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r e a d in g
84 W atson Rowland Jam es
here is S herm an r d .......
86 Styles Edwin
88 K illford Joseph H
90 Law rence John
vestry clerk & verger of
St. Gilesâ
d ir e c t o r y â
R adeliffe M rs. (B alm ore)
Clarke T hos. (B alm ore lo)
Baylis Job H y . (B rook ly n )
W all L etter Box
here is D erby rd .......
T abot Ebenezer (S toneeroft)
Reading Charles A lfred (N ew lands)
Powell Edward C otton (F airla w n )
here is G rosver.or r d .......
T u rn er Misses (Caversham
N oble Miss (T he H ill)
here is S urley ro w .......
Wall L etter Box
C ooper M rs. Lew is (C averÂ
sham hill)
C ox Charles
B riggs Frank
H ollow ay Charles
B radford E dw ard
K night Mrs
K n igh t Fred
Sm ith E dw ard
Phillips M aurice
H opkins Bert
Crain A lbert John
W arw ick W m . T hos. Chas
Maskell Frederick
Hewitt T hom as
W hiten ay W illiam
Callis T hom as
W oold ridge W alter
Thorpe Mrs
Bowley W alter H enry
W alker
Joseph T hom as
(T ham es bank)
N orth side.
Drewett James
N ew m an A rth ur H enry
A lder A lbert E dw ard
H awkins W illiam A rth ur
here is Barnstaple st........
11 K n ott Rd. Thos. shopkpr
13 Dear Thom as
15 Bonner Jesse
17 L ovelock Jam es
19 Palm er G eorge E dm und
21 L aw rence H erbert
P E P P E R L A N E (W h ite23 G ardiner W illiam
knights p a rk ), from Sliin25 Bates Mrs
field road to E arley road.
P I N E C O U R T , fro m 96
27 Perrin H enry
Castle street.
29 Denton G eorge
Miller Capt. D. M. (B land31 H um phries Alfred
2 Hayes H enry
ford lo d ge )
35 Keel James
3 H arding Mrs
Miller Misses (B landford lo)
37 Phillips Jolm
4 Pem broke W illiam
39 W illes Charles
P E R C Y P L A C E , from 17 5 P em broke W illiam John
41 C ollier Samuel
6 E dw ards C harles
Broad street.
43 G illingham Alfred
21 Tow nsend Charles W illiam 7 G eorg e W alter
St. G ilesâ C hurch Room
8 H ayw ard H enry
23 Sherwood Mrs
45 Osborne Jsph. insur. supt 23 N unn A rth ur
* 47 Hill Philip
27 W ebb Jolm
49 BoxweU Edward Jam es
from W okingham road.
29 Stone John Joseph
51 Sm ith G eorge
South side.
S 3 W ilkins Francis
P IE R C E âS H I L L , T ile- 4 Bartlett A lbert
53 H ayden G eorge
hurst, from Pierceâs lane to 6 T u rv ey John
57 Jelley Miss Clara
Chapel hill.
8 Neale G eorg e W illiam
59 W oodland W illiam G eorge
Cook W illiam
10 Sutm nerbell H u bert M
61 Reid Mrs. Ellen
Cook John
12 Neale A rth ur
63 Hasler T hom as
G u ff Charles
14 N orm an Arthur
65 H ilderley H enry John
L ovegrove David
10 W atts S. J
67 C ordery Joseph
Cook W illiam G eorge
j 18 Dalton A lfred T h om as
69 Oseland H enry
H olland J
20 G oodall Richard
71 Boyde A lfred
T oovey H enry, beer retailer
22 Heap H erbert
73 H ayter Charles
A very W illiam
24 F idler M aurice
75 D rury Bryan (H illside)
here is H enry s t .........
P IE R C E âS L A N E , Tile- 26 B urden A lbert
28 H ayw ard W alter.
77 P ilgrim Jam es
hurst, from W estw ood road.
30 Jones W illiam
79 Theobald Job
S outh side.
32 M arshall Joseph
81 Little Mrs
here is Pierce's hill ........ 34 PofHey A lfred W illiam
83 W iltshire A lbert W illiam
Giles Joseph (T h e Y ew s)
36 A ttw ood A lfred
38 Sim m ons Jam es
P E P P A R D R O A D , C averÂ
40 Picknell F rederick
sham , from P rospect St. to P sham °T rom Cham¡M ou'road ^
Cox^Geo 1' 4'eCteriolJ
- Scow n,, .boot
oot repi
E m m er green.
ill green.
42 C ox G eo.
to M
M ill
Norkett Frederick Georg'
4 T itchener M rs
2 N eison Rev. H erbt. Douglas 46 Seym our Thomas
2 Coad R ichard
A .K .C .L .
(cu rate
in 48 Drew James
p W hite M rs
charge o f S t. Joh n âs, 30 Cottrell Thomas Walter
H erbert Nicholas (A b e rC aversham ) (C h urch h o ) 52 Prior C ornelius
4 W ig m o re E dw ard E rnest 54 Badcock Mrs