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OCR Text
83 H am ilton David Love
85 Appleton A lfred Charles
87 Brencli W alter H enry
f, 89 H ogben Frederick
I i 91 E lliott W alter
;( 93 W ilcox Fred W illiam
& 95 Bryant Stephen
J 107 H owland Thom as James
w 109 King George
,4/ h i K ing Josiah
M 113 Phelps G eorge H erbert
j * 115 A bbott A rthur G eorge
\ ,1 1 7 G run dy G eorge
119 Palmer Joseph
r 121 Dew Hy. M ather, plum ber
1 125 W hitbread Henry
^ 127 Butcher W illiam
li 129 W illiams Oliver Jesse
1 131 Marston Edwara
*( 133 Jobey Charles
1; 135 Jones Mrs
< 137 Draper Eugene Joseph
« ' 141 Barber Silvanus John
143 Holland A lbert Edwin
145 Mayell Frederick Albert
' 147 Phipps W illiam
, 149 Sawyer Joseph Frederick
151 Bennett Thom as W m
/ 153 R edgrove Charles W alter
155 R edgrove Charles
V 159 King Mrs. (L y n d h u rst)
' ! 161 Owen Frank
163 Harwood W illiam (H azelm ere)
u , 167 M organ H enry
I 169 Prim m er Hy. (R osey cot)
171 Propejohn Edward
11 ; 3
B E L L E A V E N U E , from
Wâ hiteknigbts
W okingham road.
South side.
| 1 M urton
T hom as
(Bellevue house)
( : 3 Newton
Albert Edward
(N avenby house)
5 DeDoncker Albt. (Lennox)
fi N orth side.
2 Baynes John Livingstone
(H illcroft)
4 Hannaford Misses
6 Bridges Jn. (P alm erstone)
8 Shepherd Henry Charles
(E versley)
10 Blay James
12 Elam Ethelbert
R O A D , 45 Heard Theodore Sam uel
from 4 Tilehurst road.
(N o thoroughfare.)
47 Priest A lfred
49 Barnes A lfred, boot repr
51 W arwick Nathaniel
W est side.
53 M anns E dgar
1 Ireland Alfred
55 Painter W illiam
3 Powell James
57 Partridge F rederick
5 Upstone Fâ rank R
59 Harris Thom as
7 Cane W illiam Hugh
61 Lovegrove Alfred
9 Tapley Francis A rthur C
63 Brannam W illiam
1 r Hatton H arry Edwin
65 Cripps Joseph
13 Easter Mrs. E
67 Palk W illiam
15 Sparks W illiam James
69 Hamlin H en ry John
17 Herridge Mrs
71 Mills Alfred
19 Sorrell R obert
73 Gould Charles
23 Stagg Henry Edwin
75 Loynes Sidney John
East side.
77 Rowell John Crocker
20 Bradley John A rthur
Eldridge T hom as
16 Sharpe R eginald
81 Luck Alfred
14 Chart Harold
12 W oodham A rth ur Bentley 83 Halford E dw ard A lfred
85 Cousins A lbert Stephen
10 M aunders Harry
87 Farr W illiam Charles
8 H iggs A rthur Edwin
89 Richards F rederick
6 E lsbury Edward
91 Lovelock A lbert
4 Barnes W illiam
93 R ider R obert
2 W illiam s Albert Cecil
95 Parker W illiam
97 K enchington Mrs
B E L L E V U E TE R . from 99 Swaine W illiam
W estern road.
101a, P etty E dm und
1 Clay Harry
103a, Cosell G eorge Fredk
3 C oventry John
...h ere is P rince of W'ales a v ...
5 Randall Frank
7 Crook A rth ur W
t o i Jarvis R obert
103 Crossingham P ercy
105 C arter G eorge Jam es
B E L M O N T RO AD , from
107 W ilson G eorge
427 O xford road to G louÂ
109 H olloway Frederick
cester road.
h i E m or H enry
East side.
113 W h ite H en ry G eorge
1 H ynard George E dw aid
r i5 G oddard H enry
3 R yder James
117 Kent Ernest
5 Nicholson Solomon
119 G oodenough E rnest G eo
7 Lewis Mrs. A. G ertrude, 121 Jeavons W illiam
news agent
123 Bye Charles
9 Collier Edwin Charles
125 WTiite A lfred
11 B oscott Thom as H enry
127 Stone G ilbert
13 Turner John
129 Cope Evan Alfred
15 W ainw right Alfred
131 Bowler Mrs
17 Barnes W illiam
133 H ollow ay Ernest G eorge,
19 Hodges Mrs
insurance agen t
23 Boswell Frederick
135 B row n Iv or
25 Seym our W illiam Jesse
137 B readm ore W illiam G eo
27 Jones G eorge John
139 L ock W illiam Charles
29 Hookway W illiam
141 M organs John
31 Lunn A rthur W illiam
143 W eller M rs
33 Ford W illiam Harold
145 Illsley Jam es W illiam
35 H unt Edwin
147 Batten E dw ard G
37 Marshall Mrs
151 Si 111m on d s G eorge
39 W'heeler George
153 A rm stron g W illiam
41 Pusey Leonard
155 Cripps Jam es
43 Collinson Douglas
157 Johns G eorge