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128 Parr A lfred W illiam
from O xford road.
130 Evans T h om as
132 P artridge W illiam
W est side.
132 Broad John
here is C atherine s t .........
136 D arling W illiam
138 M oss Charles, shopkeeper n W ise M rs
13 W ilson Duncan
140 Sparkes Mrs
W est side.
142 Cam pbell John M itchell 15 Devisse G eorge Philip
17 M arch Albert R ichard
4 C hiloott M rs. Sarah, m id  144 H iram John
19 Powell John
146 D avis W illiam
21 C arter W illiam Jam es
6 E dm on ds T hom as
150 Day Frederick
23 W eait W alter H enry
8 Cripps. Joseph
152 W oodason H enry
10 L o v e jo v John M organ
154 P artridge Fredk.Stephen 25 Cousins Stephen
27 H owell Mrs
14 Hall A lfred
156 Paintin H erbert John
16 B ow ley H enry G eorge
29 H ayw ardM issK ate,sbpkpr
158 Keep Fred
here is C urzon st..........
18 Boffin H enry
160 E dw ards F rederick
31 H am ley T hom as, painter
162 N obbs A lfred Cyril
20 Clode F rederick John
22 R idd ick T o m
i62N obbsM rs. E m ily ,d rss.m a 33 Stieber M rs
35 W y a tt Charles
24 B uy E dw ard
164 S ollory Sam uel
37 B utler H enry
24 BuyM rs.Christine,tailoress 166 F arr S idney W illiam
39 Jam es John
26 Barnes Francis
168 S m ith A lbert E dw ard
28 T rickett Mrs
41 R ayfield H enry
170 B utler G eorge
43 Cairns A lfred
30 D ovey E dw ard
172 Leal Mrs
45 P em broke W alter
32 Baker W m .F re d k .sh o p k p r 174 H obbs A rth ur
47 R ogers W in . Sidney Dalby
176 W illiam s John R obert
34 G rove Mrs
49 Johns John G . grocer
36 R ansom M rs
178 B arrett A lbert
here is A ud ley s t ..........
40 T oppen H erbert
180 E ckhard E rnest Charles
182 Coekrill W in , G reenw ood 51 Broadbear Cornelius
44 Jordan Francis
S3 L ock Henry
46 M ontague Joseph Charles 184 Keen Jam es
55 Leahy W alter John
¿v, G ardener Fâr a n cisW illia m
52 Hillier H enry
57 T u d o r Lew is A ndrew
Belm ore cottages.
54 G ardiner Joseph
59 Dawes H aydn
See H em dean rd.
56 Sm ith E dwin
61 C arter G eorge T hom as
58 Heath Miss
63 N orth H erbert
60 V ickers M rs
65 W ilcox Job, bu ilder
62 Bell Jam es
G ran t Mrs. B eatrice, dairy
See W ater road.
64 Bowell H enry
fa rm er ( Battle fa rm )
66 Beck Miss
E ast side.
68 Sadler Frank
from n o K in g âs road.
70 D ow ning H enry
2 R ow ley M iss
East side.
72 T u r n e r W illiam David
4 M arch W illia m
3 Salt W illiam
76 W indebank Frederick
6 S p ir Ernest
S Jennings Mrs
78 W oodley Edward
8 M ay H orace
80 M artin P ercy, sh opkeeper 9 W oodley G eorge
10 Reeves F ra n cis Charles
13 Shaw W illiam H en ry
82 Phipps W illiam
here is Catherine s t .......
15 Y o u n g E dw ard G eorge
86 C ooper A lfred
12 P ulverton Charles G eorge
17 W ilm ott Mrs
88 Keen W illiam
14 S ugden W illiam E dw in
19 Brooks Ben
90 Palm er John Davis
16 W hitfield E dw ard
21 Miles M rs
92 P errin Alfred
18 N orth A lbert
23 W arrick A lfred G eorge
96 Farey Mrs
20 G oulstone Francis
100 Green W illiam
22 Davies John
W est side.
...h ere is Prince o f W ales a v ...
24 H arvey Edwin
n o A bery Mrs
4 Buss Francis
26 W hittam Jam es
8 R oth am G eorge
112 H ollid ay John Frederick
28 W ilsher F rederick
114 Blyth Mrs
10 M cG irk Charles
30 H ogarth R alph
12 Cole M rs
116 Ross M urdoch
here is C urzon s t ..........
118 W yeth H enry
14 L ev y Francis
32 Ilill John
120 M cT ier W illiam
16 O rchard Charles Albert
34 Dipper James
122 F u rlon g John
20 H arvey Edward
36 Seward Thomas Vincent
124 K n ig h t A rth u r G eorge
22 R obin son A rth ur
38 Pearce Francis George
126 C handler S idney A rth ur 24 W estoij Charles
30 Andrews Joseph Henry
B b l m o n t r o a d â continued.
F indlay John
R ayliefd Charles
Eveness W illiam
Sainsbury A lfred Jam es
C ude Mrs