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A l p h a s t r e e t â c o n t in u e d .
58 Willoughby Mrs
60 Pocock George
62 Gardiner Mrs
89 Sellw ood E dw ard
91 Sibley Elias
93 H olloway Mrs
95 Sibley E rnest G eorge
97 Sibley H arry
101 Lapham Ernest Charles
105 Allen W illiam
E ast side.
107 Dolton Charles W illiam
1 G riffin John
109 Sibley R obert
3 Anderson Ernest Henry
h i E yre E dw ard
5 L ov ejo y Stephen
113 C um m in gs John
7 L u d low John
115 Bird F rederick G eorge
9 W akefield Charles
117 W hippey W illiam H enry
11 U nderw ood G eorg e Thos
119 Carter Ernest
13 Dickm an R ich ard
121 Slade Miss, dress m aker
121 Slade Joseph
A L P I N E S T R E E T , from 123 Allaw ay W illiam
23 E lgar road to S o u th  125 Dangell Jam es
127 N orm an Charles Albert
am pton street.
129 Saunders Charles Albert
N orth side.
131 M ace V incent W alter
1 F letcher A lvah G eorge
133 Hill T hom as Samuel
3 Stevens Mrs
135 Cross Joseph
S W ilson H arry
141 Chard F rederick
7 Barlow G eorge H enry
143 A lborough W alter
9 W rig h t R ichard Jam es
145 Bond Jam es Henry
11 Lunn Charles H ubert
147 S eym ou rG eo.S am l.S tphn
13 W ithers H en ry
149 P ottinger W illiam
15 Saw yer E dw ard
151 Latter A lbert H en ry
17 B ailey R ichard
S outh side.
19 Hayes Mrs
21 Pennell Mrs
here is Edgehill st .......
23 W itcom b W alter G eorge
2 W hichello R obert H en ry
25 H awkins John
4 M atthias W illiam
27 Hill Charles
6 Sainsbury Joh n H enry
29 M iller James
8 Sm ith H enry V ictor
31 Bell T h om as W illiam
10 H u nt E d w ard, shopkeeper
33 H erridge T hom as
12 C ooper H en ry G
35 M oney A rth ur Francis
14 Foster Mrs
37 N orris Charles
16 Dell G eorge
39 W ade W illiam
18 Franklin A lbert A rth ur
41 M itchell Mrs
20 Maskell G eorge James
43 Cook A lfred
22 H illier T hom as
45 T u rn er W illiam Charles
24 Brazell W illiam H enry
47 Knapp G eorge
26 Parsons John H enry
49 Bleach G eorge
28 L arge W illiam
51 Barnes M rs
30 Shaw Joseph
S3 D ibley Mrs
32 H arvey E d w in F
55 Sadler Charles
34 C ow dery H arry Jam es
57 C ooper Sam uel
36 Y o u n g G eorge
59 A dlam G eorge
38 Stew ard Stanley
61 Allen James
40 Barnes W illiam
63 D ow ner T hom as G e o rg e
42 C lem ents T hom as
65 W a rd John
44 Stew ard W alter
67 Biddles T hom as
46 L lo y d W illiam
69 W hite F red erick W illiam 48 W arw ick T h om as J a m e s
71 G lenn H erbert Jam es
50 N aylor
Mrs. F loren ce,
73 M anning A lbert H en ry
75 H ollow ay E d w in F redk
52 Illsley H en rv
79 C ope W illiam E dw ard
54 G oddard W iiliam
81 H orw ood F rederick
56 C ooper Jam es Charles
Sm ith M rs
Keep Mrs
C um m ins Miss M artha
Fuller H enry G eorge
M artin A lbert
64 Powers Thomas
A M H E R S T R O A D , from
St. Peterâs rd. to Jubilee rd.
North side.
3 West George Herbert
5 Parfitt Harry
7 Carter Charles
9 Earley Fred
11 Fidler William
13 Horwood Frederick Wm
15 Prior Mrs
17 Askew John
19 Chandler Mrs
21 Blackman Harry
23 Boddington Cyril
25 Brown George
27 Bozier Thomas
29 Bacon Herbert E
31 Wickens Chas. Hy. dairy
South side.
William Anderson MemoÂ
rial Hall (Baptist)
Baptist Church (Anderson
10 Townsend Frederick Geo
12 Bunce John
r4 W igmore Henry James
16 Burroughs George
18 Harris Charles
20 Corby Joseph, insur. agnt
22 Budden Herbert E. A
24 Brown George Henry
26 Cotton William Edwin
28 Lewendon Frederick John
30 Small Frederick Charles
A .M IT Y R O A D , from 233
London road to Amity street.
West side.
1 Woodley Richard
5 Simpson James
7 Seymour Frank William
9 George Edwin
11 Dixon Charles
13 Fidler James William
13 Fidler Mrs. E.
15 Soper Miss
19 Cullum Alfred George
21 Clark John Thomas
23 Palmer James
25 Rosier Walter
27 King William Job
29 Barton Mrs
31 Sloan Mrs
33 Fidler Richard
35 Godwin Frederick
37 Bushell William