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fiE A D ltfG STREET D IRECTORYâ 1 9 l 4.
F i e l d r o a d â c o n t in u e d .
36 W icks H oward James
19 WardArtemusHy.Beecher
21 Rourke Andrew James
23 Boast Miss
23 Jeffery Thomas
27 llazeli Charles
29 Wheeler Miss
3 1 Sharp Edward Pearson
33 Hall William
33 Hall Miss Eva, teacher of
Wilson Mrs
Tombs Mrs
Frankum Jamas
Blake George, general shp
here is Garnett st ......
36 Alluin Frederick, shpkpr
38 Jones John
40 Brooker Charles
42 Reed Mrs
44 Fenner Lewis
46 Hayes George
48 Gardner Thomas
50 Goodman Lewis
54 Tombs Albert, insur. agt
56 Hopgood William Charles
58 Stoivell Frank
60 Beckingham Walter Earle
62 White James Harold
64 Evans John Charles
66 Young David
... here is St. Saviourâs ter ...
35 Watts Edwin
37 Shipway Albert
39 George William
41 Tull William
43 Beckett Charles
45 Nash Frederick
47 Standing Albert Edward
49 Kirk James
51 Cannons William
55 Wilson Charles Francis
57 Mew Harry Charles
59 Hillier John
61 Pring James
F I F E CO URT, from 144
63 Haines Tom
Friar street.
6 j Thorp William Charles
. 7 1 Collin son Sidney
1 & 2 Blackwell John
73 Nelson Frank
4 Moifutt & Son, plumbers
75 Wheeler James
77 Wells William Charles
5 Fabry W iliam
79 Ostridge William Charles 6 Mnrphv Mrs
81 Beckett George
7 Hatton John
83 Dunk Ernest
85 Walls Miss
F I L E Y R O A D , from 30
87 Mace Alfred
Cholmeley road to ManÂ
89 Fay James
chester roa 1 .
91 SliillingfordEdmund John
93 Jacobs George
N 01 th side.
95 Lewingtou Thomas
1 Legg Frank
here is Garnet st ......
3 Cooper Mrs
105 M ylum A lthur Henry
5 Malham Walter Janies
107 Ware George William E 7 Brown George M
109 Eghv Frederick
9 Holdswor li Harrv
3 11 Wood Robert
11 Holmes Frederick
11 3 Willis Newton
13 Allen Albert Henry
1 1 5 Thomas James
15 Godden Arthur Henry
here is Church tor ....... 17 Ste\ ens Mrs
19 Bloomfield FredefickErns!
West side.
23 Coorer ( harles B
2 White Frederick Ernest
25 Butler Charles
4 Reeves Joseph
27 Tufiield Arthur William
6 Rossiter Joseph
27 Tuffield William Arthur
8 Burgess Thomas
29 Dagger William
10 Seymour Henry
33 Crabb Henry
12 Good enough John
35 O'Callaghan John
14 Budd Alfred
37 Addington James
16 Tombs Henry
39 Newberry Albert
18 Shuttle Frederick
41 Harvey Richard
20 Pike John
43 Pratt Joseph
22 Pritchard Mrs
45 Cordery âThomas
24 Cox Albert
47 Norris Mrs
49 Young George
51 White Mrs
Brooks Norman
Elms Frederick
Allen Edwin John
Cook Henry
Unwin Arthur Georgs
Taylor Alfred
Caddell Walter Gregory
Somerville Luke
69 Woolford Thomas A. IT
71 Webber Frederick James
73 Baldock Samuel
75 Moore George
77 Pollard Henry
South side.
2 Cook James William
4 Saunders Vincent Elijah
6 Lansley John H. ho. dcrtr
8 Rivers Thomas Albert
io Beauchamp William Walt
12 Burden Mrs
14 (iasli Albert
16 Gare Harry
18 David George
20 Merry weather Thomas
24 Dickens Mrs
26 Wicks David
28 Penny William
32 Green Miss
34 Hook Janies Charles
36 Tillin William
40 Alderman Ernest Arthur
42 Stevens Frederick
44 Clarke James
46 Tuck well William
48 Goodyer William, shopkpr
50 Kinchin William
52 Parker Charles Henry
R ichardson H arry
Allen Thomas
Standish William James
Goodship Frank
Franklin Charles William
Woodland Fred
Harvey Frank
Moore E hound Albert
from 67 Hosier st reet.
2 Steptoe John
4 LoVegreve Thomas
6 Durham William
8 Death Frederick George
12 Hancock Daniel
14 Brown Mrs
16 Butler Ernest Albert
18 Hamblin Mrs
20 Hall Mrs