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r e a d in g
d ir e c t o r y â
I I 2 Benyon John L ouis (W ild 101 L u ckm a n H en ry Percy
(K im b o lto n )
103 Jones Jn. H y. (B elsize)
114 B urn F rederick W illiam
here is B ulm ershe r d ........
(D om arin)
116 L aw es F rederick(C oom be
lodge north)
in 118 S ilveyR ev.R obert A .T .S .
C aversham ,from C rom well
[B a p tist]
(C oom be
lodge south)
South side.
| 120 T om lin Jn. R .(L a k e fo o t)
2 M ander F'rederick R obert
124 Heelas E dw ard (C o n Â
2 M ander M rs. F. dress ma
4 C layton T hom as
W all L etter Box
6 Clifton T hom as H enry
8 Beech W illiam R upert
East side.
10 G ardiner W illiam Jam es
1 K in gton
12 Baston C reesw ll
(Q u eensberry)
14 Hows A lbert John
,\ 3 D oherty M rs
16 Burnham E d m u n d Thos
5 W ebster W illiam
18 R idgers Charles
7 Carter G eorge C.
20 M aunders Joseph
(F lorenville)
22 P rickett Charles P
9 H arin gton Rev.
24 G ibbons G eorge Frederick
Oldfield M .A
26 Palm er E d w in G eorge
1 Salisbury A lbert
28 Parsons W illiam J
5 Sawtell John H
30 E dw in A rth ur Osm ond
1 RhodesJn. Jas. (Belle C lair)
32 H ow ell G eorge W illiam
3 C harlbury Coal, Coke &
N orth side.
10 A d ey Charles (A b e rfo y le )
12 C larke
M etford R obert
(N orth v ille)
14 T ribe W illiam
16 O âB rien W illiam F rancis
(S ou th ga te)
18 Conners Jam es H erbert
20 Bennett Jn .R .(H ea th erlea )
22 Cause G eorg e (H olm sid e)
24 G w illia m A rth ur
26 L am b H y. W m . (B e r r ick )
40 R ed drop R egd . T. (H illb ra e)
42 G old in g H a rry Charles
(L y n ton )
44 Palm er W alter (L ed iston )
46 Lee Frederick
48 H obbs John
50 Sharpe W illiam H en ry
G ow er street.
fro m
South side.
1 C arter Mrs. general shop
3 E nglefield Mrs. M
5 C laridge Charles
7 Sm ith H enry
11 G iles G eorge
1 W ebb Charles W illiam G eo 13 W hite E d w ard
15 H ow m an James E dw ard
3 H arris W alter
17 R elf G eorge
5 Silk Jam es
21 F ag g W illiam G
7 L ew ington Frederick
23 Stevens T hom as
P etroleum Co. (F . T. 9 Sim m onds W illiam
H orniblow , proprietor)11 H iggs G eorge
N orth side.
y S h a w E d w a rd j. P .(H o llin g13- N ewm an A lfred G eorg e
ton house)
15 Denne E dwin
2 P rice Frank, greengrocer
1 C om pton H y . Jn. ( Wal ta ir) 17 Downs J
4 Baker F rederick
_3.W oolcott H erbert
(St. 19 Sm ith Jam es
6 Hopkins Miss
21 Knight W illiam G eorge
8 B akew ell W alter
35 H udlestonM rs. (H arley ho) 23 B utler A n h u r Henry
10 Carter Charles
37 C arter Mrs. C
25 Burton Fred
12 Preston Si lney G eorge
39 R oberts H enry Charles
27 Pullin H enry
14 Stickley Charles
41 Jones E d m u n d Charles 29 Burrell Ebenezer
16 H older A lfred
Clayton (E v e rto n )
18 B row n G eorge A lbert
45 F uller G eorge Frederic H A R L E Y
S T R E E T , io Drake Jethro
(H azeldean)
Caversham , from W olsey rd.
47 Churchill
H arold W .
Council Scho il
(W illow cottage)
49 WâithersM rs.J. (O aklands)
from 42 E rleigh road to
63 Brigham G. L
L y d fo rd road.
Caversham , from A lbert rd.
65 Batho M issey ;G reen h ill)
W est side.
71 W itherin gton Duncan H. 2 Osm ond M ichael K ingham
( Bartonville)
(T h e L im es)
2 Barkus T hom as
here is C rescent r d ........ 4 L idderdale M rs. (H u rst 4 B urton C hristopher Jam es
H older J. & S o n , florists &
6 Barker W illiam
nurserym en
6 W a rw ick W m .(G re y la n d s) 8 D eacon R obert W illia m
81 M cG regor Mrs. (R oseh ill) 8 Brancker Rev. T hom as 10 P idgeon W alt. fried fish shp
b . a . [cu rate o f St. A n  12 E aglesE dw ardJas.boot m a
83 Allen A n tru m (H on iton )
d rew âs, CavershamJ (S t, 14 W a rd W illiam
85 Beldam Thos. (Y o k o h a m a )
87 Barkshire M rs. Sam uel
A ndrew âs clergy house) 16 G ostelow H a rry, d airy
89 Banks A rchibald James
91 Iliffe W illiam George
93 W a u g h Percy L