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P u rley— Sm ith, ‘ W hite H art,’ m oo. wed. thurs. fri. & sa t.; JBrind,
‘ Elephant,’ daily
Rem enham— Girdler, at the Forbury, daily, except wed
Rotherfleld Greys— Bailey, ‘ P eacock,’ mon. wed. & sat
Rotherfield Peppard— Bailey, ‘ Peacock,’ mon. wed. & sat. ; Brown, 1 W hite
H a r t,’ mon. wed. & sat
R otherw ick— Fowler, ‘ Royal Oak ’ & at the Forbury, tues, thurs. & sat
R uscom be— Coke, ‘ B oar’s H ead ,’ daily
Rysh G reen— Bayliss, ‘ Elephant,’ daily, except wed
Sandhurst— Elmer, ‘ Boar’s H ead,’ tues, thurs. & sat. ; Hudson, ‘ Black
H ors '’ ,1 tues, thurs. & sat. ; Cooper, ‘ W h ite Hart, ’ tues, thurs. fri. & sa t
Sherfteld— Herbert, ‘ Black H orse,’ daily, except wed
Sherfleld Green— H erbert, ‘ Black H orse,’ daily, except wed
Shinfield—Fullbrook, ‘ Black H orse,’ daily, except w e d .; M aybanks,
‘ Black H orse,’ tues, thurs. & sat. ; M ercer, ‘ Black H orse,’ tues, thurs.
& sat. ; Bayliss, ‘ Elephant,’ daily, except wed
Shiplake— Tanner, ‘ Elephant,’ daily— W heeler; ‘ R oya l Oak,’ tues, thurs. & sat. ; James, ‘ The Sun,’
sat. ; Sm ith, ‘ W h ite H a rt,’ tues, thurs. & sat
Sindlesham —W ingfield, ‘ Black H orse,’ tues. & s a t; Bayliss, ‘ E lephant,’
daily, except wed
Sonning— Davis, ‘ Peacock,’ d a ily ; G irdler, at the F orbu ry, daily,
except wed. ; Allnatt, ‘ W hite H art,’ daily
Sonning Com mon— Perrin & Son, ‘ W hite H art,’ daily, except wed
Sonning H ill— T ripp, ‘ Duke's H ead ,’ tues, thurs. & sat
Southend— M itchell, ‘ P eacock,’ tues. & sat
Spencers W o o d — Varney, ‘ Duke’s H ead,’ daily, except w e d .; Davey,
‘ E lephant,’ tues, thurs. & sat...; Bow rey, ‘ Elephant,’ d a ily ; Herbert,
‘ Black H orse,’ daily, except wed.; A lley, ‘ Black H orse,’ daily ; Brown,
‘ Black Horse, ’ tues. & fri
Stanford D in gley— M itchell, ‘ P eacock,’ tues. & s a t.; G irdler, at the
F orbu ry, daily, except wed. ; Juniper, ‘ Sun,’ tues, thurs. & sat
Stoke R o w — Lester, ‘ Boar’s Head,’ mon. wed. fri. & sat. ; Brown, ‘ W h ite
H art,’ mon. wed. & sat. ; Frewin, ‘ Boar’s H ead ,’ tues, thurs. & sat
Strathfieldsaye— Stanford, ‘ R oyal O ak,’ tues, thurs. & sat
Streatley— Smith, ‘ W hite H art,’ mon. wed. thurs. fri. & sat-.; Giles,
‘ W hite H a rt,’ tues, thurs. fri. & sat
Sulham— Brind, ‘ E lephant,’ daily ; Burr, ‘ W h ite H art,’ daily
Sulhampstead A b bots— W ise, ‘ Sun,’ wed. & sat. ; A ldridge, ‘ Boar’s H ead,’
tues. & sat
Sunninghill— Tripp, ‘ Duke’s H ead,’ tues, thurs. & sat
Sw allow field— H erbert, ‘ Black Horse,’ tues, thurs. & sa t. ; Varney, ‘ D uke’s
H ead ,’ daily, except wed. ; A ldridge, ‘ Boar’s H ead ,’ tues. & sat. ; A lley,
‘ Black H orse,’ d a ily ; Bow rey, ‘ E lep h a n t,’ d a ily ; Davey, ‘ E lephant,’
tues, thurs. & sat. ; Brown, ‘ Black H orse,’ Lues. A fri
Tadley— Bowman, ‘ Peacock,’ tues. & sat
Tham e— Jackson, ‘ R oya l Oak ’ & at the Forbury, tues
T h atch am —M itchell, ‘ P eacock,’ th u r s .; Johnson, ‘ W h ite Hart.,’ mon.
wed. fri. & sat
Theale— Johnson, ‘ W h ite H a r t,’ mon. wed. fri. & s a t .; W is e , ‘ Su n,’
wed. & s a t.; Aldridge, ‘ Boar’s H ead,’ tues. & s a t.; Pontin, ‘ R oy a l
Oak,’ tues, thurs. & sat. ; Payne, ‘ Peacock,’ mon. thurs. & sat. ; M itchell,
‘ Peacock,’ tues. & sat. ; Cotterall, ‘ Su n,’ tues, thurs, & sa‘ : W est,
‘ Su n,’ mon. & fri