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176 L O N


L o n d o n road— c o n t in u e d .

Francis E dw in, fruiterer
(grou n d s)
67 R oyal
G eorge Banks
69 Pinker John, m onum ental
m ason
... here is W atlin gton st
71 G ibson Mrs
73 Stevens Ernest
here is Princes st
here is E ldon r d ......
here is E ldon s q ......


H a m ilton A rth . (R ose v ii)
Som erset E dw ard
P igott H y. (C am brid ge ho)
R eading Collegiate School
fo r Boys (F rancis J.
R ose,
B .A .,
P .A .S .I.
principal) (C larence ho)
H olbrook Misses (Clarence
H ayter
R obert
(P ortland villa)
Bennett A rth ur
H ill E dw ard John
Hasker W illiam
M argrett E dw ard F .G .S .
consulting engineer

139 W interbotham M rs. A
141 & 143 M idd lem ost Ralph
145 A lton Mrs
147 C ray Mrs
149 G ladstone C lub (L ib e ra l)
(H . G . M orris, hon. sec)
151 E dw ards E . M. M
153 Jack o f Both Sides P .H .
H erbert L. T albot

249 H arold A rthur David
251 C olridge Aaron
251 C olridge Mrs. M ary, paper
here is R egent st ........

253 Chadwick Miss Mabel,
255 Anstee W alt. E d w d.b tch r
259 Phillips John
here is K in g ’s rd ........ 261 W hatley Bros, coal m ers
189 L ondon Road Post Office 273 E verest Charles, florist &
(M rs. M. K nott, su b ­
275 Ju ffs G eorge, confectnr
postm istress)

191 R ogers
L ou is
L eslie,
pork butcher
193 R ogers Louis L eslie,con fr
195 B utler
B enjam in
H .,
M .P .S . chem ist
197 Johnson V ictor C. tobcnst.
199 Durant E rnest W . sta­
tioner & bookseller
199 Telephone Call Office
201, 203 & 205 R eading In ­
C o-operative
S ociety L im ited
207 M iddleton & S on, butchers
& fishm ongers
209 F uller G eorge Frederick,
baker & confectioner
2 i i W ooberry J. draper

here is C holm eley r d .......
277 Fielder M rs
279 H unt James
281 Bennett H y. insur. agent
283 Carse Jam es H ay
285 Jacobs Alexander
287 H eath Thom as
289 Raines H erbert John
291 M artin W alter, undertkr
293 R eading Frank W ebb
295 E uerby John W illiam
297 H ayler A lfred G eorge
301 Bacon Francis J. tailor
303 L illicrap Mrs
305 R aym ent Mrs
309 Brown W illiam G eorge
311 Swhan L ew in F. tailor
313 A dam s Frank M atthew
315 A nnison Jam es
317 G rig g Charles
319 W oodley Mrs
321 E dw ards Frank
323 Shearwood Mrs
325 Clarke G eorge A rth ur
327 G oodm an John
329 Cross Miss
331 T urner F rederickW illiam
333 Biggs T hom as
33S Pearce W alter
337 Blazey H enry
339 Daw trey John
341 N orris Mrs. E. G

here is Fatherson rd..
here is C um berland rd ...
101 Johnston
R ich 213 A dam s H. & Co. oilm en
m ond B .A .D ublin Univ., 215 Jackson E. & Sons, tailors
L .R .C .P .
S.E din 215 B am ford John H
physician & surgeon
217 Gare Joh n Chas. draper
103 Jam es A rchibald S. (The
219 E astm an’ s Ltd. butchers
H ollies)
221 H awkins & Co. grocers
105 Salm on M iss (H am pden
223 L ove & Son, plum bers
& decorators
107 K nowles
225 M ilw ard & Sons Lim ited,
(B aw try )
boot m akers
i n T h orp Thom as, sen
227 V indenM rs.Sm l. Jn.fruitr
113 Jennings G eorge
229 Y o u n g Bros. p rov. m ers
115 H ayw ard Misses
231a, Nelson Jam es & Son
115 Royal Society for the P re­
L im ited, butchers
vention o f C ruelty to 233 H om e & Colonial Stores
here is M anchester rd ...
Anim als
(R eading
L im ited
district branch) (Miss
343 L angford John Harold
233 E m ery W illiam H enry
H ayw ard, lion, sec)
345 L aw rence W illiam
here is A m ity rd .......
117 H u ntley Mrs
347 Head H arry Ernest
119 M iddlem ost A rth ur Cecil 235 N elson Jam es & Sons 349 Setchell Mrs
121 Chandler Mrs
L im ited, butchers
351 Bailey E.lward
123 Schofield Charles Ernest 237 International Tea C o .’s 353 Peacefull Mrs
125 F ord Miss E. dress m aker
Stores L im ited
3S3 Mead R ev. H um phrey
129 Savage E m m anuel
239 Street T hom as R. & Sons,
Burnell M .A . (cu rate of
129 P ope Alfred
bedding purifiers
St. B artholom ew ’s)
I 3 l-G “ *t^ge Samuel M organ 243 M ardon Misses
355 W in g R obert
ie Miss
245 Palm er Miss, costum ier
357 S tacey John
ield R ichardW illiam 245 Palm er G eorge
359 Barnes Owen Henry
M rs
'lg r
247 Peach G eorge
361 D ipper Sydney N ewm an