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OCR Text
Be Ad I ng stn E E t d ir e c t o r y â 1914.
i t Walker Horace
13 Trask John Robert
15 Walker Mrs
17 Newland Henry William
19 Dodd Arthur William
21 Honey Philip Edwin
23 Spencer George Middleton
25 Towner Thomas
27 Dearlove Edwin
29 Richardson Alfred James
3 1 Barfoot Charles
33 Cave Walter F. cabinet ma
here is Kendrick r d .......
35 Butler Miss (Kirkland)
37 Payne Miss (Bergheim)
39 Sutton Misses(Hillingdon)
41 Poulton Fras. (Mullingar)
41 Poulton William
43 Mather Mrs. (St. Olaveâs)
45 Townsend Frank (Hollybrake)
47 Keep William Henry
49 Gilkes Joseph Charles
53 Bryant Reginald
53 a, Goodchild Colin Stanley
55 Hankin Rev. Daniel Bell
(Mildmay cottage)
here is The Mount .......
57 Stalhvood S. Slingsby
F.S.A. (Whitley croft)
59 Manning Mrs. (The UpÂ
here is The Mount .......
85 Smallbone Albert William
87 Bevitt Arthur
89 Omerod Miss
91 Eastman Mrs
here is Redlands r d ___
here is Shinfield rd .......
South side.
2 Ranking GeorgeLancaster
M .R.C.S.,
physician & surgeon
Tutty Mrs. (Inveriuate)
Arnold Ralph (Bon-Air)
Dore Misses (Balmanno)
Cundell Mrs
Eddels Samuel
here is Glebe rd ...........
Wall Letter Box
Christ Church
here is Vicarage r d .......
30 Wheeler Mrs. (llatchgate)
34 Pounds Alfred, cabinet ma
here is Cintra a ven .......
38 Haslam MissM. (Cintra io)
40 Wallis
Henry Marriage
J.P. (Ashton lodge)
Payne Mrs. (Merton ho)
Lockhart Lieut.-Col.Thos
(Glenmore house)
Collyer William Islip
Jarvis George, jobmaster
Queenâ s Head P.H. Henry
here is Whitley Park la ...
SO N ,
builders, decorators &
60 Phillips A. ironmonger
60 Brooker Richard
62 Simms Fred W. cycle agt
62 Pitney Frederick George,
ladiesâ tailor
64 Webb Henry
66a, Simmons Percy William
68 Newton Alfd.M.P.S.chmst
70 Blows Thomas, butcher
72 Rogers Mrs. Mary, draper
74 Lumb Mrs. L. stationer
76 Clifford Miss M. fruiterer
Pillar Letter Box
78 Allen Thomas Henry, conÂ
fectioner, & post office
80 Richardson & Co. grocers
80 Telephone Call Office
82 The Devonshire Dairy
(J. J. Davis, proprietor)
. here is Northcourt aven ...
Oliver Harry
Haines Richard
Redford George
Cooper George
here is New la ...........
Barningham Mrs. (Calcot rise)
Dutton William
Collins (Mrs. (Stoneham ho)
Goodger Harry
(Calcot hanger)
Wells Reginald Watkin (The
Pope Alfred, farm bailiff to
exors. of William Joseph
Fidler (deceased) (Honeyend farm)
here are Honeyend la.
& Tilehurst rd ............
C H U R C H R O A D , Caversham, from Bridge street to
St. Peterâs hill.
South side.
2 Ripley Henry, butcher
6 Nickolls Miss
8 Guttridge Mrs
12 Griffin P.H. Joseph Taylor
14 Jarrett Herbert William
16 Lewis Mrs
B uck s id e :
Creasy Charles
The Old Rectory Home of
C H U R C H END,Tilehurst,
from the church to Iloney18 Cleaver
end lane.
William Euseby M.A.
(Letters should be addressed
(vicar of Caversham, k
Calcot, Reading.)
surrogate) (The VicarÂ
\Vpc| «iflf»
St. Michaelâs Church (Tile- 20 Mosley Lady (The Old
hurst Parish Church)
Smith Rev. Henry Richard
Caversham Church
Cooper D. D. (rector of TileNorth side.
hurst, k surrogate) (TileWall Letter Box
hurst rectory)
1 Davey Mrs. Alice, confr
Iremonger Charles, farmer 3 Angell James, tailor
(Fordâs farm)
5 Ayres Charles & Giles, coal
East side.
& coke merchants
Wicks John
7 Salmon George, oilman
Bunce Edward
9 Thomas Herbert, fruitr
Sparks Henry
1 1 Terry F. k Son, boot mas
Routh John Martin (Good- 13 , 15 k 17 Police Station
(Oxfordshire County) ;
here is footpath to Reading
William Henry Payne,
Champion William
inspector in charge)
Champion James
19 Pyke Frank, dairy
Masked Caleb
21 Little Charles, draper.
Routh Misses (St. Michaelâs
See advertisement
23 Watkins & Co. stationers