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r e a d i n o s t r e e t d i r e c t o r y — 1014.

58 Main G eorge
18 3c 19 W ya tt John Maine,
20 Clark A lb e rt Em anuel 62 W aldon W illiam Henry
woollen dealer
(W illow cottage)
64 Sim m onds Miss E
20 P lough
P .H . Charles
Baynes & Sherborne tim ber
here is S pring gdns ...
m erchants (offices)
ChristChurehNationalSchls 23 K in g & W alker, refresh­
m ent room s
66 H eath John H en ry
24 to 29 Heelas, Sons & Co.
M I L L B O A D , Caversham,
L im ited, com p lete house
S outh side.
from Gosbrook road, L ow er
1 Phipps W m . (P om on a)
Charles Francis,
3 Bentley Sam uel (V ernum 30 Oliver
East side.
w ine & spirit m erchant
lod ge)
2 Leach G eorge, dairym an
31 N egus
A rth ur G eorge,
5 T rotm an Hedley Charles
4 Patey M rs
antique dealer
7 Tee T hom as Frederick
6 G raham James
here are Chain St. &
9 Swain John (H igh clete)
here is Cham pion r d ......
G u n st............
11 & 13 R eading G uardians’
8 Drew T o m
South side (returning).
C hildren’ s Homes
12 R olfe Mrs
32 Gale W alter, electro plater
15 B row n John (B elgrave)
14 T y ler John
34 L eigh A rth ur T hom as, boot
17 H arding W illiam Butler
16 Lester James
m aker & repairer
19 L aw A lbert Edward
18 S herm an John
35 T he W holesale W arehouse
21 W elch W illiam Frank
20 R ow land Reuben
Co. tailors’ trim m in gs
23 Beale Sydney
22 Prior James
36 The W eather-A ll
W ater­
25 Sayer Ernest W illiam
24 Green Frank
proof Co
27 Ratley Alfred is M ill green & 29 W'atson Frederick, painter 37 T he Breeches Specialist Co
P ig g o tt’s r d .........
38 W esleyan & G eneral A s­
31 H ounsom e John Joseph
W est side.
surance Society (Jam es
33 Cross John W arren, in­
here is Queen’s rd
U. M artin, su p t)
surance agent
here is T he Clappers
39 K nill & Sons, printers,
35 W aters Adolphus H enry
M il l c o tta g e s :
bookbinders & account
37 Brind G eorge
Neal Mrs
book m anfacturers
39 T rustram W illiam Jam es
Paice W illiam Joseph
40 Seym our Edward & Sons,
41 K ennedy David
43 H um phries W alter Sam i
saddlers & harness m as
R O A D , from 45 Lacey Edward P
... here is E arley pi ........
47 P rim rose David, waiter
128 W hitley street.
Heelas, Sons & Co. L im .
49 D odd Mrs
N orth side.
furniture depository &
51 D orm er G eorge W illiam
2 M cE w an R obert
53 Bonney Charles
4 W om ersley Miss
SS Naish H enry Edward
6 Phipps Ernest
(A .
M aclean, district
8 Snow Misses
m anager)
(T elephone
M I N N O W C O U R T , from
12 M edw ay H enry
64 East street.
14 Brown M rs. Francis
45 Custom s & E xcise & Old
1 5 H erridge M rs. J
A ge Pension & National
4 Patey R obert
18 Clark George
Health Insurance offices
1 Paton H enry
20 Aust T hom as Edward
(J. du Pré M atch elt,
8 H ollow ay E dw ard
22 Allen T hom as
su rveyor)
24 Card W'illiam John
45 Fleet W. H. inspector of
M IN S T E R S T R E E T ,
24 Card Miss L ily, m illiner
corn returns
from 134 Broad street.
26 C ooper T hom as H enry
46 H ughes A . & Co. whole­
■28 Carter Miss
N orth side.
sale tobacconists
30 Banee Frederick W
2 W ellm an’s W in e Vaults, 47 Berkshire Furnishing Co
32 Stevens Arnold Francis
w ine m erchants
48 Downham G eorge, grocer
34 B yrne John Francis
3, 4 & 5 H arris H. & Son, 50 A rth ur & Co. L im ited,
40 Lasham W illiam Piercy
woollen m erchants
42 Burton Mrs
9 W ellsteed
& Co. 51a, Martin Hy. scale ma
44 W alker Frederick A. pro­
52 F uller John H en ry ite Co.
fessor of m usic
3, 14 & 15 W atson & Son,
L im ited, oilm en
46 R idgers Lawrence
glass & china dealers
Cooper A rth ur S. w ine
48 Callister John
16 Swain John & Son, brush
m erchant (stores )
50 Franklin Francis John
& rope m akers
S um pter F rederick Charles
56 Stone W illiam Owen
17 Pearton & Son, dyers
53 Fraser & Sons, tailors
M il l l a n e — c o n t in u e d .