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R raM n g s t r e e t
42 Hoake George William
44 West Mrs
46 Chandler L
48 King William
50 Morris Mrs
52 Watt Mrs. shopkeeper
54 Green David
56 Wells Mrs
58 Bovington Alfred
64 Hickey Edward James
66 Matney Mrs
68 Higgs James
70 Lusted Sidney
74 Withers Charles
76 Herbert David
78 Hannington James;
80 Mattingley Albert
82 Russell Frederick
84 Swanborough Ernest Geo
86 Ghoules Albert
90 Randall George
92 Blackman John
94 Hancock Harry
96 Louch Mrs
98 Brooks Frederick James
100 Titcomb George
d ir e cto r y â
East side.
125 W'akefield Mrs. midwife
127 Englefield Charles B
3 Penn Joseph John
129 Gregory Arthur
5 C row dy Ernest
13 1 Mailing James William
7 Ward Arthur Joseph
133 Pilcher Bob
9 Willett George Ernest
135 Randall Albert
11 Scarratt Charles William 137 Woollan Theophilus
13 Allen John Herbert,
139 Rolfe Edwin H
15 Barnes George
141 Pyke Herbert James
1 7 Sandford Albert
143 Bracher Harry
19 Brooks Mrs. Jane
145 Phillips Harry
21 Tostevm Mrs
147 Fisher Charles
23 Barber John
149 Cox Albert Victor
25 Woolford George
15 1 Giles Edwin
27 Alsbury Thomas
153 Barnes Stanley Frank
29 Roberts William
155 Burgess Cecil James
31 Waldeck Alexander
157 Kealey Owen Fred
33 Wallace George
159 Taylor William
35 Fnlbrook John
161 Turner John
37 Malt William James
17 1 Woodward William Hy
39 Pickering Mrs
41 Iremonger Joseph
E L M R O A D , from Shin43 Coleing Walter W
field road to Church road.
45 Osborne Herbert
47 Dowler Mrs
N orth side.
49 Dutfin Henry, general shp
7 Wheeler Mrs. (Rose cot.) is Prince of Wales av.. 51 Clements George
13 Schofield John, carpenter
108 Wetherall Christr. Wm 53 Jeffery William Robert
15 Bates John
n o Jones William Henry
SS Lane Henry James
here is borough boundary
116 Gilbert Sidney
57 Hill Frederick
118 White Charles
59 Wiggens Fred
E lm villas.
120 Gibbon Joseph
61 Dines William
122 Todd Mrs
63 Cooper Tfiomas
See Mill green.
124 Jones Thomas
71 Matthews Alfred
126 Kirk George
75 Aldridge Ernest Edward
128 Barnard Mrs. A
E L M H U R S T R O A D ,from
79 Empire Picture Theatre
130 Chapman Frederick Geo 81 Gardner George Fredk
Upper Redlands road to
132 Weller George
Shinfield road.
83 Todd Mrs
134 Champion Alfred
85 Cavie George
West side.
136 Arnold Richard
37 Herrington W. boot repr
Herbt. (Elmhurst)
138 Davis Ernest
89 Hill John
... here is Marlborough av ...
140 Moles William Abraham 91 Richardson George
142 Mayling Charles
93 Culley Frank
62 Stedman George Percy
144 McMullin Charles
95 Randall Harry
A.M .I.M .E.(M eleom be)
146 Bate Arthur Edward
97 Oliver F'rederick George 64 Herbert Miss
148 Symonds George James 99 Johnson Arthur, baker
66 Marsh Mrs. (Kingswood)
150 Farmer James is Prince of Wales av.. 68 Penfold Walt. (Marecottes)
152 Williams Percy
70 Mount Reginald C. ( Alt154 Brown Charles
io t Waugh John, dairy
156 Tucker William
103 Wheeler Frank
72 Lay Harry
158 Case Edward
105 Alexander WilliamHenry 72 Lay Mrs. F. preparatory
160 Pettiford Charles Phillip 107 Walton Henry S
162 Warner Charles William 109 Maskall Alfred
74 Jackson Edward Russell
164 Champion William John, h i Lovelock Henry
assistant insurance supt 1 1 3 Dandridge William
76 Smith Charles Steward
166 W right Joseph
115 Pettiford William
J.P. (Casa)
168 Hopgood Edward
117 N otcuit Henry
78 Atkins Archd. Augustus
170 Bosher John
119 Burgess John
80 Knill Alfred (St. Ives)
172 Neale George
12 1 Randall Mrs
84 Thorpe Wallace Speucer
174 Williams Miss
123 Vass George, i nsur. agnt
(St. Helenâs)
125 Wakefield Albert Charles
1 Taylor William