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n 6
C h a th am str e e t â con .
83 Nobes W alter
85, 87 & 89 Butler & Sons,
beer & spirit
m erchants
91 Tanner W illiam
93 Sm ith Herm an
95 R ichardson Phikler
97 Chown Herbert
99 Sm ith Thom as
101 Randall Frank, grocer
103 Day Charles
105 Butler W illiam
107 Corp Frederick
109 Balchin G eorge
h i H odges G eorge Henry
113 G ibbs H enry Alfred
115 Strong Christy, fly paper
m aker
115 Martin Edward
117 Ham blin Misses
119 K in g John, shopkeeper
123 P lum ridge A lfred Victor,
general shop
B e d fo r d c o u r t :
- 2 Payne H en ry A rthur
4 Lunnon G eorge
125 G ou ld Charles
129 W ilson W illiam
131 H utchings James
135 Day W illiam
137 Peters Edward
139 W icks John
141 Brown A rth ur
143 Jones A rthur
145 Tigw ell A lfred George
147 Pem broke H en ry G eorge
149 Hopes Mrs
153 Ellis M rs. E. shopkeeper
155 Fraser Thofnas
157 Brown Mrs
159 Rathell G eorge
161 Parsons M rs
163 W allace R ichard Ernest
165 D u ncanW m .R obt.shpk pr
167 Fâ ord Joseph
169 T u rn er Frederick
171 Heath Charles
173 F'abry A lbert Edward
175 Vass Mrs. Eliza, shopkpr
24 T eg g Albert
26 Sutton G eorge E. wood
here is Som erset p i.......
28 Clarke G . & Son, chim ney
30 Blandy John Riehd. baker
32 Parker Charles
34 A llwright Joseph
38 H am blin G eorge
40 Holland Mrs
42 Lailey Fâ red
44 Batt W illiam
46 Lailey Arthur
48 H eckett Mrs
50 Shaw Charles
52 Russell Mrs
54 Lew ington W illiam
56 Haines W illiam John
58 Pyke F'rank
60 L am bert W illiam
62 Seward James
64 M cD onough Mrs. Eliza,
news agent
66 Lake Alfred
68 Allen Mrs
70 Pocock Nathaniel Henry
72 Mitchell T hom as
74 Hutchins David
... here is Chatham cou rt ...
Kelsey Charles
Beckingham Edward
Corp Frederick
Parsons Edward
Bowell R ichard
W insor John H. R. W
. here is Y ork pi.
90 Tilton John
92 Sim m onds F'red
94 H am G eorge
96 B utler W alter
98 G ibbs James
100 C ooper Mrs
102 Capel W illiam
104 U opkinson A lbt. boot ma
106 Prior W illiam
108 Pickett E dwin
110 W ernham Henry
112 Elkins E dw ard G eorge
114 Bull John
North side.
116 H unt W illiam A lfred
2 & 4 W arren W illiam ,grocr 118 Blake G eorge
8 Davis Isaac
R ailway Mission Hall
here is Thorn pi ....... ... here is M alt H ouse la ...
14 Plested G eorge, boot m a
120 Kitchell G eorge
16 M asterm an G eorge
122 Sear Alfred
20 Slatcher E rnest, second 124 Perris Charles
hand fu rn itu re dealer
126 Briant M r»
22 W arren W illiam , grocer
128 G ibbs G . V. R
130 H unt 'Edward
132 W ilson T hom as
134 Hendey Jam es H enry,
insurance agent
136 R ay H erbert A lfred
138 W inston Thom as
140 Bulpitt John W illiam
142 Groves Mrs
144 Green Henry
146 M itchell Chas. boot ma
148 H ooper F ras.H ret
C H E A P S ID E ,
from O xford road to Friar street.
East side.
2 to 8 M cllroy W illia m L im .
drapers & house fu r Â
nishers & restaurant
W est side.
1 B rom oA rtC o photogrphrs
3a, Felgate Mrs
3a, M ontague Sidney, artiÂ
ficial teeth m anufactr
3a, Bancroft Richard
S Misfit
C lothing Co
T he
(T heatre) of Varieties
L td. (registered office)
from 10 W est street.
A ckerm an W alter Charles
Charlton Frederick
N orcett Samuel
H um phrey Carrol
C H E R R Y CO U R T, from
22 Castle street to Castle sq.
& 3 R obinson E dwin
Lunnon W illiam
Cleary Jam es T hom as
Hawkins G eorge
Choules Ernest W illiam
W ild W alter
Savage Frederick
Barker James
C aversbam , from 26 ProsÂ
pect st. to H em dean road.
N orth side,
B ulpitt David Darius
Bizley T hom as James
Davis H. A . m usic teaehr
W hipp Harold
Plant David, parish clerk
of C aversham
11 Bobin Miss