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6 R eynolds John
8 G off A lfred H enry
10 W o rto n P. L y n d on M .P.S. 14 R eading M arxian W o rk Â
ch em ist
ing M en âs C lub & In Â
10 Haines E dw ard
10a, Sharp A rth u r Leopold
stitu te (C has. H ow kin s,
12 T u rn er John
hair dresser
L odge A lbert
12 Hill Joh n, co ffe e h o u se
16 B landy, H aw kins & Co.
if' 16 P alm er Jam es
14 Hancock & Falkner, watch
brew ers & wine
18 Reeves Alfred
m akers
m erchants
20 W areham H arry
14 Falkner Ernest W illiam
18 Burden C harles, beer retlr
2 2 A lum R ichard T hom as
1 6 Fisher A m os, p lu m ber & 20 W aters W illia m , sh opkpr
house d ecorator
here are John a L a rd erâs
24 G ran th am A rth u r Ernest
26 R ooke W illiam
18 N orris R obert
b ld g s.................
28 Clack Jam es
20 Capital % Counties Bank 22 Bear in n ,F red erick G eorg e
L im ited ( W .S.H atherell
3 ° C lovelly Mrs
m anager) (su b-b ra n ch )
here is F obn ey st ........
32 T aunton A rth ur
22 D unlop & S on, corn & coal
34 Hall Ernest
S im on ds H. & G . L im ited,
m erchants
brewers & w ine & spirit
36 R obinson Jeffrey
22 L ew is T hom as
3 8 E therington Jam es
m erchants (offices)
40 L aunehbury David
B arclay
C om pany 32 Kingston A ustin Charles
42 A llen E dw ard
L im ited, bankers
34 W A L K E R
... here is C hurch rd ..
44 R ichardson H enry G eorge
coal m erchant
46 P innock Carey
36 H arding M rs
48 T ay lor T om
38 L ee T h om as, beer retailer
S2 V ince A rth u r T hom as
B R ID G E S T R E E T , from 40 G ou gh H enry
54 H arrison F rederick Chas
St. M aryâs butts to South 42 B u ttrey John
56 Chapm an Oliver
R eading U rban S an itary
am pton street.
58 Cox W alter E dw ard, dairy
A u th ority P u b lic M o rÂ
.. here is M arsack st ....
tu a ry
60 Phillips G eorge
1 C ross K eys P. H , G eorge
64 M oore A rth ur
A. Griffin
B R I G H A M R O A D , from
66 M aber F red erick P rice
3 W ard G ordon , news agent
90 Caversham road.
68 Bosher H a rry, carpenter
5 T h e G lobe P .H ., W illiam
West side.
Pem berton
R ID G E S T R E E T , C aver- 15 R oyal Berkshire Mineral
buildersâ merchants
W ater Co
sham ,
from Caversham
1 Cutts (ieorge Robert
IS T a y lo r & Gillard, saw mas
3 Seymour William
17 S tran som E dw ard, corn
5 Church James
E ast side.
m erchant
7 Goldstein Maurice
C aw ston E dw ar 1 Joseph, 19 F riendly Societiesâ Assein
9 Beasley Frederick Albert
bly R oom s (M rs. B loom Â
boat bu ilder
11 Dunster Mrs
field, caretaker)
F reebody E rnest (W illo w
13 Collingridge James
here is G as la ...
view )
15 Volte William
S im on ds H. & G . L im ited,
F reeb od y
& S on , boat
17 Soane James
brewers & wine & spirit
builders (W illo w g r o tto )
19 Davis Charles Hy. tailor
m erchants
T he C row n hotel, T hom as
East side.
29 & 31 Baynes & Sherborne,
W . Andress
2 Anderson Alfred
tim b e r m erchants
5 Cross A lfred G eorge
4 Holdstock Archibald Hy
31 H anch Joseph
17 Phillips W illiam S m ith
11 B orough of R eading M edi 33 M ay Augustus, w ard rb e.d lr 6 Mason William Henry
8 Large James
S ociety
L im ited 35 Daniell Jerem iah,earpontr
37 K ent D ouglas J. agent for
(b ra n ch )
S utton & Co. carriers
B R I G H T S T R E E T , from
3 G ardiner H enry Stephen,
39 M ay A ugustus, refreshÂ
Henrietta street.
m ent room s
7 Baker Fredk. boot m aker
South side
9 B erry M rs. Clara, saddler
2 Frankum Jesse
2 & 4 H u m m el m a 4 Cains William
W est side.
4 H arris G eorge, hair drssr
6 Chalker He m y
4 Sim m ons Joseph Bruce,
6 E vangelisticM issionR oom s 10 Carini Mrs
C ongregation al
S unday 12 H od g es S idn ey V ictor
6 W ard A rch ibald M ason,
14 R e d b u rn Charles
12 Smith
Charles, 16 W aters Charles A tkins
Telephone Call Office
marine store dealer
18 C ook A lbert
Howes James, tobacconist