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G w illiam
Sam uel
H enry
Dennis John
E y lcs Frank Percy
(N orth view )
W hitley Ki ln Steam B rick
Cox Henry W alter
W ork s (G w illiam & Son,
M anning A rthnrFrcderick
W hite W illiam
Evans Joshua
F a i b v i b w TE R R A C E :
(ribbons G eorge
M ay "H ubertfW hitley gro) 1 Miles H arry
2 G ooch A lbert
Dunn Mrs
3 A rslett T hom as
G rove Jam es Henry
4 Digweed W illiam
M arks Joseph Jam es .
Stevens Frederick Charles 5 W icks W illiam
6 Stevens H en ry
W a lb y Leonard
7 M aynard Phillip
S pring Frederick W illiam
3 G ooeh F red erick
(iilkes H erbert W ade
9 G over T hom as
Short Charles E
M akepeace Harry
10 H am blin H enry, d airvin n
Fletcher Charles
N o r fo lk te r r a c e :
G u tch Mrs
1 Clark Charlie John
T hom pson J. Thom as
2 Boshier G eorge
Darmli Win. K. (G len lyn)
3 P ovey E dw ard
Baskett Miss
4 S im m onds Daniel
L am p Post L etter Box
here is Glent rd ............
5 Bishop G eorg e
W hite LeonardLew is (The 6 Dawson T hom as
G len)
7 H untley E dw in
R obinson ClarenceHerbert 8 P ovey G eorge
M alpas Richard
9 S inderburv R obert
Fear H enry James
10 P ocock H en ry
B edford Jn. R icbd. deputy 11 R rooks E iw a rd
registrar o f m arriages
12 B row n T hom as
Soundy Francis
13 Nash W illiam
M orris W aller
R H IN E r iF .L D TE R R A C E :
G old in g Frederick Conway
1 T e g r A rth ur, shopkeeper
W illiam
2 W aite W illiam
( Petw orth)
3 L ew is Frederick John
here is Shenstone r d ......
4 R ogers W illiam F rancis
5 Cook Sydney
B A S IN G S T O K E R O A D , 98 Porter M iss
6 W ellsteed W illiam G eorge
from W hitley street.
to o G oldsm ith W illiam R
7 R ansom G eorge
102 A m brose Arthur
W est side.
8 Potter W illiam
104 C heyney Frank R obert
9 Aust Jolia
here is M ilm an rd ....... 106 Daniel Miss
0 Sm ee
E rnest
2 R ichards T hom as
108 W ard Thom as (C olh am )
H arding
4 Covell Leonard E
110 M orris Henry John (E w 6 Oliver G eorge
Ash ley ter r a ce :
8 Gardiner Stephen Henry 112 Irvin g R obert John
1 L ucas Jam es Henrv
10 Lovesey Robert
114 L ock A braham (A th el- 2 Burchell A lbert Edward
1 12 M acIntyre W illiam Fredk
3 S im m on d s H enry
\ 14 Clark W illiam
4 B roadhurst W alter
here ik R ow ley rd ........
| 16 Damerel H erbert Thom as
5 P oster T h om as
1 h 8 P u rv cr John
6 Partitt M ark
116 Eades J
I 20 Cham p Mrs
118 Brown G eorge F rederick 7 Police S tation (B o r o u g h )
*" 22 Bush Mrs
(J n . B arber, con stable)
120 Sm ith H orace
24 Lovell Mrs
8 Whetman James
122 L loyd Henry
26 Jones Jam es Price
9 Nash W illiam
124 L ong W illiam John
28 W ickens Francis W illiam 126 A lexander Percy Joseph
here is R ose K iln la ........
't 30 Peskett Herbert Alexander 128 G ray H erbert H arvey
i 32 Knill Miss J. J
r p o r a t i o n F a rm o o t s .:
130 Davey R obert E dw ard
34 Hardie John
1 HUes Percy
here is Elgar rd
........ | 2 W ix Alfred
., here is Swam stone rd ...
East side.
2 W hitew ay 1111118.111
4 Ham blin Frederick Geo
6 H aw kins Albert
8 Sm ith E dw ard
here is F ulham rd ........ 52
P L A C E , 56
from 30 T ilehurst road.
4 T u g w ell Albert
6 Sm ith H erbert
8 L ov egrov e John
10 G ood w in W illiam Jam es
B A R T L E T T âS
from 102 Castle street.
1 Sm ith Charles Thom as
ia , L u ck ett John
3 Bond Frank Benjamin
5 Baker G eorg e H enry
7 Perrett W illiam
g Heath Frederick John
11 G ardner W illiam
5 15 Duffield A rthur
' 17 E dw ards Reginald
1 19 Paice Ilarry
21 Boulton Charles
23 K em p Miss
25 Pithers Jam es Blacksell
27 Shayler Charles
29 Josey Francis
33 Anger John Phil .p
35 Y ou n g Ezra
17 M op p elt G eorge
19 O xley A rth ur T ucker