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Ganderton, m a ster; Miss Emma Lear, m istress; Miss Kate L. Savage,
infantsâ mistress
G reyfriarsâ Church of England, Caversham road, built in 1865, for 509
ch ildren ; average attendance, 4 4 0 ; W. T . K irb y, master ; Miss F .
Chandler, infantsâ mistress
H oly T rinity Church, O xford road, built in 1837, for 116 children;
average attendance, 115; John Crowhurst, master
Lower W h itley National School, Basingstoke rd. (m ixed & infants) ; built
fo r 95 ch ildren ; average attendance, 86 ; Mrs. £ . E . H ickm ott,
Our Lady & St. Anne (Catholic), South View avenue, Caversham ; Sisters
o f the Visitation
H eading â Special â School, Northumberland avenue, built in 1909, for 130
ch ildren ; average attendance, 106; Miss C. T? Darker, head mistross
St. Barnabas (mixed, including infants), Em mer green. Caversham,
enlarged in 1905, for 150 children ; .average attendance, 120 ; Miss
Bobin, head mistress
St. G iles' Church (b oy s & girls), London road, built in 1824 (partly
rebuilt for girls & entirely for boys 1885), for 186 boys & 201 girls ;
average attendance, 160 boys & 175 girls ; A lbert Sm ith, master ; Miss
Annie D rury, mistress
St. Gilesâ Church (infants), Crown street,, for 175 infants ; average attendÂ
ance, 101 ; Miss Martha Rum bold, mistress
St. Jamesâs Catholic (m ixed & infants), Forbury road, built in 1912, for
214 children ; average attendance, 121 ; under the charge o f Sisters of
1â The Christian School â
St. Johnâs Infant, W atlington street, rebuilt 1872, for 230 children ; average
attendance, 1 5 0 ; Miss A ld a 15. Best, mistress
St.' Johnâs, Queen's road, bu ilt in 1860, enlarged in 1894 & in 1908 ;
average attendance, 250 ; W illiam Sadler, master
St. Johnâs (m ix e d ), St. Johnâs road, Low er Caversham, built in 1895, for
490 ch ild ren ; average attendance, m ixed 253, infants 214 ; A lfred
W inkw orth, head m aster; Miss S. M. Owens, head mistress
St. Laurence, Forbury, built in 1855, for 443 children ; average attendance,
2 5 0 ; Thomas H ayward, master
St. M aryâs, H osier street, built in 1851, for 658 children ; average atten Â
dance, 4 0 9 ; C. G. H. Smith e.e . i .s. master ; Miss M. Dadley, mistress ;
M iss L. Hickson, infantsâ mistress
St. P eterâs School, Church road, E arley (m ixed & infants), built in 1850
& enlarged In 1869, 1879, 1886 & 1890, for 270 ch ild re n ; average
attendance, 2 1 0 ; H. J. W ooldridge, m a ster; Miss Rose L iddiard,
St. Peterâs (boys, girls & iufauts), School lane, Caversham ; average attenÂ
dance, 4 5 0 ; R obert P. Lunn, m aster; Miss Florence E. Cooke, girlsâ
m istress; Mrs. E . Lunn, infantsâ mistress
St. Stephenâs, New Tow n, built in 1866, enlarged in 1872; average attenÂ
dance, 2 5 4 ; Edwin Ilopcraft, master
Almshouses, New lane, Tilehurst
Berks C lergy Charity, 9 Cross s t . ; Geo. Edw d. Boulderson Rogers, clerk
Berkshire County N ursing Association, 122 Castle s tre e t; M iss T aylor,
county superintendent
Berkshire C ounty N ursing Home, 122 Castle s t . ; Miss G. W righ t,m a tron
Castle Street Almshouses, Castle street