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V A R IO U S .
Brethrenâs M eeting R oom , 25 Queenâs road, preachers
11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m . ; mon. & wed. 7.45 p.m
v a rio u s ;
â Open Brethren â (so called), B ridge hall, O xford ro a d ; sun. 11 a.m. &
6 .3 0 p .m .; mon. & thurs. 7.45 p.m
M ISS IO N H A L L S , R O O M S &c.
Anderson (W illia m ) M em orial H all, Am herst road (B aptist)
Baptist M eeting Room , 4 Queenâ s road
Beulah Mission Hall, Send road, Caversham
Caversham A d u lt School (unsectarian), 61 Westfield road, Caversham
Christ Church Parish H all, 2 M ount street
Church Mission Room , Cumberland road
Church R oom , School road, Tilehur.-t
Coley H all, Coley street
Convent o f Sisters o f the Visitation, 4 South View avenue, Caversham
East R eading A dult School (unsectarian), Norris road
Evangelistic M ission Rooms, 6 B ridge street
Fireside Mission & W orkm en âs Club, 61 Silver s tre e t; Charles Chenery,
superintendent & missioner
G ospel Mission Room , South street
G reyfriars Iron Mission H all, N orth street; clergy same as G reyfriars
ch u rch ; sun. 11 a.m & 3 & 6 30 p .m .; sat. 7.30 p.m
G reyfriars Mission House, North street
H o ly T rin ity Parish H all, Cambridge s tre e t; tues. 8 p.m
Mission H all (B aptist), W ilson road
Mission H all, Arm our road. Tilehurst
Mission Room , 2 M artha place
M ission Room , Somerset place
Parish Room , G osbrook street, Caversham
P e ll Mission R oom , Orchard street
Railw ay M ission H all, Chatham street
Reading Spiritual M ission (offices of), 16 Blagrave street
Reading Tow n Mission ; H enry A. Churchill, A bbey hall, 11 K in g âs road,
hon. sec. ; E. M ountford, 2 Mansfield road & S. J. Burbidge, 74 SouthÂ
ampton street, missionaries
St. B artholom ew âs Parish H all, London road
St. G eorgeâs M ission Room , St. G eorgeâs road
St. G ilesâ Church Room , P ell street
St. G ilesâ H all, London road
St. G ilesâ Mission House, 6 Crown s tr e e t; Sister Caroline
St. Johnâs Mission R oom , A lb ert road ; mission services, sun. 7 p.m
St. Johnâs M ission R oom , Princes street
St. Laurence Church H ouse, 39 Friar street
St. Lukeâs Parish Hall, E rleigh road
St. M a ryâs Church H ouse, Chain street
St. Peterâs H all, Church road
St. P eterâs Mission House o f the Sisters o f St. P eterâ s Com munity,
K ilburn, 63 & 65 Crom w ell road, Caversham
St. Peterâs P arish R oom s, 17 Church street, Caversham
Salvation A rm y (N o. 2 Corps) Officersâ Quarters, 87 Blenheim road ;
D avid Anderson, adjutant
Salvation A rm y Citadel, St. M aryâs butts ; 11 a.m . & 6.30 p.m
Salvation A rm y H all, 21 Prospect street, Caversham ; quarters, 63 ProsÂ
pect street, Caversham