James
16 Hussey- Henry, boot ma
53 May Lewis Henry
Hemmings Mark
55 Looker Philip Richard
20 Pound Mrs
57 Baker Henry22 Taylor Herbert
59 Beckley James William
24 Main John
61 Ryder William Harry26 Burrage Mrs
63 & 65 St. Peterâs Mission
28 Todman Henry
House of the Sisters of
30 Burrage George
St. Peterâs Com munity,
32 Barlow Henry George
34 Thomas Henry36 Giles Frederiek
CROSS S T R E E T , from 159
36 Giles Mrs. dress maker
Friars Broad street.
38 Slater William Isaac
40 Darnell Charles Henry
West side.
42 Brown William Crowther
4 The Commercial Art Press
44 Abery HenryLtd. printers & statnrs
46 Martin George William
4 Collard F. ladiesâ tailor
48 Kirby George
4 Clegg P. Dixon, artist
50 Broad Edward
6 G IB B S R E N TO N A C O .
52 Messer Frederick Charles
L IM IT E D , healing enÂ
54 Wheeler Walter Arthur
gineers (D. C. Beilis,
56 Holloway Frank
district manager)
58 Sharp William Tom
o Nance & Son, solicitors &
60 Wootten Frederick John
commissioners for oaths
62 Squire William George
8 Bradbury Bros, saddlers
64 Rogers Mrs
10 Ladies' County Club(Mrs.
66 Hodge Henry
E.M .Littlewood.hon.sec)
68 Bartlett Francis Charles
12 Rush Martin, tailor
70 Mason George
14 Bluuden Abijah, dining
74 Foot Arthur
76 Towner Alfred
East side.
1 Reeves Alfred, shopkeeper
Cross Street Hall
Mrs, servantsâ
18 Newman