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4 72
s h in f ie l d
Lucas G eorge D . agricu ltural m aÂ
ch in ist, L a n e E n d ho. : T . N .
202 R ea din g
M acF arlan e James E ., B .A ., M .B .
ph ysician & surgeon, D un boyn e,
T h re e M ile hill, S p encerâs w ood
M ay A lb e rt, B lack B o y P .H
M id d leton Joseph K in g,sh op k eep er,
B rookers hill
M id dleton R o b e rt J o lly , farmer,
G rovelands
M iles G eorge, butch er, S ch ool grn
N ew Chas. coal mer. S ch ool green
J ucholls W a lte r H e n ry , beer reÂ
tailer, S ch ool green
P a rk er Jam es, con fr. Sch ool green
P en n in gton Sidney, farm stew ard
to U n iversity College, Reading,
Lane E nd farm
P lu m b Sergt. Luke, cou n ty police,
Sch ool green
P rior A rth u r, dairym an , W arren
gate, School green
P r io r D a v id , m arket gardener,
T h ree M ile h ill, S pencerâ s w ood
R a ven scroft H arold, farm er, H vde
End farm
Saunders & M ayn ard, shopkeepers,
S p en cerâs w ood
Stevens H en ry W . farm er, C u tÂ
bush farm
Stevens W a lte r W illia m , farm er,
P a rr o tt farm
T a rg e tt Jam es, farm er, H y d e end
T h ick Charles, gam ekeeper
U n iversity College, R eadin g, E x Â
perim ental F arm (Sidney P en Â
n in gton , ste w a rd ),L a n e E n d frm
W atson T h om a s H a rtrid ge, grocer,
S p en cerâs w ood
W h e e le r W illia m ,
b uilder, T he
Square, S p en cerâ s w ood
W ilson Samuel, m arket gardener,
M ullis farm , S p encerâ s w ood
(F or other nam es in S p encerâs W o o d
see G razeley, page 456)
F ord H en ry, D riftsid e
Irem onger R ich a rd , Silchester ho
: M anning John H en ry, T h e Briars
Sim onds L ieu t.-C ol. H . Caversham ,
T he Stud farm
A dam s A lb e r t E d w d . cou n ty con st
A dam s W illia m , saddler & harness
m aker, & p o s t office
A ger P h ilip , refreshm ent room s
Barnard T h om as, butcher
B rid gew a ter G eo. coa l & w ood m er
B rom ley Georg© Joseph , baker &
g rocer & overseer
B row n J oh n E dw a rd , cy cle maker
D rin kw ater H a ir y Stanley, insurÂ
ance agent, Jasm ine cotta ge
E lliott Annie- (M rs.), beer retailer
F o rd A . (M rs.), blacksm ith
H earn
Jam es,
L t.-C ol. H . C. Sim onds
H illier Ernest, haulier
H illier W illiam , firew ood m erchant
Jennings F ran cis,G eorge & D ragon
Jenn in gs Thos. P y e , m arket gardnr
M a jor W illia m , coal m erchan t
M itford H all (P h ilip A g er, caretkr)
R obertson Samuel, grocer
Tam e H en ry,carpen ter,w h eelw righ t
& builder
W ard J oh n , Swan P .H
W eb b G eorge, p ou ltry farm er
W y e th W a lter, baker
u fl
T i !S a V6r^ , extenslve Parlsh Pleasantly situated on the left
Hie T h am es, w ith a station on the H en ley branch o f the G reat
ra *lw ay> 3 m iles south from H enley-on -T ham es and 4 i m iles
north-east from R e a d in g on the high road from the form er t o the
latter, in _the Southern division o f the cou n ty, hundred o f B infield,
sessi°n 9 l division o f H en ley, union and cou n ty cou rt d istrict o f
O v fo r J â rTL
d ? a M ry ° f H en ley and arch deacon ry and diocese of
O xford.
T he villa ge, placed on a ch alky eminence overh anging the
river, com m ands a fine p rosp ect o f the w oodlan d scenery o f the adioin brfteCd T v y P
3 and th e SurreT hill® beyond. T h e L od don , celeSffinlfke l o ^ ° Pe+L
° f â Lodona>â enters ^ e Thames near
nearest bridge up the n ver is at Sonning, distant
2± miles, and down, at Henley, 3| miles. A ferry connects this place