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RBAD ING niB E C T O B Y â 1914.
creasing the value o f ill-endow ed benefices ; to make annual grants for
this ob ject & generally to prom ote the further sustentation o f the clergy
in the Diocese. Sir Charles Lister Ryan k . o . i i . chairman & treas. ; A.
T . H iggs, Diocesan Church rooms, K in g Edward buildings, Station
road, secretary
Prospect Park Pleasure G round, Bath road
R eadin g A rt G allery & Museum, Blagrave st. ; T . W . Coiyer, supt
Reading A thletic Club ; head quarters, G reat Westeru hotel, Station road ;
harriersâ head quarters, Palm er M em orial bu ildin gs; W . Howard
Palm er esq. j . p . patron ; C yril M. Byham, esq. presid en t; Ronald W .
Poulton esq. captain & hon. treas.; Ernest R. T. M orse & J. T. Bridges,
80 E dgehill street, assist, hon. treas. ; James E. Beasley, M arathon, 22
Lorne street, hon. sec. ; colours, ligh t blue & white
'i n Â
Reading Band o f H ope Union (associated w ith the U nited K in gdom Band
o f H ope U n ion), 20 Cross street ; Dr. Boodle, president; E. Taylor,
hon. treas. ; D. VV. Bishop Ackerman, hon. sec. 161 K in gâs road
Reading Beaconsfield Club Lim ited, 128 & 129 F riar street; Charles H.
Thaekway, s e c.; G. T . K edge, steward
Reading B ow lin g Club, 91 K endrick road
R eading & Caversham Training B rig ; Field-M arshal Earl R oberts &
A dm iral Lord Charles Beresford, patrons; F. Simonds, esq. chairman ;
V ice-A dm iral H. L. Fleet, The Camber, 14 Coley avenue, hon. sec
R eading Central P u b lic Library, News & Heading Room s, Blagrave
street; W illiam H en ry Grecnhough, ch ief librarian
R eadin g Collegiate Old B oys' A ssocia tion ; E. J. S. Hawkes, 31 St.
P ete râ s road, hon. sec
R eading Conservative & U nionist Association, 17 b ria r s tr e e t ; J. F.
Coales, agent
R eading Conservative Club Co. Lim ited, 2 Forbttry ; Blake P.
Allnatt, sec
R eadin g & County Liberal Club, 26 Broad street.;, W alter M oody, sec
R eading & D istrict Am ateur Sports Club, Kensington ro a d ; S. S. W ol.
laston, hon. sec. ; Stanley H ayw ard, assistant sec
Reading & D istrict Cage B ird Society ; head quarters, Palm er hall, W est
S t r e e t ; R ig h t Hon. Ueorga W illiam Palmer, president;. W . H . Pyke,
1Q2 R adstoek. road, Reading, s e c .; m eetings held :first .Wednesday in
every m onth at.P alm er hall, West street, at 8 p.m
R eading & D istrict M utual Trade Protection Society, 10 H igh street ;
R en dall & B erry, solicitors
Reading & D istrict S olicitorsâ Association, 150 F riar s treet; W . K .
G osling, librarian
R eading & D istrict Temperance Council ; Rev. T. G uy R ogers b . d . presiÂ
dent ; E . Taylor, ehhirman o f com m ittee ; S. Short, Verulam , Coley Park
road, hon. treas.; S. Shackleford, Fairlight, 15 W averley road, hon. sec.
(established' fo r the prom otion o f united action in all legislative &
adm inistrative matters affecting the temperance cause)
R eading Esperanto Society (affiliated to the British Esperanto AssociaÂ
tion ), W . Haynes m .b.e.a. 11 V ictoria square, p r e s .; A. H. Cunningham
S.A7, A.c.r. hon. treasurer ; G eorge E . N. Procter, 3 5 Vastern road,
hon. sec
R eading Football C lub Lim ited, Arcade chambers, F riar s tre e t; H arry J.
M atthews, se c.; ground, N orfolk road
R eading G irls â Club, 171 Friar street; M iss AVeldon, hon. sec
R eading G o lf Club, 104 Grovelands road ; S. G eorge Collier, hon. sec