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Cam bridge), head mispress. Assistant; mistresses, Miss R ix (nataral
‘ Science tripos, Cainbricige) ¡'J ffiV flp r u Ie s B.A.bbndoh'; TVIi'sfe Ife.'Sy'mes
m. A.Lond. (C am bridge secondary teachers’ d i p l o m a ) M d l l e . Vouga
(B revet de Connaissances, Neuchatel)'; Miss A. E. W ells (O xford
honour, School of Natural Science) ; Miss Parish (certificated A rt
teacher, R oya l D raw ing S o c ie t y ) ; Miss Linay, H igher Certificate n . t .u .
kindergarten departm ent j Miss Ayres '; Miss C. Davy, trained physical
mistress. Boarding house, Cintra lodge, Christchurch road
(The Eriends’ Public School Co. L im ited.)
On the Shinfield road, established 18110, with the sanction o f the London
yearly meeting o f the Society o f Friends & under the management of
members o f that body, is about tw o miles south o f the Reading railway
stations : originally a square brick mansion, it has been adapted to
school purposes & very extensive additions have been made, so that
it will now hold 30 students; a second house has been built on most
perfect plans, to accom modate 32 pupils. The school stands within a
park o f 45 acres o f park land, & a sanatorium for 1 2 patients has been
built at some distance from the school h ouse: there are also fu lly equipped science buildings, a gymnasium & a swimm ing bath : Charles
I. Evans m . a . St. John ’s College, O xford, head master
70 London s t r e e t ; H. Dawson Barkas
Atkins, c o r r e s p o n d e n t


. a.c. A .L o n d . h e a d m a s t e r

• • •> T H E K E N D R IC K SCH O O LS

A. A.

: - •

W ere founded from certain charities left by John Kendrick in 1624, &
by M ary K endrick,consisting o f a portion o f a freehold farm at Tilehuj-st,
tw o freehold cottages at Waltham St. Lawrence & a sqm. o f £ 6 2 0 in
Consols. These charities (were diverted by the Endowed Schoojs Com­
missioners to educational' purposes & a M iddle Class school' for boys
erected in Queen’s road, a similar sch ool'for girls being established on
premises belonging to the Corporation in W atlington st. These schools
take an i ntermediat.e position between the National & Grammar S ch ools;
they are non-sectarian, & deserving scholars from the elementary schools,
after examination,are awarded exhibitions in the form o f partial or total
exemption from fees, the governors having also the power to defray the
educational expenses o f select pupils from these schools at the Grammar
school or some place o f higher education, for a term o f three years ;. ,the
boys’ school now numbers over 230 scholars & the girls’ school 200
B oys’ , Queen’s road ; R ev. E dgar Priestley b . a. head master
G irls’ , W atlington s tre e t; Miss Prebble m.a . mistress
T H E B L U E C O A T SCH O O L, .


Brunswick house, 42 Bath road, was founded in 1646 by Mr. Richard
Aldw orth, o f Ruscombe, Berks, & M ilk street, London, M.r. for R eading
& A u ditor o f the Exchequer, w ho gave for its endowment the sum of
£ 4 ,0 0 0 , augmented in 1666 w ith £ 1 ,0 0 0 given by Sir Thomas Rich bart.
o f S u n n in g; in 1720 by £1,200, given by M r. John W est, & with smaller
bequests by M r. John P ottenger & M r. John H all. In 17-231 Mr. W illiam
Malthlis gave a rent*eharge o f £ 9 0 yearly, for the education o f 10 boys, to
be clothed in green. There are now 33 boys on this-foundation, who