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G e o r g e s t r e e t â c o n t in u e d . G L O U C E S T E R
from Elm Park road
68 Sopp W illiam Edward
68 Sopp M rs. Ellen, dress i m
70 Lawendon T hom as Jam es
N orth side.
72 W hite 1âerey James
2 Robbins Francis W in. gro
74 W haley F rederick
4 Holden Mrs
76 W hile Miss, shopkeeper
6 H unt Mrs
78 Jacobs A lfred
8 Browne H en ry Frederick
80 Seabourne E dw ard G eo
10 Butler H orace David
82 Mills G eorge
12 llinley Joseph Valentine
84 E lliott A rthur, builder
14 Green G eorge Thom as
86 M abbett A rth ur 11
16 D urbidge W illiam Alfred
88 Hare Mrs
18 Cripps A lbert Edward
90 Sedgbser H enry W illiam ¡20 W iltshire A rthur
92 liriginshaw Frederick
here is B elm ont r d .......
94 M akepeace Levi
22 K ing Frederick
! 24 M artin Mrs
G I P S Y L A N E . T ilehurst, 26 Vow les John W
from K entw ood road to 28 Hill W illiam
N orco t lane.
30 Aekland George
N orth side.
32 Oates Mrs
T u rn er Ernest
3 4 H e ffo r d H enry A ubrey
Carter Charles Henry
(H illside)
36 Booker Herbert
South side.
38 Purchase R obert
W heeler T hom as
here is C ranbury rd
M atchw ick Charles
Casey Cyril (K en tw ood g r o )
South side.
T ilehurst, P angbourne & DisÂ
trict W ater Co. L im ited 41 & 43 F arm er W m .sh opk pr
45 Brown Thom as W illiam
(p u m p in g station)
47 T anner Mrs
from 49 G am ester Thom as Arthur
C hristchurch
to 51 L y ford W alter H enry
33 Darvell George
C hristchurch gardens.
55 B readm ore W illiam
W est side.
57 Bed well Mrs
4 Blackmore Francis Ernest
(H illsboroâ )
G o l d i n g 49 c o t t a g e s .
6 Sim m onds Ernest Kichd.
(M elville)
See Low er Henley road.
8 Poulton Stanley Frederick
10 B ragg Jam es (M en tm ore)
G O L D S M I D R O A D , from
12 G rant W illiam John
4 Russell street to Baker st.
14 Howell Row land
East side.
W heeler M ontagu (W hitley
here is Franklin s t ........
3 M artin Philip
5 Hood Jesse
5 H ood Miss R osa A .Mus.
T E R .,
L .C .M . teacher of piano
from W estern road.
& sin gin g
Hebrew S ynagogue
1 Attwell Henry
3 Cockerton James H enry ! ....... |,epe ¡s C lifton st
4 Clay Frank
5 G ardner William
1G O R D O N P L A C E , from
6 H ince Mrs. Jessie
576 O xford road.
8 Lee W illiam
9 Marshall W illiam
1 Crisp A lbert, w indow cln r
3 T ull Joseph
here is Sherwood st
Basingstoke road.
here is Dorset st .
C aversham ,
brook street.
South side.
E lio tt Samuel & Son;
L td . join ery m anufctrs
3 Treacher E rnest Victor,
fried fish shop
5 H oborough John, dairy
7 W ellm an Sidney James
9 Dorm er Mrs
11 R andle Giles
13 L eppard James
15 W iseman Charles
17 Burton Arthur
19 T w issel T. Leslie
21 C oom bley Frank
23 Harris M rs. Elizh. con fr
... here is Patrick rd
29 De G ru ch y F rederick
31 R ow e James
.... here is G eorge st ......
33 Fairthorne W in. butcher
35 D ore Jam es W illiam
37 W hitew ay Frederick
39 P ottinger W alter L ouis
41 B room field Mrs
43 H uddy Thom as
45 W est E dwin G eorge
47 Haseman Jam es
49 Cox Albert
51 Franklyn Frank
53 W illiam s David
55 Oke Alfred Jam es,shopkp
57 Absalom Geo. Jas. Stephe
59 Ford Reuben
61 G ore A lfred George
63 Kearey Ernest
65 Hester James
67 King- Joseph
71 H oney Daniel
73 T ay lor G eorge
79 Rankin Charles
81 Langham Lewis
85 Craine Frederick Charles
87 C ox Willi un
89 Y axley W illiam
91 Poyser Mrs. F
9 1 A dam s Edward,3hopkeep
93 Harper Alfred
45 T aylor A lbert
99 Sim m onds Richard
101 Richens W illiam
â 03 R ig g W illiam *
105 Heather Misses
113 G utteridge A lbt. boot m
115 G oodenou gh T h os.H en r
117 Purvey Charles H enry
119 P ovey Mrs