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RO A D â c o i l .
48 C ooper Charles, beer retlr
here is Stanshawe r d .......
50 T he Old Britannia P. H.
Ernest Orsler
52 & 5 4 ln d ,C o o p e & U o .(i9 i2 )
L im ited, brew ers(stores)
58 F ellow sH enry,ironm onger,
& post office
62 D onnelly E dw ard,beer ret
64 TalbotG .W .& Son.coal mers
here is T u d or rd .......
66 Ferrebee & H ill, bakers
7 oT in k lin H erbert F. to Â
bacconist & news agent
72 Sparks Frederick, g rn gro
74 W hite Horse P .H . A rthur
H enry Blaekall
74 Telephone Call Office
here the (j. W . Railway
road to G . W . Railway
station (u p s id e )............
80 G reat W estern Railway
Signal E ngineerâs Office
& Signal & Telegraph
W orks (A . T. Blackall,
signal engineer)
W e s te r n R a il w
Co a l yar d :
Great W estern R ailway (in Â
qu iry & w eighbridge office)
Dunlop & Son, coal m erchants
T a lb o tG . W . & Son, coal m ers
R eading Industrial C o-operaÂ
tive S ociety L im ited (F . J.
W icks, se c.) (coal depot)
Ayres Charles & Giles, coal
& coke m erchants
. Stevens & Co. coal m erchants
here is Vastern rd ......
82 L ew is G eorge, tim ber m er
84 to 90 BU R TO N J . & C O .
buildersâ m erchants
here is Brigham rd .......
92 Shattock A lfred R. butcher
106 B elcher Frederick Geo
108 B rooker G eorge
n o W hite John W illiam
112 Basden Mrs
r i4 Sm allw ood W illiam
116 K ilpatrick Mrs
118 R om ain Frank
120 E lder David Blackburn
122 W iltshire Josiah
124 Collier MrsJ
126 Beattie H . W. travelling
128 N ew port S ydn ey,furn ,dlr
Skeate J. H . W . tobenst 196 K eating James Edward
Eighteen James
198 Brinjes & G oodw in Ltd.
Stillm an Frank
constructional engineers
Green Miss
Fuller G eorge F rederick,
w ork s). See advertiseÂ
baker & confectioner
198 G oodm an H. C. iron &
.here is Tham es aven.
brass founder
140 Holm es E dw ard, refresh 200 Cowley W'illiam
m ent room s
202 W hite John
142 Holden Mrs. post office
206 Cawston Edward J. toÂ
144 Dicker E dm u nd Fell
bacconist & boat builder
146 Phillips Charles Joyce
148 H adley Harry
C H A IN S T R E E T , fr o m ) 9
150 Bourne Mrs
Broad street to M inster St. f 17
152 H um phries Miss
V 19
W est side.
154 Ram sden W illiam W alter
2 Nash Albert, watch maker
156 Allinson James Fowell
156 A llinson J. F. & Son,
Susan, tobacconist
4 Phelan Mrs. w ardrobe dir
158 W enham T hom as
5 Spong Ernest Geo. con fr
160 Hadley Mrs
6 , 7 & 8 H ookham & Son,
162 Sam pson Maurice
furniture warehouse
164 M aynard Richard
9 Clarke W m . John, fruitr
16b W oods James
168 Satchell Charles Edward 10 R oberts Charles, tbccnst
13 P lum m er Chas. H y. confr
170 Bathurst A rthur C
172 & 174 Fitzsim ons Jam es, 14 Englcfield W m . grocer
15 W'ebb G eorge Seward,hair
174 Chivers John
176 & 178 Marsh E, G . L. & 15a, R iversGeo.french polishr
Co. launch builders,ship 15b, C la cy jn .h ou se decorator
St. M aryâs Institute (W.
wrights & barge builders
C. H olloway, sec)
176 & 184 W oollan Sidney
L egg Rev. R ichard AVick-j
W alter M .I.A .E . autoÂ
ham M .A . (v ica r of St.
m obile consulting engnr
M ary the V irgin ) (The!
176 & 184 Caversham M otor
V icarage)
Co. Ltd. (S. W . W oollan
St. M aryâs C hurch House Jiro
M .I.A .E . & N. C. M acSt. M aryâs Church Y ard
nam ara, m anaging d ir Â
St. M ary theV irgin C h u rr,1Hut,
ectors),m otor engineers,
repairers & m anufactrs
East side.
178 & 176 Marsh E. G . L. & 30 M anning J.
H . picture
C o.launeh builders,shipÂ
fram e m aker
w rights & barge builders 29 Henley M odel Laundry j j osc
180 Miles W illiam
Ltd. (receiving office) T
180 Miles M rs. Jane, dress ma 28 Rainbow P .H . W illiam 11. g j c ](
182 Hewett Joseph
C oi
184 & 176 Oaversham M otor
Heelas, Sons & Co. LimJ ,
Co. Ltd. (S. W. W oollan
packing room s
¡ Al
M .I.A .E . & N. C. Mac- 26 Burgess Charles Edward .ero.â
namara, m anaging d ir 25 to 22 Borough of R eading*
ectors),m otor engineers,
Medical Society Limited
repairers & m unufactrs
(W . R. H um bling, sec. ; S fj
184 & 176 W oollan Sidney
W . A ldridge, m anager) iowie
W'alter M .I.A .E . au to 25 to 22 Reading & District oper
m obile consulting engnr
Public Dental Service dcha
188 Lewis Jethro Lailey
(T h e) (W . A ldridge,sec)
190 Blake Cliarles W alter
25 to 22 Reading Dispensary F ir
192 Cornrefch Julius
T ru st (T h e) (W . Ald-eck,
194 H arker Frederick
rid g e, sec)