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156 GUN
88 Sm ith
A rthur E dw ard
W est side.
(T h e R etreat)
2 Turner A rthur
...... here is Brisbane rd ...
4 House R ichard Sam uel
90 W hinch W illiam Henry
6 Coltm an Frederick
92 W hite Miss
94 Rain John David,house agt
H A M I L T O N R O A D , fron
9 6 Hancock W illiam
W okingham road to W hite
98 H arper Rev. W alter H u go
knights road.
M .A .
G eorge'
W est side.
104 R eading G olf Club (S
G eorge Collier, hon.sec)
A G E (F .M ood y , propr)|
Stark W illiam
2 M oody F rederick E m psoil
4 Ritson RobertM . A.Cam b.
L .R .C .P .L on d.,M .R .C .S
Bridge St. to M idster st.
Eng. physician & sur
geon (B landford house)
1 Cross Keys P.H. George
acdonald W alt. Thos 1
A. Griffin
8 Thatcher W illiam
3 A lbu ry G ilbert
10 Coates Miss A lice
3 & 4 P oynder E. & Son,
12 M offatt Mrs
14 H annay Frau, teacher oi
5 & 6 Mays & M ackay Lim .
germ an
oil, paint & chem ical
16 H enwood Thom as Edward
m erchants
7 S avory Daniel, wardrobe 18 B ayley Miss
22 Brenn H arry
28 Collins John (L y n w ood )
8 R iddles Jam es
9 M ay John H erbert, iron 28 Collins Miss E. M . nurse
(L y n w ood )
m onger
30 Hawkins W illiam
10 W arr John H enry,saddler
32 K irke Edwin
11 & 12 Collins & Son, dyers
13 & 14 H art & Sons, iron 38KeyArth. Jas. (TheFirs nth
40 W right A rth ur John (Thi
m ongers
Firs sou th )
15 T he Shades P.H . M rs. S.
42 Sadler W illiam (TheLilies'
A. Arlett
44 Bartlett W m . J. (Rosslyn'
66 M axwell C hristopher (Th<
H A O L B Y R O A D , from
Shenstone road to R ow ley 68 H aigh W illiam M .A .,B .Sc.
70 Haynes M iss(N orth Dene]
East side.
72 W ebber M isses(Sth.Dene]
1 Boag G eorge R obert
74 Saxvyer Mrs. T. (Glen3 N ewland G u y M ayo
W est side.
5 Crook Ernest John
76 V ince Edward A rcher
Fabry Frank, builder
7 V incent Frank
78 M artin Jam es
R eading Industrial Co 9 Barnard R eginald Charles 80 C ox H en ry G eorge
operative S ociety Ltd. 11 H am m ond Joseph
82 W oodley H erbert Edward
(b akery)
13 W ickens W illiam A lbert
84 Shepherd W illiam Henry
68 R u b y Mrs
15 W ilson W illiam Benjam in
(B en W yv is)
70 H eym er John Frederick 17 Phippen Charles
86 Austin Misses
(L yn d h u rst)
here is R ow ley rd ........
M uirheadD avid(T olcarne)
72 A b ery T hom as
19 Sanderson H enry
90 Jones M rs. Bruce
74 W allin Miss M arion
21 K elk H en ry
92 Board A lfred M illard
76 C ordery W illiam Charles 23 Jones Charles
92 Board Miss E. R
78 Christopher Thom as
27 Pike H enry R ichard
94 Sparrow Jam es
80 G ibbins H enry
29 P u rdy P ercival
96 Constable M aurice H arold
82 B utcher Thom as, piano 31 Moss James
98 Blay Mrs. (Stanton) .
forte tuner
33 Baldock Frank
100 P em ose James
84 Beck Charles H enry
35 Cam pbell W illiam
102 Perrin Mrs. (L axfield)
86 M organ E d gar Percy
37 Johnson G eorg e F redk
here is C rescent rd
G rovelands r oad â con.
Smithers M rs
Kilrainster W alterE dw ard
Bath John
G ibbons Leonard
Stonard George
G aw thorn Miss
Maine Frederick
Sum m ers W illiam Edwd
F room e W alter
B iddlecom be Mrs
Burnap F rederick James
S 3 D istrict Brass & W indow
C leaning Co. (T h e )
55 Hughes James
57 W ilkin Frank
59 C uthbert Mrs. E
61 L ay Mrs
â¢63 B ow er Mrs
65 Shorter Mrs
... here is St. G eorgeâs ter .,
71 T am e Thom as
73 C uthbert G eorge
75 C ox W illiam
77 F ox Charles
79 W illiam s Frederick
81 W itts Ben
83 C ox W illiam John
85 R ym ill Frederick
87 T aylor Thom as
89 Dawson W alter W illiam
91 Jam es Horace
93 H um phries W illiam
95 Slade Frederick G eorge
97 W hite W illiam
99 Stevens H erbert Thom as
io r Shord A lfred H
W all Letter Box
here is W averley r d ......
103 Hatherell Snowden(H illsborou gh )
117 Collier Edward PhilipJ.P.
(W est grove)