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C o u n c il S c h o o l s .
Battle, Cranbury road (m ixed & infants) built in 1893, fo r 1,077 children ;
average attendance, 8 4 3 ; A lfred Sturge Caudle, head master ; M iss H.
Davis, infantsâ mistress
Central Boys, D oroth y street, built in 1891 ; accom modation fo r 4 6 6 ;
average attendance, 3 2 7 ; Edwin James Andrews, head master
Coley, W olseley street (m ixed & infants), built in 1874, for 572 children ;
average attendance, 4 8 6 ; James E llis A .c .r . master o f m ixed departÂ
ment ; M iss Bishop, infantsâ mistress
George Palm er School, Basingstoke road, built in 1907, for 1,248 children ;
average attendance, boys 249, girls 245, infants 187 ; Joshua Sw allow,
boysâ m aster; Miss K ate Pierpoint. girlsâ mistress; M iss A lice E.
Osman, infantsâ m istress; Trade school (m ixed ), W . D . W illia m s
b . sc. head master
Grovelands, O xford road, fo r 489 children; average attendance, 437
(m ixed & in fa n ts ); James Lee, m aster; Miss Mabel Farmer, infants*
H arley street, Caversham ; accommodation for 250 mixed & 300 infants ;
A lbert J. M onkley, head m aster; Mrs. Halstead, head mistress
Katesgrove, built in 1873 & reconstructed in 1891, now accom m odates
406 girls & 258 in fa n ts; Miss Davies, girlsâ m istress; M iss P h illip s,
infantsâ mistress
New Tow n, School terrace, built in 1874, for 1,455 ch ildren ; average
attendance, 1,250 ; G. E . Russell, head master ; Miss K entish, mistress ;
M iss M ardon, infantsâ mistress
N orcot road, Tilehurst (m ixed & infants), built in 1905-6 for 408 children ;
average attendance, 281 ; Shelton C. Saxby, master
O xford road, built in 1881 & opened 1883, for 1,000 ch ild ren ; average
attendance, 810 ; Daniel G. Thorburn a . c . p . (London U niversity) master;
Miss A. Lydam ore, mistress; Miss M. Gil Under, infantsâ mistress
Redlands (& College demonstration school), Lydford road, built in 1892,
fo r 888 boys, 388 girls & 344 in fa n ts; average attendance, boys 232, girls
216, infants 2 0 3 ; W alter J. H. Sweatman, boysâ m aster; Miss K , A.
Chandler, girlsâ mistress ; Miss Roberton, infantsâ mistress
School road, Tilehurst (mixed & infants), built in 1889 & enlarged in 1896
fo r 382 children ; average attendance, 247 ; Frank W m . W hite, master
Silver street, built in 1871, for 194 children; average attendance, 6 3 ;
M iss E . Thatcher, infantsâ mistress in charge
Swansea road, built in 1898, for 990 children; W . H. Baseden, m aster;
M iss W orthington, infantsâ mistress
W ilson, W ilson road, senior mixed (higher elem entary), intermediate
m ixed, ju nior mixed & infants, built, in 1904, for 1,400 children ; average
attendance, 1,150; W illiam E. Simkins m aster; Richard
W illiam s, master (interm ediate);
Miss Lizzie Chance, mistress
(ju n io r ); Miss Minnie Lewendon, infantsâ mistress
W okingham road (ju nior m ixed), built in 1902, for 500 children ; average
attendance, 437 ; Miss Chattaway, mistress
W okingham road (senior), built in 1906, for 4 0 0 children ; average attendÂ
ance, 405 ; E. T . Caton b .. v. master
A ll Saintsâ Infants, Brow nlow road ; built, in 1866, for 153 children ;
Miss Phelps, mistress: average attendance, 86
Christ Church, Milman road, W hitley, built in 1868, for 381 ch ild re n ;
present accom modation for 4 7 0 ; average attendance, 4 0 0 ; Samuel