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D IR E C T O R Y â 1 91 4.
A rm strong Rev. W illiam , 30 Upper Redlands road
Caudle A lfred Sturge, 295 O xford road
C olebrook M rs. H. A. 30 Craven road
Cook G eorge W illiam , 1 Howard place
Davies W alter J. 32 Market place
Deacon John, 28 A m ity street
D ow ell M rs. 15. Butcherâs Arms, 19 Hosier street
Farrer E dw ard Oliver, H ighclere, Clevedon road, Tileliurst
Fow ler Rev. Canon W illiam Weekes D .s e ., m .a . Earley vicarage. Reading
Frame W illiam j.r . M ilton Lockhart, W arren Heights, Mapledurham
H olm es-W alker Fred W . 28 W averley road
Kensington Col. Edgar, 16 E rleigh road
Lew is Frederick J. 1 O xford road
L ew is G eorge J., H orncastle, Bath road
M orin g Frank E. Fearlville, P riory avenue, Caversham
Rabson John, 12 R ow ley road
R ain bow H enry G eorge, 377 London road
Sparks W illiam , 25 P rospect street
Stebbings W illia m , 44 K in g âs road
W aters H enry, 15 C lifton street
(V acancy)
Clerk to the Guardians & Union Assessment Com mittee, W. H . Oliver,
Guardiansâ offices, 32 Thorn street
Assistant Clerk, J. R . B edford, 32 Thorn street
Treasurer, John Simonds, The Bank, 3 & 4 K in g street
Overseers (parish o f R eading), Denys Eggiuton, T he Chase. 26 Redlands
ro a d ; Edward Oliver Farrer, Highclere, Clevedon road, Tilehurst. ;
Ernest Francis, F ircroft, 3 Southcote road west & W illiam Stebbings,
44 K in g 's road. Superintendent Assistant Overseer, H enry Lund
e . s . a . a . M unicipal buildings, V alpy street
Superintendent R elieving Officer & Collector, Frederick H enry H errin gÂ
ton, 37 L om e street
R elieving & Vaccination Officers, No. 1 district, Ernest S Fenner, 78
E rleigh ro a d ; No. 2 district, George A. Munday, 1 A rgyle street
Inspector under Children Act, 1908 & Assistant R elieving Officer, Miss
L. Freeman, 32 Thorn street
Medical Officers, No. 1 district, Edw ard Lycett Cropp t.n.c.c. Lond.,M.R.c.s.
101 O xford ro a d ; No. 2 district, Frederic W ilson Stansfield M .n ., ch.B.
vicr., b. 120 O xford road ; Tilehurst district, Benjamin Bullen
H osford M.n., ch.B., Glenmore, 52 School road, Tilehurst
Dispenser, John Jones, D overy villa, St. M aryâs road, M ortim er
P u b lic
Vaccinators, R eading d'strict, Frederic W ilson Stausfield m . d . ,
D.r.H.camb. 120 O xford road; Tilehurst d i s t r i c t , Benjamin
Bullen H osford M . n . , c h . B . Glenmore, School road, Tilehurst
c h .B .v ic t .,
Superintendent Registrar, W. H. Oliver, R egister office, 32 Thorn street
R egistrars o f Births & Deaths, St. Gilesâ sub-district, Charles Moss, 304
K in gâs road ; St. M aryâs sub-district, M iss Ada Day, 245 O xford road
Registrars o f Marriages, Ernest G eorge Huggins, 49 W averley road ;
deputy, Charles Moss, 304 K in g âs road & W alter P ercy W righ t, 92
London s tr e e t; deputy, John Richard Bedford, 88 Basingstoke