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Reading Literary & Scientific S ociety; Harrison IT. Jones, president; W .
Haynes, 19 Duke street, hon. treasurer ; E dw ard John Likeman a . c . i . s .
Brerew ood, E arley, Reading, hon. see. The Society holds meetings
d u rin g the winter months on the first & third friday in the month at
the H istory Room , University College, Reading, when lectures & papers
on literary & scientific subjects are given. Demonstrations at museums
& places where scientific processes are carried on also take place, &
in the summer excursions are held.
230 members.
Annual subscrip­
tion 3s
R eading Marxian W orking Men's Club & Institute, 14 Bridge street;
Charles H ow kins, sec
R eading M iniature Rifle Club, 19 A lfred street
R eading Natural H istory Society, W . E. Butler p.E.s. president; E. J.
Likemau a . c . i . s . Brerewood, Earley, see
Reading Palace (Theatre) o f Varieties Lim ited, C heapside; registered
office, Cheapside
Reading Rifle Club, 77 O xford road ; \V. Sargeant, hon. sec
Reading R ow in g Club, Queen's hotel, Friar street; Ronald H. Millar,
hon. s e c .; boat house, Thames side
Reading Savings Bank, A lbert Thomas Higgs, a ctu a ry; head office, 72
Ijondon s tr e e t; west branch, 377 O xford ro a d ; east branch, lti
W okin gh am road ; bank hours; head office, daily 10 to 4 (wed. 9.30 to
12.30) ; west branch, daily 11 to 3 (wed. 10.30 to 12.30) ; east branch,
Wednesday 11 to 1 2 .3 0 ; evenings, head office, friday & Saturday 6 to
8 ; west branch, monday & Saturday G to 8 ; east branch, monday &
friday 7 to 9
Reading Swim m ing Club & Life Saving S o cie ty ; head quarters, George
hotel, K in g street
Reading Temperance Choral Sociely, W. I. Palm er M em orial building,
42 West, street; VV. W. Drake, hon. sec. ; A. W . Moss, conductor
Reading Temperance & General Philanthropic Society, 20 Cross street;
M artin John Sutton j . p . president; D. W . Bishop Ackerm an, 1G1
K in g ’s road, hon. sec
Reading Tem perance Society, W . I. Palmer M em orial building, 42 West
s tr e e t; Charles Moss, sec
Recreation Grounds, A b b ot’s walk ; W hitley St. & (Children's) Tilehurst rd
R oyal County Theatre, F riar street; sole proprietors, M ilton Bode &
E dw ard C om pton ; Frank Couch, resident manager
Running & Cycle Track, Palm er park
St. G iles’ H all, 112 London street
St. John ’s Institute, 3 & 5 Fatherson r o a d ; E. Haw’kes, hon. see. &
treasurer ; A. E. Reeves, caretaker
St. K atherine’s G irls’ Club, 130 London street ; Miss P ow ell, hon. sec
St. M ary’s Institute, Chain street; W . C. H ollow ay, sec
Salisbury Conservative Club, 316 K in g ’s roa d ; W illiam J. M onger, sec.;
W illiam Alexander Carter, steward
South Berks (N ew bury D ivision) Conservative & U nionist Association,
Market Place chambers, M a rk etp la ce; W alter W. L igh t, sub-agent
South O xfordshire W ater Consumers’ Protection Com m ittee, 10 Friar
s treet; F. Deane, hon. sec
Standard Electric Theatre, 81 K ing’s road
Sutton’s Recreation Club, 13 K in g’s road ; W . H. Shipway & John Alluin,
hon. general secs. ; John Chandler, steward
Theosophical Society in Fngland & Wales (R ea din g L od ge), 13 F riar st. ;
Reginald Farrer, president; P . II. Palmer, v ice-p resid en t; M iss A.
Osmond, sec