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i *3
107 H om eâs G u n & C ycle 211 R udland W illiam A rnold,
¡ 1 Herman W illiam
g reen grocer
53 House T om G eorge
213 T he M oderation
P . 1I.
109 G ray G eo ge grocer
57 Fry G eorge W illiam
P ercy W esley T o b itt
Skinner S. & C. a g ricu l i n M anning G eo.h air dressr
tural engineers
113 & 115 V incent W illiam , ... here is R andolph rd ...
217 A m ps Sidney
S m ith Fred, agricultural
117 Sturgeon W alt.G .tobcn st 219 Peach E rnest B. dentist
219 Eillen M dm e. costu m ier
W ood W alter, agricultural 119 Newth W illiam
125 R othw ell W illiam H enry 221 T im berlake W alter E dw d
... here are P odm ore cots ... 127 Silverdale L aundry (r e  223 M aynard Charles & S on,
launch proprietors
59 Duke of E dinburgh P .H .
ceiving office)
Charles Oscar F ox
127 Hopkins Fred, boot ma
225 W ells J. tailor
59a, R ichardson Geo. H arry 129 W heeler H enry G eorge
227 Sm ith Misses L . & W .
here is Abattoirs r d ....... 131 W atts W illiam
refreshm ent room s
LEON ARD , ................ here is T ham es side
here G . W . R ailw ay crosses 133 BAKER
61 R ed ford T hom as
p rom enade.....................
m otor garage. See adÂ
61 & 63 W heeler Brothers (o f
Drinking Fountain
vertisem ent
here is Swansea rd ...... Eastâs Boat B uilding Co. L td .
R eading) L im ited, bldrs
61 & 63 H oare & W heeler, 139 Duvall Gaston, fruiterer
(C aversham b rid ge)
141 W eight W m . J. co n fe ctn r Caversham B ridge hotel,
65 T inklin H erbert F. tbcnst 143 R obertson Jam es, dining
Miss H am , m anageress
65 H ayden & Batter, carvers
room s
East side.
67 Barkus W illiam Jeffries
145 H erm on Charles H enry
Beer Fred, coach painter 147 M anning W illiam E rnest, G reyfriarsC hurch of E ngland
hair dresser
here is Sackville s t ........
& m anufac 149 E rrin gton Mrs. Eleanor,
6 R ew ley M rs. A nn ie, con fr
turers of pulleys, shaftÂ
oil dealer
8 to 12 R eading Industrial
ings &c.
(Berks iron 151 B utler A rth u r, dairy
C o-operative
w orks). T el. No. 86
153 W alters
P ercy Edgar,
L im ited (F .J .W ick s.sec)
67a, Barkus W illiam Jeffries,
carm an
here is Y ork rd ....... 14 E g b y Hy. ju n .b eer retailer
67a, Lewis
H enry,
sen. 155 Tossell G eorge J. grocer 16 M ORING
m anu facturing co n fe c Â
m echanical engineer
157 Joint G eorge, boot maker
tioner & w holesale dealer
.. here are Northfield co ts ... 159 Royal
Berks Laundry
in g rocersâ & chem istsâ
9 Davis R obert
(receivin g office)
19a, Hicks Mrs. (T he E lm s) 167 S eym ou r A lbert E dw ard,
haberdashery, toy s &
1 C um m in gsâ Boot Repairing
fried fish shop
F actory, boot repairers 169 F'lashm anHy.harness m a
ta, H arrison G . W . m an u  171 Russell Benjam in, tbcnst 18 D unn W illiam , d ecorator,
w riter & grainer. See
facturing chem ist
173 G odfrey H arry, draper
advertisem ent
. here is Northfield rd ... 177 Sm ith A rth. W m . butchr
F ron t Cover
75 Crook A lfred
179 Reed Henry
20 H old stock A rch ibald H y.
77 Wâ ellerHy. Jas. dining rms 181 N oon Lew is W illiam
bu tcher
81 W A R R IC K JOH N & C O . 183 H olloway Frederick
22 K napp W illia m , green g ro
m anu fac 185 W ebber A lfred
24 A p pleby A rth u r W illia m ,
turers of the â W arrickâ 187 T im berlak e John
fried fish shop
m otor & cycle carriers 189 W right Daniel M ayers
26 T ibbie F rederick, baker
(M onarch C ycle W orks) 191 Phipps G eorge
30 T hom as & M ajor, hair
83 Sm ith John, carm an & 193 Johnston H ugh
193 T aylor
& S im m on d s,
32 D rew A lfred C has.tobccnxt
87 BrunsdenA lgernonE rnest,
dress m akers
36 A llsop T hos. & Sons,
d ru g stores
195 B utler M rs
co rn dealers
89 Mayes Fredk. dining rm s 197 Denham Owen
91 Sm ith Mrs. tobacconist
197 Denham Miss, dress m a 36 W ith e rs Mrs
here is V achel rd ........
93 Nightingale James
W . 199 D arling A lfred James,
parish c le rk ,G re y Friars 38 T h e .P rem ier P .H . M rs.
97 Bannister Miss, confctnr
201 B m n sd en Mrs
E llen Jane C hart
99 Lewis G eorge
203 Papps Mrs
40 D unlop & S on, corn & coal
101 Fendrick Otto Alfred
205 Baker Thom as, au ctionr
m erch a n ts
105 Reeves F red, rustic seat 207 C ollier Osborne
44 P ullen George, grocer
m anufacturer
209 Parker M rs. confectioner 46 Gant Henry, greengrocer