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Reading street directoryâ1914,
L ondon
roa d â
44Stallard Frnk. wardrbe dir 104 Wood Miss Mary, stay má
106 Purnell Charles A rth ur
... here are G ranby grdn s ... 46 Harris Edward James
... here is W okingham rd ... 48 Durkin A lfred, confectnr
Cem etery (A lfred Gibbs, 30 M achin James, poulterer
resident su p t.) (C em o- 56 M aurice W illiam James
tery lodge)
M .A .,
M .B .,
14a H olt John
O xon., L. R.C.P. L ond.,
144 Newton Frederick W in
M .R .C .S .E n g . physician
146 Carruthers W illiam
& surgeon (su rgery)
148 Russell W illiam
56 GuildingLansdow nM urray
150 R oll or Hy. W illiam Thoe
M .B ., M .R .C .S . phyÂ
15a E arley A lfred
sician (su rgery)
154 Stiff Mrs
56 G ood A rthur William
156 Lane T he Misses
58 ClarkeH enryM ilford B. A.,
158 Hudson Percy Preston
M .B ., B.O.Cam b. physiÂ
16a T ow ner Edward
cian k surgeon
164 Davis W illiam
60 Lipsoom be Chas. hse. dcrtr
166 Phillips Alfred W illiam
62 Reynolds Sylvanus A rthur,
168 Uurfitt W illiam
chartered accountant
170 M oseley W illiam
6a Reynolds Bros, insur. bros
173 R otting H arry
66 Childs k Son, plum bers
.here is St. B artholom ew âs rd. 68 G iles W illiam John, carver
St. B artholom ew âs Church
k gilder
N orris Rev. E dw ard John 70 T he Reading A rt Studios
M .A . (St. Bartholom ew âs
(H .
A .R .C .A .L o n d .
St. B artbolom ew âsParish Hall
m aster ; A. A. Atkins,
C hurch Ladsâ Brigade (St
B artholom ew âs C om pany) 72 R E A D I N G
(head qu arters,P arish H ail)
BANK (A lbert Thom as
Palm er Park
Higgs, actuary) (head
....h ere South W estern Ruil
office) (hours 10 till
w ay line crosses
except wed. (w ed. 9,30
to 12,30) ; evenings, fri
L O N D O N S T R E E T , from
& sat. 6 to 8), See ad
Duke street to L ondon road.
W est side,
a Pre6ton Jam es,hair dressr
Harry Charles,
4 & 6 Bradley & Bliss Ltd,
wholesale d ru ggists &
chem ists
8 & 10 Banghan lit. Co. elec
)a k 14 Snell k Co. wholesale
16 K in g ston ]!.J .fu rn itu re dir
16 H um m ing Mrs. tem per
ance cnm mem ial hotel
18 Baker
E dwin
Thom as,
baker k confectioner
ao Blackwell & G u tcb, prntrs
24 Craft James k Son, chm sts
here is Mill ia ..
a8 L evy lit Co. L im ited, regisÂ
tered com m on ldg. ho
3a Cook William Janies, tem Â
perance hotel
4 G olding
M .B ., C h.B .E din. p h y Â
sician & surgeon
106 St.
A m bulance
Brigade (Charles A rth ur
M .B .,
Edin. lion, surgeon)
108 Barkliam Misses
n o A 114 Barkham ChrisÂ
toph er, sausage m anfotr
112 St. Gilesâ Hall
118, i2 o , 122, 124, 126 k 128
H untley,
Stevens L im ited, tin box
m anufacturers
130 St. K atherineâs
G irlsâ
Miss Powell, hon. sec
134 Hensford A rthur James,
coffee room s
East side.
here is Star la ............
3 Butler & Sons, wine k
spirit m erchants
5 Salmon Tlios. cabinet ma
7 Barton
Mrs. Alice
tem perance hotel
11 English Leather Boot R eÂ
pairing Co
here is Queen's rd .......
13 Kingston H arry Jas tbc-nst
15 Black Horse P .H . Fredk.
17 Britton A rtb. Jas,fruiterer
H iggs Albert T hom as
k 76 Roberts & Hawse, 19 Topp G eorge Augustus,
k 76 Roberts Arthur at & 23'
ironm onger
F .R .C .S . Edin.jM . H.O.S,
39 & 31 Board of T rade L aÂ
Eng. surgeon
bour E xch an ge (H arold
Earthy Charles Jam
H ardy-Jacksnn, m n g r)
artist in stained glass
Prim itiveM ethodist Chapel
Cam pbell A rchibald, fu r Â
33 & 35 Lewis H enry, p hotoÂ
niture dealer
Fereday k P ocock, WIN
DOW BLIND M AKERS 37 & 39 Sm ith W m . booksellr
See advertisem ent
86 Bennett Mrs
88 Bond Joseph, tobacconist
here is Church st ......
90 Clark W illiam, horticu lÂ
tural works
92 W righ t
W alter
P ercy,
registrar of m arriages
for Reading district
92 Rane & Co. scale makers
96 k 98 Hayter&Sons, plm brs
here is Sim s court .......
Findlay W . J. pharm acist
W ard Lorraine, photogphr
Swaite Fredk. Jas. grocer
Childs H arry, decorator
here is Steeple pi .......
SS Barley Mow inn, James
W yeth
57 Withers Thomas C. & Son,
corn merchants
34 Parnell Geo. Bentley,printr
hare is Home court ....... 59 Gardner P. costumier
here is Bath court
joa Wheeler Samuel, tailor
61 Elise Madame, milliner