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Oxfo rd
r o a d ,R e a d i n g
â con. 447 Brett Geo. herbal stores
363 Shackel & Shackel, fancy
here is C onnaught rd ...
367 N ewm an H . hair dresser
369 Halstead A rthur, confr
371 D yer H arry, p ork butchr
373 Snow M iss, confectioner
BANK (A lbert Thom as
H iggs, actu ary ) (w est
bran ch ) (office hours n
to 3 except wed. ; wed.
10.30 to 12.30 ; evenings,
m on. & sat. 6 to 8).
See advertisem ent
377 Davies H, Allen, accnt
379 D edm an Joh n, fancy gds
381 H u tchin gs & AppsM isses,
w ardrobe dealers
383 Farrell M issB ertba,tbcnst
385 Ennew Jsp h .W m .beer ret
here is A lbany rd
387 G rant M rs. B eatrice,dairy
389 N elson Jam es & Sons
L im ited, butchers
391 Glassey H enry
393 G ilbert H enry
395 M orris A rchibald,butcher
401 Sainsbury & Co. printers
405 W ooden Charles G . confr
407 B orough of R eadingM edical Society Ltd. (b ra n ch )
here is E lm Park rd ..
409 Dawson Charles Thom as,
411 M cL ean W illiam , tbccnst
413 M cK ean A lfred, ham &
beef shop
417 W h itch er W alt, hair drsr
421 B orough ofReadingSteam
L au n dry C o.L im ited(W .
R. M offitt, m anager)
423 W heeler Mrs. R. fruiterer
425 M aypole Dairy Co. Lim
427, 39 & 168 F letcher W . &.
R. Lim ited, butchers
here is Belm ont rd ........
429 W ood R obert, chem ist
431 G lazier G eorge A rth ur,
fishm onger
433 Chapm an T. butcher
437 International Tea C o.âs
Stores L im ited, grocers
439 Cotterell G eorge, boot ma
441 Dow ning H enry, hardÂ
w are dealer
443 M itson John James & Co.
here is Cranbury rd
541 R eading Industrial C oÂ
operative S ociety L im .
here is W antage r d .......
543 SaundersReginald Harry,
545 Barnwell Frederick W m .
hair dresser
547 H udson A . W . butcher
549 B eckwith Hy. fancy drpr
G rovelaads N ew Baptist
... here is W ilson vd ........
555 Brown Ernest, fishm ongr
Depot Barracks, Princess
W alesâ
(R oyal Berkshire R eg iÂ
... here is K ensington rd
m en t)
(1st Battalion
49th foot & 2nd BattaÂ
465 A ngus Geo. S. coal m er
lion 66th foot & head
471 Blom gren C. jew eller
quarters of 3rdB attalion)
473 K n igh t E dw ard, uphlstr
(Special R eserve) (officer
475 Josey Sidney
com m an din g depot,M aj.
477 Bernard A lbert Charles,
Frank W igram Foley
pianoforte tuner
D .S .O .; adjutant, 3rd
479 P orch Miss
Battalion (Special R eÂ
483 Howell Edward, cycle ma
serve) Royal Berkshire
485 Phillips W m . G confr
R egim ent, Capt. A. M.
487 W ilson B ertie, fruiterer
H oldsw orth ; L ieut. 1«'.
493 W infred W alter, butcher
qu arterÂ
495 A dey R ichard Charles,
m aster ; Capt. L. W .
refreshm ent room s
B ird ; Capt. 0 . Steele ;
497 Brunsden Cecil Claud,
Capt. G . W . H opton ;
d ru g stores
Lieut. A . G. F\ Isaac
499 S M A L L B O N E
m otor engnr. & factor& L ieut. E. M. A llfrey )
499 O xford Cold S torage & 601 Giles Charles S. butcher
603 Stevens H . boot repairer
Ice Co. L im ited (T h e )
605 L egg Jam es, corn dealer
... here is E lm L odge aven ... 607 A ppleton W alter
503 Barclay
Com pany 609 Raisey F'rederiek James
L im ited, bankers
611 Silver Mrs
507 H art Charles
613 B orough Police (W e st)
509 Connop Edward Leonard
Station (W m . Marsh,
511 R obinson James
513 Pierpoint Henry
615 Salter
H arry
H ooper,
515 Coles W illiam , grocer
517 Purdue A. hair dresser
here is Beecham r d .......
519 Scruton W illiam A rthur
P rim itive
M ethodist
521 C hild A lbert E dw ard
523 A nderson Stanley, p ro  623 W ilson H arry, hair d rssr.
vision dealer
& tobacconist
525 G oodyear W illiam , confr 625 E ggleton H arry,
527 Stevens W m . John, btchr
fish shop
531 Sloper Ernest, tobacconist 627 Steel A lbert,w ardrobe dir
535 W est R eadingLiberalClub 629 W yn n Sam uel George,
(A . A. Nash, sec)
537 & 13 Langston & Sons, 631 G lenlster Mrs. butcher
633 Stevens Joseph
537 Langston W . B
635 Jones W illiam
539 R endell J. W alron d, solr 637 Jackson Thom as
641 Sm ith M rs
449 W aghorn P ercy E dw ard
449 Fosbery W . H u bert S.,
M .A .,M .D ., B.C.Cantab.
p hysician & surgeon
(su rg e ry )
431 G eorge John H enry
453 G auron W illiam
4S5 M atthews M rs.fancy d rp r
457 Dougall H arry M. ironÂ
m onger
459 W'insJow H erbert, picture
fram e m aker
461 A nderton M rs. Rosina,
463 Brewer Jam es, butcher