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Three M ile Cross— Herbert, ‘ Black H orse,’ daily, except w e d .; Davey,
‘ E lephant,’ tues, thurs. & sat. ; A lley, ‘ Black H orse,’ d a ily ; Bowrey,
‘ E lephant,’ daily ; Varney, ‘ Duke’s Head,’ daily, except wed. ; Stanford,
‘ B oyal O ak,’ t.ues. thurs. & sat. ; H iggs, at the Forbury, mon. wed. fri.
& sat
i'idm arsh— Brind, ‘ Elephant,’ daily ; Burr, ‘ White H a rt,’ daily
Tilehurst— C. Crocker, ‘ Elephant,’ daily
Turgis— H erbert, ‘ Black H orse,’ tues, thurs. & sat, ; H iggs, at the F or­
bury, mon. wed. fri. & sat
T w y fo rd — Girdler, at the Forbury, daily, except wed. ; Ladd, ‘ R oyal Oak,’
daily, except wed. ; Coke, ‘ Boar’s H ead,’ d a ily ; Davis,. ‘ P eacock,’
U fton — Wise, ‘ Sun,’ wed. & sat. ; Aldridge, ‘ Boar’s Head,’ tues. & sat
W a llin gford —Giles, ‘ W h ite H art,’ tues, thurs. fri. & s a t .; Jackson,
‘ R o y a l Oak ’ & at the Forbury, tues. & fri
W arfield— Barnard, ‘ Black H orse,’ daily, except wed
Wargrave— Ladd, ‘ R oyal Oak,’ daily, except w ed.; G irdler, at the
Forbury, daily, except wed. ; Tarry, ‘ Boar’s Head,’ tues, thurs. & sat
W arren R o w — French, ‘ Black Horse,’ mon. thurs. & gat
W atlington— Jackson, ‘ R oyal Oak ’ & at the Forbury, sat
W ellington C ollege— E lm er, ‘ Boar’s H ead,’ tues, thurs. fri. & sat. ; C ooper,
‘ W hite H a r t,’ tues, thurs. fri. & sat
W hitchurch— B rind, ‘ E lephant,’ daily ; Burr, ‘ W hite H art,’ daily
W inchfield— Brown, ‘ Black H orse,’ tues. & fri
W indsor— Barnard, ‘ Black H orse,’ mon. & fri
W inkfield— Barnard, ‘ Black H orse,’ daily, except wed
W okefield— C. D . Sm ith, ‘ Sun,’ mon. tues, thurs. & sat
W okingham — Barnard, ‘ Black Horse,’ daily, except wed. ; 'Wingfield,
‘ Black H orse,’ tues. & sat. ; Norgate, ‘ R oyal Oak ’ & at the Forbury,
daily ; Tripp, * Duke’s H ead,’ tues, thurs. & sat. ; Cooper, ‘ W hite H a rt,’
tues, thurs. fri. & sat
W ood cote— Havell, ‘ Elephant,’ mon. thurs. & s a t.; H arw ood, ‘ Boar’s
H ead,’ tues, thurs. & sat
W ood ley— Grant, ‘ Peacock,’ mon. tues, thurs. & s a t .; Bonner, ‘ R oya l
Oak,’ tues, thurs & sat
W oolham pton— Johnson, ‘ W hite H art,’ w ed.; Osgood, ‘ W hite H a rt,’
tues. & sat
Y ateley— M ercer, ‘ Black H orse,’ tues, thurs. & sat. ; Maybanks, ‘ Black
H orse,’ tues, thurs. & sat
YattendoD— Germain, ‘ Peacock,’ tues. & sat
Y o rk T ow n — Elm er, ‘ Boar's Head,’ tues, thurs. & sat. ; Hudson, ‘ Black
H orse,’ tues, thurs. & sat. ; Cooper, ‘ W hite H art,’ tues, thurs. fri. &sat.