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&i2ADING STREET DtREC'iORYâ 1 9 1 4 .
C a s t l e s t r e e t â continued.
64 H addock A lfred John
91 W allis Alfred G eorge
Sheppard E dwin J. builder 93 C hurch H arold John
(w orksh op)
95 L uff Reginald
66 Cannon Mrs
97 W ebb Sam uel Charles
68 H am ilton Charles
99 Chandler John
70 W alker W illiam
101 Lawrance W illiam Henry
72 Barnett Thom as James
103 Cook Francis
74 W inchcom be A rthurH arry 105 G rant W alter John
76 Barkus Thom as
C A V E CO URT, from n
78 G arrett Frederick
C row n street.
80 Clare W alter
82 Hind Charles
84 G over W illiam
Tham es Conservancy Store
86 W alton Thom as
(H . E. Neale, chief store
88 Collins Sam uel
90 Day Charles
92 C hesterThom asH y.shpkpr K night W alter, lock keeper
Thames C onservancy Office
94 N unn James
(N avigation D epartm ent)
96 Parker A rth ur H enry
(John L aurie, chief inÂ
98 Lewis W alter
spector ; T . Hawes, deputy
100 W hite W alter James
inspector O xford d is tr ic t ;
102 Lovelock W illiam
C. T . C. B arker,deputy inÂ
104 Bernard Charles A lbert
spector R eading district ;
South side.
L. L ow m an,d ep uty inspecÂ
1 W eakley James Edward
tor M aidenhead d is t r ic t ;
A rth ur, tailor
W . J. P im m , chief depu ty
3 Allen John Henry
inspectorK ingston district)
S Kendall Mrs
C A T H E R I N E ST R E E T , 7 Doell Joseph
Tham es C onservancy Office
from 9 Salisbury road.
(E ngineersâ D epartm ent)
9 H obbs W alter
N orth side.
it Avis Stanley W illiam
4 R ogers G eorge
13 Chandler Mrs
from Friar street to Caver6 W oodard W illiam Ernest 15 R yland Francis W alter
sham bridge
8 W hite E d gar Jam es
17 Howes G eorge
10 Oliver Henry
[9 A w bery Arthur
W est side.
12 Childs W illiam Charles
21 Beattie John Charles
... here is Low er Thorn st ...
14 G rist Mrs
23 Johnson Thom as
15 Sm ith W . C. L im ited,
16 Iladnell A lbert
27 G aler W alter
furniture rem overs
18 Baxter Ernest
29 Heather Charles John
17 W ethered T hom as & Sons
20 G u ttrid g e G eorge
31 Hall Alfred
L im ited, brewers
22 M ontague G eorge
33 Mealings H arry
19 B rewery tavern, Sidney
24 Snow H enry G eorge
33 H art Charles Joseph
C roxford
26 N ewnham John
37 T itcom b John
here is W eldale st .......
28 Brow n G eorge John
39 Viner Ernest George
2 i Moses G . W . dining rm s
30 Burden James W illiam
41 B rooker Stanley John
Wall Letter Box
32 Oliver Jam es Percy
here is Beresford r d ....... 23 Rush Mrs. laundry agent
34 Rollans Jesse
63 Standard Health Food Co. 25 W ells Colin, tailor
36 Parkinson G eo. insur. agt
(T h e )
27 Green Mrs
38 Eisher A lbert James
65 Shergold Frederick
29 Giles n e n r y
40 Strou d John
67 Chalfen M rs. S
29 Lee G eorge
42 F itchett M rs
69 T uck er A lbert V ictor
31 W hite Mrs
44 Sm ith Joseph
71 W inslet George
33 W ood Miss
48 Chapm an Jam es
73 Sweetzer David
35 A llen T hom as
50 Child Frederick
75 T horngate Mrs
37 T oovey W illiam
here is B eresford r d ....... 77 Peskett L ionel Frank
39 W ootten W alter
52 Faulkner Thomas
79 Clarke Mrs
41 Bowden John, boot m aker
54 Coleman Stanley Jackson 81 Hill John E dw ard
45 M ilsom J. & Sons,buildersâ
56 Collins Albert George
83 Churn Richard
m ers. (B ritannia w hrf)
58 Parri» Mrs
85 W illiam s Hugh
... here is G reat K nollys s t ...
60 Comock Frederick George 87 W ilkins Thom as
47 E yre A rth ur
62 Vick Cecil James
89 K rieger W oolf
49 Joyce Joseph
S9 & 61 R eading R efuge &
L aun dry H om e (Miss
M essenger, m atron)
63 M cllro y W illiam (H oly
Brook house)
65 Lewis G. S. & Brother,
builders (offices)
here is Coley st............
67 & 69 Newland John C.
fruiterer & coal m rchn t
7* T he Kennet P.H. Edwin
J antes
77 Carter & Son, canvas m ers
79 Neal A lbert E dw ard, grcr
83 W ells A lbert, hair dresser
87a, L ubricum C om pan v Ltd.
(T h e), m erchants
89 Phipps Austin, stationer
91 Apsey Jam es John
93 Pulker Ernest W . boot ma
95 G lobe Parcels Express,
W alter Pudge, agent
here is Coley p i............
101 Lock Mrs
103 R andle Miss S. E. m illnr