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C r o s s s t r e e t â c o n t in u e d .
C R O W N P L A C E , from 16
2 0 R eading Charity O rganiÂ
L ondon rd. to Redlands rd
zation Society (D. W .
1 W icks Miss M ary Ann
Bishop A ckerm an, sec)
3 Friar Edward
20 R eading Band of Hope 5 Barrett Albert
Union (D . W . Bishop
7 W eedon A rthur John
Ackerm an, hon. sec)
9 G iles W illiam
20 R eading T em perance &
11 Short W illiam
13 Creswell Miss
Society (D . W . Bishop
15 W icks W illiam
Ackerm an, hon. sec)
17 Short Ernest
20 Berkshire Bee Keepers'
19 Eatwel! Mrs
Association (D .W . Bishop
8 G rey H y .G eo.fM elrose vil)
Ackerm an, hon. sec)
20 Sim pson & Son, tailors
C R O W N S T R E E T , from
24 A rchard W m . antique dir
L ondon
street to
26 AVall Mrs
Southam pton street.
30 T hom as W m . hair dresser
South side.
32 Nicholasâ Foreign Estates
Lim ited, foreign land & 9 T aylor Thos. hair dresser
here is Cave court .......
estate agents
32 S isam W illiam M .D .,B .S c., ... here is Rosebery cotts ...
D .P .H . m edical officer 15 Franklin & Allen,coal m ers
of health for W est Berks 15 Franklin W illiam
17 R uffell R obert Edward
United district
32 W hitchurch & Pangbourne 19 Eeles Howard
E lectric Supply Co. Ltd. 21 R um ble G eorge Henry
H um phries W illiam Henry
(registered office)
(Brunswick cottage)
East side.
G old & Co. sm iths
7 R eading Gas Co. lecture
Franklin & Allen, coal
m erchants (stores)
9 R ogers G eorge Edward
Crown P .H . Geo. S.T aylor
Boulderson, solicitor &
here is N ewark st ........
com m issioner for oaths,
sec. to R eading Ceme- 23 M aggs James
1cry Co. clerk & solicitor 27 Hope John Thom as
to Trustees of Goring 29 & 31 Allsebrook G uthrie &
Co. engineers
Heath Charities, clerk
to G orin g Rural District 29 H iggs James Luke
Council & clerk to the 35 Freem an Albert Edward
35 Freeman Mrs. dress m akr
Berks C lergy Charity
9 H am bling W . R. secretary 37 H iscock Daniel
to B orough of Reading 39 M acMillan W illiam
St. G ilesâ Infantsâ School
Medical Society L im ited
(N ational)
11 D uisdicker Carl, ladiesâ
43 Pitm an Edwin Joseph
11 M orris Henry S. architect 47 Lovegrove John & Sons,
plum bers
13 MAY & C O . high-class
hosiers, glovers & shirt 51 & 53 W alker A l f r e d
m akers & tie specialists
& m onum ental m asons
15 Oliver Alfred, tobacconist
17 M artin A. tailor
19 M arsh W illiam Thom as,
ham & beef warehouse
21 Staples J.
fram e m aker
23 B ottrill John & Son, wall
paper m erchants
25 International T ea C o.âs
Stores L im ited
27 H om e &Colonial StoresL td
18 Stam brook M aurice E.
boot m aker
22 L ock W illiam
24 Rendell W illiam Alfred
26 Cocks Alfred
28 Baylis A rth ur John
30 W aite Thom as & Son,
gas fitters
30 Stansfield Frederic Wilson
M .D .,C h.B .V iet., D.P.H.
Cam b. surgeon (attends
here tw ice weekly)
32 W ilson A rth ur Duncan
34 Marsh W illiam
38 & 40 H uggins Philip, bkr
42 Harper John
44 Spencer
Parcels Express
46 Brunsden Edward Ernest,
d ru g stores
50 Red Cow P .H . Edward
John Davenport
R O A D , from
W okingham road.
N orth side.
B unce Francis
W illats Frederick James
Greenfield Geo. Johnson
W aino Miss (Sham rock
Vear G eorge Thom as
Bowm an W illiam
Hew ett Miss
Sm ith A rthur
G ordon Mrs
K im ber Mrs
Cusden A nthony
here is College rd .......
South side.
21 B erry Jam es John
23 Sm ith Frederick W . (M elÂ
25 M orris M rs. S
27 W alckers Arsene
29 M orris W alter Lionel
31 Brewer Stanley, teacher
of m usic (In gleside)
33 Sm ith Josiah (R ichm ond
35 Jupe Mrs. (W averley)
37 Farley Lewis
39 Bunce Richard M. (F ranÂ
cis cottage)
39 B unce Miss, dress m aker
41 H iggott G ilbert (Pleasant'
v iew )
N orth side.
4 Hensford A rth ur James,
coffee room s
6 St. Gilesâ Mission House
(Sister Caroline)
8 Balfour Club (H . C. G o o d Â
man, hon. sec. ; A rthur
Thos. G ibson, stew ard)
H untley, B oorne & Stevens
L im ited, tin box manfrs 43 Green Mrs